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Highly Diversified Cropping in Live Trellis System

Highly Diversified Cropping in Live Trellis System [Philippines]

Gliricidia sepium locally known as "kakawate" served as live trellis / or anchorage for annual crops (mostly creeping-type vegetables) and erosion control measure. The technology is well-adopted in the community providing immediate food for the farmers and increased income due to diversified farming.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Artificial Reef

Artificial Reef [Philippines]

Artificial Reef is a fish aggregating device that is considered as a sustainable alternative in the islands of Bohol. This technology can withstand the effects of gale warning, typhoons and extreme heat.

  • Compilador/a: Keeshia Lynn Marie Austria
Stone bunds and small basins

Stone bunds and small basins [Philippines]

Piling of stones and rocks along the contour to control run-off and soil erosion. It is also about the creation of small basins by removing stones and using them as barriers.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Planted Vegetative Strips (PVS)

Planted Vegetative Strips (PVS) [Philippines]

Planting of economic crops/forages in strips along the contour to control soil loss through erosion.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Firebreaks/ Greenbreaks

Firebreaks/ Greenbreaks [Philippines]

Gaps in vegetation or other combustible material that act as barriers to prevent and/ or control the spreading of forest fires to other areas.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Modified Rapid Composting

Modified Rapid Composting [Philippines]

Modified Rapid Composting is the in situ decomposition of rice straw using compost fungus activator, Trichoderma harzianum or Effective Microorganism, that helps in utilizing the residual Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) from the decomposed rice straw.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Multi-Storey Cropping

Multi-Storey Cropping [Philippines]

Cultivating a mixture of crops with different heights (multi-storey) and growth characteristics which together optimise the use of soil, moisture and space.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Rainfed paddy rice terraces

Rainfed paddy rice terraces [Philippines]

Terraces supporting rainfed paddy rice on steep mountain slopes: these have been in existence for more than a thousand years.

  • Compilador/a: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies