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Integrated Farming System [Índia]

technologies_1085 - Índia

Completude: 73%

1. Informação geral

1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da tecnologia

Pessoa(s) capacitada(s)

Especialista em GST:
Especialista em GST:

Pradhan Gandhi

Malkangiri Po/Dist: Malkangiri Orissa Pin: 764048 India


Especialista em GST:

Pradhan Damodar

Malkangiri Po/Dist: Malkangiri Orissa Pin: 764048 India


Especialista em GST:

Panda R.K

Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute

Semiliguda, Koraput, Orissa, India


Especialista em GST:

Mohanty B.B

Sarvodaya Samiti

Koraput, Odisha 764020, India


Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/ avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
Sarvodaya Samiti - Índia

1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT

Quando os dados foram compilados (no campo)?


O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:


1.5 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre as abordagens da GST

2. Descrição da tecnologia de GST

2.1 Descrição curta da tecnologia

Definição da tecnologia:

Growing of crops for food, fodder trees and fibre forest in a compact patch.

2.2 Descrição detalhada da tecnologia


This technology has mainly to be applied on 5 Ha.of private waste land of poor farmers to increase production. This technology focuses on life fencing, planting of trees for both timber and food varieties, land development, water availability and green manuring. Three line bamboo plantation has been done by laying method at all along the boundary line. Agave also planted at boundary line to give additional protection. Then proper compartmentation has been done keeping intact the total area of individual land holders. Here 'V' ditches has been provided accross the slope of total land. Some fruit and fodder, forest trees were planted all along the bunds and inside the field. The density of tree plantation at crop field is less. So as to facilitate crop cultivation. Gullies has also been arrested by construction of gully control structures. One waterhole has been excavated for life saving irrigation. To manage field waste and to get green manure three compost pits also established.

Establishment / maintenance activities and inputs: After several meeting and interaction with village people, this technology has been established. All the land users where technology is applied were fully engaged for every construction work. So as to have a clear understaing of each small intervention. As this technology uses locally available materials, its maintenance by land users become easy.

Natural / human environment: Here Soil & Water Conservation has been given importance, hence more vegetative cover has been noticed in and around technology area. Increase of soil fertility has also been noticed. Complete barren land conveted in to crop land. So the technology has positive impact on the environment undoubtedly.

2.3 Fotos da tecnologia

2.5 País/região/locais onde a tecnologia foi aplicada e que estão cobertos nesta avaliação





Especificação adicional de localização:


2.6 Data da implementação

Caso o ano exato seja desconhecido, indique a data aproximada:
  • menos de 10 anos atrás (recentemente)

2.7 Introdução da tecnologia

Especifique como a tecnologia foi introduzida:
  • através de projetos/intervenções externas
Comentários (tipos de projeto, etc.):

Project SWC Specialist utilizing the earlier experience in the project and other area.

3. Classificação da tecnologia de GST

3.1 Principal/principais finalidade(s) da tecnologia

  • Melhora a produção
  • Reduz, previne, recupera a degradação do solo

3.2 Tipo(s) atualizado(s) de uso da terra onde a tecnologia foi aplicada

Terra improdutiva

Terra improdutiva


Wastelands, deserts, glaciers, swamps, recreation areas, etc


Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Due to slope and lack of vegetation cover, majority top soil were lost and many gullies also formed as a result there was no scope for cultivation.

Major land use problems (land users’ perception): The soil was hard, no fertility, land is slopy. So there was no scope for any kind of cultivation in the same patch of land.

Constraints of wastelands / deserts / glaciers / swamps: Slope, Soil loss

3.3 Mais informações sobre o uso da terra

Número de estações de cultivo por ano:
  • 1

Longest growing period in days: 150 Longest growing period from month to month: Jun - Oct

3.4 Grupo de GST ao qual pertence a tecnologia

  • Medidas de curva de nível
  • Coleta de água
  • Gestão de irrigação (inclusive abastecimento de água, drenagem)

3.5 Difusão da tecnologia

Especifique a difusão da tecnologia:
  • Uniformemente difundida numa área
Caso a tecnologia seja uniformemente difundida numa área, indique a área coberta aproximada:
  • < 0,1 km2 (10 ha)

Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 0.05 m2.

3.6 Medidas de GST contendo a tecnologia

3.7 Principais tipos de degradação da terra abordados pela tecnologia

Erosão do solo pela água

Erosão do solo pela água

  • Wt: Perda do solo superficial/erosão de superfície
  • Wg: Erosão por ravinas/ravinamento
Deteriorização química do solo

Deteriorização química do solo

  • Cn: declínio de fertilidade e teor reduzido de matéria orgânica (não causado pela erosão)

Main type of degradation addressed: Wt: loss of topsoil / surface erosion

Secondary types of degradation addressed: Wg: gully erosion / gullying, Cn: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content

Main causes of degradation: other human induced causes (specify) (agricultural causes - Coordination of traditional method of agricultural practices like along the slope, use of long term local varieity of seeds etc.), poverty / wealth (lack of captial)

Secondary causes of degradation: education, access to knowledge and support services (lack of knowledge), Erosion problem, Common social practices

3.8 Redução, prevenção ou recuperação da degradação do solo

Especifique o objetivo da tecnologia em relação a degradação da terra:
  • Recuperar/reabilitar solo severamente degradado

Main goals: rehabilitation / reclamation of denuded land

4. Especificações técnicas, implementação de atividades, entradas e custos

4.1 Desenho técnico da tecnologia


Parida S.K, Koraput,Orissa, In

4.2 Especificações técnicas/ explicações do desenho técnico

Diagram showing different soil conservation measures

Location: Maliguda. Koraput/Orissa/India

Date: 15/3/2005

Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate

Technical knowledge required for land users: low

Main technical functions: control of dispersed runoff: retain / trap, control of concentrated runoff: retain / trap

Secondary technical functions: reduction of slope length, increase of surface roughness, increase in soil fertility

Agronomic measure: Green Fencing
Material/ species: Bamboo, Agave
Remarks: Two type of Bamboo and Agave provided all round the technology area

Manure / compost / residues
Remarks: 3 compost pits has been established.

Agronomic measure: Tillage with country plough

Aligned: -contour
Vegetative material: G : grass
Number of plants per (ha): 15000
Vertical interval between rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.25
Spacing between rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.25
Vertical interval within rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.3
Width within rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.3

Aligned: -graded strips
Vegetative material: F : fruit trees / shrubs, O : other
Number of plants per (ha): 114
Vertical interval within rows / strips / blocks (m): 9.15
Width within rows / strips / blocks (m): 9.15

Aligned: -against wind
Vegetative material: T : trees / shrubs
Number of plants per (ha): 1
Vertical interval between rows / strips / blocks (m): 1
Spacing between rows / strips / blocks (m): 1
Vertical interval within rows / strips / blocks (m): 1
Width within rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.33

Trees/ shrubs species: Bamboo, Agave (Sisal)

Fruit trees / shrubs species: Mango and Cashew

Other species: Teak, S.Glauca, Subabul

Slope (which determines the spacing indicated above): 4.00%

If the original slope has changed as a result of the Technology, the slope today is (see figure below): 2.00%

Wall/ barrier
Spacing between structures (m): 6
Depth of ditches/pits/dams (m): 0.3
Width of ditches/pits/dams (m): 1.25
Length of ditches/pits/dams (m): 1.7

Structural measure: Pits
Depth of ditches/pits/dams (m): 25
Width of ditches/pits/dams (m): 0.9

Structural measure: 'V'Ditch with bund
Vertical interval between structures (m): 20
Spacing between structures (m): 15
Depth of ditches/pits/dams (m): 0.6
Width of ditches/pits/dams (m): 0.6
Length of ditches/pits/dams (m): 500
Height of bunds/banks/others (m): 1
Width of bunds/banks/others (m): 1.5

Construction material (earth): Bund constructed with earth

Construction material (other): Barries established with bamboo along the boundary for wind break as well as fence.

Slope (which determines the spacing indicated above): 4%

If the original slope has changed as a result of the Technology, the slope today is: 2%

Vegetation is used for stabilisation of structures.

4.3 Informação geral em relação ao cálculo de entradas e custos

Outro/moeda nacional (especifique):


Indique a taxa cambial do dólar norte americano para a moeda local (se relevante): 1 USD =:


Indique a média salarial da mão-de-obra contratada por dia:


4.4 Atividades de implantação

Atividade Tipo de medida Periodicidade
1. Collection of matured bamboo and laying 9" below earth all along boundary in 3 rows Vegetativo May
2. Collection of vertiver strips, trees from local nursery Vegetativo July
3. Planting grasses, trees Vegetativo July to Aug

4.5 Custos e entradas necessárias para a implantação

Especifique a entrada Unidade Quantidade Custos por unidade Custos totais por entrada % dos custos arcados pelos usuários da terra
Mão-de-obra Labour ha 1,0 313,0 313,0
Equipamento Animal traction ha 1,0 7,72 7,72
Material vegetal Seeds ha 1,0 39,22 39,22
Material vegetal Seedlings ha 1,0 99,0 99,0
Fertilizantes e biocidas Biocides ha 1,0 12,33 12,33
Fertilizantes e biocidas Compost/manure ha 1,0 32,0 32,0
Fertilizantes e biocidas Others ha 1,0 193,33 193,33
Material de construção Stone ha 1,0 13,0 13,0
Material de construção Earth ha 1,0 55,55 55,55
Material de construção Pitcher ha 1,0 13,55 13,55
Outros Compost pit ha 1,0 5,0 5,0
Custos totais para a implantação da tecnologia 783,7

Duration of establishment phase: 48 month(s)

4.6 Atividades recorrentes/manutenção

Atividade Tipo de medida Periodicidade/frequência
1. Tillage Agronômico Jan to June / Twice
2. Line showing Agronômico July / Once
3. Weeding Agronômico Sept / Once
4. Fertilizer Application Agronômico Sept to Oct / Once
5. Harvesting Agronômico Nov / Once
6. Manuring, weeding and hoeing Vegetativo September /
7. Catchpit, pitcher irrigation Vegetativo November /
8. Spraying with plant protection materials Vegetativo December /

4.7 Custos e entradas necessárias pata a manutenção/atividades recorrentes (por ano)


Convert of degraded fellow private land to a cultivable land on adopting new low cost technology in a 5 Ha. Compact patch. The following benefits -
(1) Slope of the land reduced.
(2) Land protected from severe soil erosion.
(3) Increase the moisture region of the soil.
(4) Soil fertility/ standy increased farmers achieved the minimum common needs (basic) common needy product from the technology i.e food, fuel and fodder etc.

4.8 Fatores mais importantes que afetam os custos

Descreva os fatores mais determinantes que afetam os custos:

(1) High slope:- Slope reduced Nos. of structure adopted. Labour engagement are expose of sub-surface soil used Nos. of planting materials.
(2) Diference:- The planting materials are not locally available and transported from 20 K.Ms distance (Bamboo, Vertiver, Mango, Cashew)
(3) Comunication was not up to SWC spot during the establishment period.

5. Ambiente natural e humano

5.1 Clima

Precipitação pluviométrica anual
  • <250 mm
  • 251-500 mm
  • 501-750 mm
  • 751-1.000 mm
  • 1.001-1.500 mm
  • 1.501-2.000 mm
  • 2.001-3.000 mm
  • 3.001-4.000 mm
  • > 4.000 mm
Zona agroclimática
  • Subúmido

Eastern Ghat High Land

5.2 Topografia

Declividade média:
  • Plano (0-2%)
  • Suave ondulado (3-5%)
  • Ondulado (6-10%)
  • Moderadamente ondulado (11-15%)
  • Forte ondulado (16-30%)
  • Montanhoso (31-60%)
  • Escarpado (>60%)
Formas de relevo:
  • Planalto/planície
  • Cumes
  • Encosta de serra
  • Encosta de morro
  • Sopés
  • Fundos de vale
Zona de altitude:
  • 0-100 m s.n.m.
  • 101-500 m s.n.m.
  • 501-1.000 m s.n.m.
  • 1.001-1.500 m s.n.m.
  • 1.501-2.000 m s.n.m.
  • 2.001-2.500 m s.n.m.
  • 2.501-3.000 m s.n.m.
  • 3.001-4.000 m s.n.m.
  • > 4.000 m s.n.m.
Comentários e outras especificações sobre a topografia:

Landforms: Hill slopes (ranked 1), ridges (ranked 2) and valley floors (ranked 3)
Slopes on average: Moderate (land Slope having undulated topography)

5.3 Solos

Profundidade do solo em média:
  • Muito raso (0-20 cm)
  • Raso (21-50 cm)
  • Moderadamente profundo (51-80 cm)
  • Profundo (81-120 cm)
  • Muito profundo (>120 cm)
Textura do solo (solo superficial):
  • Grosso/fino (arenoso)
  • Médio (limoso, siltoso)
Matéria orgânica do solo superficial:
  • Baixo (<1%)
Caso disponível anexe a descrição completa do solo ou especifique as informações disponíveis, p. ex. tipo de solo, PH/acidez do solo, nitrogênio, capacidade de troca catiônica, salinidade, etc.

Soil texture: Medium (ranked 1, sandy loam to silty clay loam) and coarse/light
Soil fertility: Low (ranked 1) and medium (ranked 2)
Topsoil organic matter: Low (loss of top soils due to heavy run off, ranked 1)
Soil drainage/infiltration: Medium (soil varies from loam to silly clay loam, ranked 2)
Soil water storage capacity: Low

5.6 Características dos usuários da terra que utilizam a tecnologia

Rendimento não agrícola:
  • 10-50% de toda renda
Nível relativo de riqueza:
  • Pobre
  • Média
Indique outras características relevantes dos usuários da terra:

Population density: < 10 persons/km2

Annual population growth: 2% - 3%

24% of the land users are rich and own 30% of the land.
45% of the land users are average wealthy and own 56% of the land (30% of house hold comes in standard wealth.).
31% of the land users are poor and own 14% of the land (70% of house hold comes below average).

Off-farm income specification: Through various training, interaction with specialist, they acquire more knowledge about other small business like Goatery, Poultry, Pisciculture, Beekeeping, Floriculture and also marketing facility and utilizing these knowledge their off-farm income increase.

5.8 Propriedade de terra, direitos de uso da terra e de uso da água

Propriedade da terra:
  • Indivíduo, intitulado
Direitos do uso da terra:
  • Indivíduo

6. Impactos e declarações finais

6.1 Impactos no local mostrados pela tecnologia

Impactos socioeconômicos


Produção agrícola


Produção de forragens


Qualidade da forragem


Produção de madeira

Renda e custos

Rendimento agrícola


Finding market and getting better price f or product

Disparidades econômicas


Impactos socioculturais

Instituições comunitárias


Formation of UG/ SHG

Conhecimento de GST/ degradação da terra


Imparting teaching to nearby village people on erosion, loss of top soil and timely aprehension at field

Impactos ecológicos

Ciclo hídrico/escoamento

Escoamento superficial

Quantidade anterior à GST:


Quantidade posterior à GST:


Drenagem de excesso de água


Safe disposal of water.


Umidade do solo


Adopting soil conservation activities

Cobertura do solo


Practising cropping

Perda de solo

Quantidade anterior à GST:


Quantidade posterior à GST:


Clima e redução de riscos de desastre

Velocidade do vento


Planting of bamboo at boundary

Outros impactos ecológicos

Soil fertility


On decomposition of straw



Seed quality


Better procurement of good quality of seeds

6.2 Impactos externos mostrados pela tecnologia

Caudal confiável e estável em período seco


Stream flow remains up to February

Cheias de jusante


No flooding seen

6.4 Análise do custo-benefício

Como os benefícios se comparam aos custos de implantação (do ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)?
Retornos a curto prazo:


Retornos a longo prazo:


Como os benefícios se comparam aos custos recorrentes/de manutenção(do ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)?
Retornos a curto prazo:


Retornos a longo prazo:


6.5 Adoção da tecnologia

Se disponível, determine a quantidade (número de unidades familiares e/ou área abordada):



6 land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support

20 land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support

Comments on spontaneous adoption: survey results

There is a moderate trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology

Comments on adoption trend: Some land users adopted the technology partially. As the technology has different measures, some took field bunds with local grasses, some did tree plantation. Some are planning to plant bamboo in their plot boundary.

6.7 Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades da tecnologia

Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do usuário da terra
Low cost technology
Early adoptbility by the farmers

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Over all it is a best technology with proper management by the farmers
Combination of production gain from bamboo and crop, less use of chemical fertilizer as green manure is available localy.
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada
Low cost and simple tech nology.

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Proper understanding by land user for technology
Materials are used for the technology available locally
Due to increase of income migration is reduced

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Proper adoption of technology
Reduction of runoff and soil loss and increase of soil fertility and soil moisture regime has been increase

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Adopting proper cropping pattern.

6.8 Pontos fracos, desvantagens/riscos da tecnologia e formas de superá-los

Pontos fracos/desvantagens/riscos na visão do usuário da terra Como eles podem ser superados?
Ownerships of land and additional taxation there on after implementation of technology. Clear understanding by competant authority ( By revenue people)
Fruit trees died Beneficiaries planted Cashew instead of fruit trees.
Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada Como eles podem ser superados?
Clear understanding of the technology. Regular meeting with local representatives.
Availability of materials in the technology area. Alternative available materials must be used in technology area.

7. Referências e links

7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis

Título, autor, ano, ISBN:

Watershed Survey Report

Disponível de onde? Custos?

Director of Soil Conservation, Orissa, Bhubaneswar

Título, autor, ano, ISBN:

Plan and Estimate

Disponível de onde? Custos?

