Carbon-enrichment of tropical agricultural soil with organic matter [Brasil]
- Criação:
- Atualização:
- Compilador/a: Luisa F. Vega
- Editor: –
- Revisor: Deborah Niggli
Enriquecimento de carbono em solo de lavoura com matéria orgânica (Brazil)
technologies_1250 - Brasil
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- Resumo completo (sem formatação)
- Carbon-enrichment of tropical agricultural soil with organic matter: 5 de Janeiro de 2017 (inactive)
- Carbon-enrichment of tropical agricultural soil with organic matter: 7 de Março de 2017 (inactive)
- Carbon-enrichment of tropical agricultural soil with organic matter: 29 de Abril de 2017 (inactive)
- Carbon-enrichment of tropical agricultural soil with organic matter: 7 de Março de 2019 (public)
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1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da tecnologia
Especialista em GST:
Irmler Prof. Dr. Ulrich
Institute for Ecosystem Research
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Especialista em GST:
Wantzen Prof. Dr. Karl M.
University of Tours 37200 Tours, France
Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/ avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
University of Kiel (University of Kiel) - AlemanhaNome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/ avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso) - BrasilNome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/ avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
Université Francois-Rabelais de Tours (Université Francois-Rabelais de Tours) - França1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT
O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:
1.4 Declaração de sustentabilidade da tecnologia descrita
A tecnologia descrita aqui é problemática em relação a degradação da terra de forma que não pode ser declarada uma tecnologia de gestão sustentável de terra?
2. Descrição da tecnologia de GST
2.1 Descrição curta da tecnologia
Definição da tecnologia:
Carbon-enrichment of tropical agricultural soils with locally available organic matter in the Cerrado agricultural landscape, Brazil.
2.2 Descrição detalhada da tecnologia
In the Carbiocial Project viable land management strategies were explored to optimize the level of carbon in soil and water, helping to maintain and/or improve ecosystem functions, under changing climatic conditions in the Southern Amazon and the Brazilian Cerrado. In the framework of this project, on-farm experiments were performed to enrich tropical agricultural soils in the medium term, with different types of organic matter (OM). In the experiment the effect of different types of OM amendments on soil carbon and macro-nutrients (N, P, and K), soil physical properties (waterholding capacity) and crop yield (soy biomass and grain production) were assessed. The amendments applied are locally available, and are either free (being waste materials) or considered cost-efficient.
The objective of this on-going experiment is to compare the impact of (i) the quality and quantity of OM applied, (ii) and the application methods (directly on the soil surface or incorporation by harrow) on soil chemical and physical properties. It is hypothesised that the addition of OM can enhance crop yields and, potentially, soil biodiversity. The effects of the different OM types, amounts and application methods were evaluated after one, two and three years. From the results, the aim is to provide recommendations for the development of soil OM-enrichment schemes and carbon-friendly landscape management programs for farmers, using local resources.
The experiment was established on an area of about one hectare on a ferrasol (red latosol) at the Rio Engano Farm, in the municipality of Campo Verde, Mato Grosso State. The farm has a total area of ca. 1500 ha, 830 ha of which are cultivated with soybean and maize rotation, under a zero-tillage system, which is typical of many farms in this region. It is located in the Brazilian Cerrado (savanna) biome at about 685 m a.s.l. This biome covers 2 million km2, which is 23% of the country area. It has a semi-humid climate with a pronounced dry season. The precipitation during the rainy season (September-April) varies between 800 and 2000 mm/year.
At the beginning of the experiment (February 2012), three different types of OM amendments were applied. They comprised (a) sugarcane filter cake (Saccharum officinarum from ethanol/sugar-production, (b) sawdust of peroba and cedrinho (Peroba jaune and Erisma uncinatum, respectively) and (c) coarse chips of Eucalyptus sp. Quantities applied were 0 (control), 6, 12 and 18 tonnes of each per hectare; using two methods: directly on the soil surface, and incorporated by harrow. There were three repetitions per treatment. The area was not fenced to allow the farmers to continue with their field routines on all plots. In February 2013, 2014 and 2015 soil samples were taken to analyze their chemical and physical properties. Soybean samples were also taken in February 2014 and 2015 to estimate biomass and grain production. From the initial results some conclusions can be drawn: 1) Organic amendment addition to ferrasols can significantly increase soil organic carbon, even in amounts as low as 6 t/ha. 2) Amendments should be reapplied every 2 years. 3) The amendment type and application method does not have a significant effect on increasing soil organic carbon. 4) The addition of OM amendments is a win-win situation as a solution for organic matter waste recycling, and simultaneously to improve soil quality.
The area was not fenced to allow the farmer to continue with their arable field routines on all treatment plots. In February 2013, 2014 and 2015 soil samples were taken to analyze their chemical and physical properties. Soy bean samples were also taken in February 2014 and 2015 to estimate biomass and grain production.
From our first results we can draw some conclusions:
1) Organic amendment addition to Ferrasol can increase significantly soil organic carbon (SOC) percentage, even in small amounts such as 6 ton/ha.
2) Amendment reapplication should be done in 2 years intervals.
3) The amendment type and disposition did not have a significant effect on increasing SOC.
4) The addition of OM amendments is a win-win situation as a solution for organic matter waste recycling and to improve soil quality.
2.3 Fotos da tecnologia
2.5 País/região/locais onde a tecnologia foi aplicada e que estão cobertos nesta avaliação
Mato Grosso
Especificação adicional de localização:
Campo Verde
×2.6 Data da implementação
Caso o ano exato seja desconhecido, indique a data aproximada:
- menos de 10 anos atrás (recentemente)
2.7 Introdução da tecnologia
Especifique como a tecnologia foi introduzida:
- durante experiências/ pesquisa
- através de projetos/intervenções externas
Comentários (tipos de projeto, etc.):
The enrichment of the soil by OM application is a traditional practice. Some of the added OM types in this experimet are already used in the Cerrado without any technical specification. This project aim to identify of one or more types, amounts and application methods of OM, which improve significantly soil quality and carbon stock. The OM effects are evaluated after 2 and 3 years of its addition, which was initially done in February 2012.
3. Classificação da tecnologia de GST
3.1 Principal/principais finalidade(s) da tecnologia
- Melhora a produção
- Preserva ecossistema
3.2 Tipo(s) atualizado(s) de uso da terra onde a tecnologia foi aplicada

Terra de cultivo
- Cultura anual

Pastagem extensiva:
- Fazenda pecuária
Pastagem intensiva/produção de forragem:
- Semiestabulação/sem pastagem
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Croplands demonstrate a reduction in soil organic matter, after their conversion from indigenous vegetation into agricultural fields. It is especially critical in the ferrasol soils of the Brazilian Cerrado, as its organic matter content is relatively low, and tropical temperatures and humidity accelerate microbial activity (Price and Sowers 2004)
Major land use problems (land users’ perception): There are also problems regarding soil compaction and rainfall regime change
Grazingland comments: There is some grazing by tapir, capibara, wild pig, ema, papagay
Type of grazing system comments: There is some grazing by tapir, capibara, wild pig, ema, papagay
3.3 Mais informações sobre o uso da terra
Abastecimento de água para a terra na qual a tecnologia é aplicada:
- Precipitação natural
Número de estações de cultivo por ano:
- 2
Longest growing period in days: 150, Longest growing period from month to month: November to March; Second longest growing period in days: 120, Second longest growing period from month to month: April to July
Densidade animal (se relevante):
> 100 LU /km2
3.4 Grupo de GST ao qual pertence a tecnologia
- Gestão integrada de fertilidade do solo
3.5 Difusão da tecnologia
Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 0.011544 m2.
In the São Valentim Farm, located in the Brazilian Cerrado (savanna) biome. The experimental soil enrichment was established in February 2012, on a Ferrasol. The area was under a soybean-corn crop rotation
3.6 Medidas de GST contendo a tecnologia

Medidas agronômicas
- A2: Matéria orgânica/fertilidade do solo
- A3: Tratamento da superfície do solo
- A4: Tratamento do subsolo
Type of agronomic measures: manure / compost / residues, zero tillage / no-till, non-inversion tillage
3.7 Principais tipos de degradação da terra abordados pela tecnologia

Erosão do solo pela água
- Wt: Perda do solo superficial/erosão de superfície

Deteriorização química do solo
- Cn: declínio de fertilidade e teor reduzido de matéria orgânica (não causado pela erosão)

Deteriorização física do solo
- Pc: Compactação

Degradação biológica
- Bs: Qualidade e composição de espécies/declínio de diversidade
Main causes of degradation: soil management (Extensive areas of monoculture), crop management (annual, perennial, tree/shrub) (Intensive soil use), deforestation / removal of natural vegetation (incl. forest fires) (In the region, the native vegetation of Cerrado was deforested during the early 80´s for agricultural purposes.), population pressure (Most of the agricultural production from The Brazilian Cerrado meet the food demand from Europe and China)
Secondary causes of degradation: Heavy / extreme rainfall (intensity/amounts) (There is an increase of extreme rainfall events which take place during the rainy season), labour availability (Reduction of availability of skilled labor for instance, to carry out integral monitoring of plagues), education, access to knowledge and support services (There a positive relationship between education level of farmers and the adoption of new technologies for sustainable land management), governance / institutional (Part of the colonization and conversion of the Brazilian Cerrado into agricultural systems was encouraged by Research (Embrapa) and Financing Government Programs)
3.8 Redução, prevenção ou recuperação da degradação do solo
Especifique o objetivo da tecnologia em relação a degradação da terra:
- Reduzir a degradação do solo
4. Especificações técnicas, implementação de atividades, entradas e custos
4.1 Desenho técnico da tecnologia
4.2 Especificações técnicas/ explicações do desenho técnico
Enrichment of Tropical agricultural soil (Ferrasol) with organic matter amendments. Experimental design: amendment types, amounts and disposition methods (direct on the soil or with harrow incorporation). Studied variables: soil carbon and nutrients, soil physical properties (water holding capacity) and crop yield (soy biomass and grain production).
Location: Rio Engano Ranch. Campo Verde / Mato Grosso / Brazil
Date: 6.11.2015
Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: low
Technical knowledge required for land users: low
Main technical functions: increase in organic matter, increase / maintain water stored in soil
Secondary technical functions: control of raindrop splash, control of dispersed runoff: impede / retard, improvement of topsoil structure (compaction), stabilisation of soil (eg by tree roots against land slides), increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…), increase of infiltration, increase of groundwater level / recharge of groundwater, water harvesting / increase water supply
Manure / compost / residues
Material/ species: (a) Filter cake of sugarcane residues (Saccharum officinarum from alcohol/sugar-production, (b) saw
Quantity/ density: 6, 12, 18
Zero tillage / no-till
Remarks: A part of the organic matter was added directly on the soil surface
Non-inversion tillage
Remarks: Another part of the organic matter was incorporate into the soil by using harrow
4.3 Informação geral em relação ao cálculo de entradas e custos
Outro/moeda nacional (especifique):
Indique a taxa cambial do dólar norte americano para a moeda local (se relevante): 1 USD =:
Indique a média salarial da mão-de-obra contratada por dia:
4.5 Custos e entradas necessárias para a implantação
Duration of establishment phase: 0 month(s)
4.6 Atividades recorrentes/manutenção
Atividade | Tipo de medida | Periodicidade/frequência | |
1. | 1. Transport of amendments by trucks (0.2 tonne/US$) | Agronômico | |
2. | 2. Spreading / incorporation of organic matter by tractor (US$ 3/ha for petrol and US$ 5/ha for tractor driver). | Agronômico |
4.7 Custos e entradas necessárias pata a manutenção/atividades recorrentes (por ano)
Especifique a entrada | Unidade | Quantidade | Custos por unidade | Custos totais por entrada | % dos custos arcados pelos usuários da terra | |
Mão-de-obra | labour | ha | 1,0 | 5,0 | 5,0 | 100,0 |
Equipamento | machine use | ha | 1,0 | 15,0 | 15,0 | 100,0 |
Equipamento | truck transport | ha | 1,0 | 150,0 | 150,0 | 100,0 |
Custos totais para a manutenção da tecnologia | 170,0 |
4.8 Fatores mais importantes que afetam os custos
Descreva os fatores mais determinantes que afetam os custos:
Amendment truck transport (0,2 ton/US$), amendment application by tractor(15 US$*ha/dia)
and tractor driver (5 US$*ha) costs.
The used organic matter amendments are cost-free. It is suggested to use cost-free materials if possible or cost–efficient materials to reduce implementation and maintenance costs. Transport of amendments is paid by tonne, independently of the type. The OM application methods (direct on the soil by hand or with harrow incorporation) did not show significant differences. For this reason only the costs for the tractor were calculated, because it is a more economic option.
5. Ambiente natural e humano
5.1 Clima
Precipitação pluviométrica anual
- <250 mm
- 251-500 mm
- 501-750 mm
- 751-1.000 mm
- 1.001-1.500 mm
- 1.501-2.000 mm
- 2.001-3.000 mm
- 3.001-4.000 mm
- > 4.000 mm
Especificações/comentários sobre a pluviosidade:
The area presents strong seasonality: dry season (May-Sep) and rainy season (Oct-Apr)
Zona agroclimática
- Subúmido
Thermal climate class: tropics
5.2 Topografia
Declividade média:
- Plano (0-2%)
- Suave ondulado (3-5%)
- Ondulado (6-10%)
- Moderadamente ondulado (11-15%)
- Forte ondulado (16-30%)
- Montanhoso (31-60%)
- Escarpado (>60%)
Formas de relevo:
- Planalto/planície
- Cumes
- Encosta de serra
- Encosta de morro
- Sopés
- Fundos de vale
Zona de altitude:
- 0-100 m s.n.m.
- 101-500 m s.n.m.
- 501-1.000 m s.n.m.
- 1.001-1.500 m s.n.m.
- 1.501-2.000 m s.n.m.
- 2.001-2.500 m s.n.m.
- 2.501-3.000 m s.n.m.
- 3.001-4.000 m s.n.m.
- > 4.000 m s.n.m.
5.3 Solos
Profundidade do solo em média:
- Muito raso (0-20 cm)
- Raso (21-50 cm)
- Moderadamente profundo (51-80 cm)
- Profundo (81-120 cm)
- Muito profundo (>120 cm)
Textura do solo (solo superficial):
- Fino/pesado (argila)
Matéria orgânica do solo superficial:
- Alto (>3%)
5.4 Disponibilidade e qualidade de água
Lençol freático:
5-50 m
Disponibilidade de água de superfície:
Qualidade da água (não tratada):
apenas para uso agrícola (irrigação)
5.5 Biodiversidade
Diversidade de espécies:
- Baixo
5.6 Características dos usuários da terra que utilizam a tecnologia
Orientação de mercado do sistema de produção:
- Comercial/mercado
Rendimento não agrícola:
- Menos de 10% de toda renda
Nível relativo de riqueza:
- Média
- Rico
Indivíduos ou grupos:
- Indivíduo/unidade familiar
Nível de mecanização:
- Mecanizado/motorizado
- Homens
Indique outras características relevantes dos usuários da terra:
Land users applying the Technology are mainly common / average land users
Difference in the involvement of women and men: In the Cerrado most of the extensive crops (soy bean, corn and cotton) are managed by men
Population density: < 10 persons/km2
Annual population growth: > 4%; 7%
3% of the land users are very rich.
46% of the land users are rich.
51% of the land users are average wealthy.
Off-farm income specification: The off-farm income in the Cerrado is in most cases not relevant for farmers, both applying or not conservation meaures. Their income depent principally on agricultural activities such as soy bean, corn and cotton crops among others.
5.7 Média da área de terra própria ou arrendada por usuários da terra que utilizam a tecnologia
- < 0,5 ha
- 0,5-1 ha
- 1-2 ha
- 2-5 ha
- 5-15 ha
- 15-50 ha
- 50-100 ha
- 100-500 ha
- 500-1.000 ha
- 1.000-10.000 ha
- > 10.000 ha
É considerado pequena, média ou grande escala (referente ao contexto local)?
- Pequena escala
5.8 Propriedade de terra, direitos de uso da terra e de uso da água
Propriedade da terra:
- Indivíduo, intitulado
Direitos do uso da terra:
- Indivíduo
Direitos do uso da água:
- Arrendado
The water used is regulated by the Environmental Secretary of the State (SEMA). Thus, water users have to obtain an Environmental License, where the volumen of water consumption is declared. The license is free of charge.
5.9 Acesso a serviços e infraestrutura
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
Assistência técnica:
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
Emprego (p. ex. não agrícola):
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
Vias e transporte:
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
Água potável e saneamento:
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
Serviços financeiros:
- Pobre
- Moderado
- Bom
6. Impactos e declarações finais
6.1 Impactos no local mostrados pela tecnologia
Impactos socioeconômicos
Produção agrícola
Risco de falha de produção
Gestão de terra
There is not specific machinery for organic matter application in large scale
Disponibilidade e qualidade de água
Demanda por água para irrigação
Renda e custos
Despesas com insumos agrícolas
Rendimento agrícola
In case the technology reduces the crop demand for chemical fertilization, nonetheless this effect has not been yet evaluated
Outros impactos socioeconômicos
It provides a better environmental and technical use for agroindustrial residues
costs of transport and application of OM amendments
Impactos socioculturais
Atenuação de conflitos
Impactos ecológicos
Umidade do solo
Ciclo e recarga de nutrientes
Matéria orgânica do solo/carbono abaixo do solo
Biodiversidade: vegetação, animais
Biomassa/carbono acima do solo
Outros impactos ecológicos
increased soil micro-organisms and fauna
6.3 Exposição e sensibilidade da tecnologia às mudanças climáticas graduais e extremos/desastres relacionados ao clima (conforme o ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)
Mudança climática gradual
Mudança climática gradual
Estação do ano | Tipo de mudança climática/extremo | Como a tecnologia lida com isso? | |
Temperatura anual | aumento | não bem |
Extremos (desastres) relacionados ao clima
Desastres meteorológicos
Como a tecnologia lida com isso? | |
Temporal local | bem |
Tempestade de vento local | bem |
Desastres climatológicos
Como a tecnologia lida com isso? | |
Seca | não bem |
Desastres hidrológicos
Como a tecnologia lida com isso? | |
Inundação geral (rio) | não bem |
Outras consequências relacionadas ao clima
Outras consequências relacionadas ao clima
Como a tecnologia lida com isso? | |
Período de crescimento reduzido | não bem |
6.4 Análise do custo-benefício
Como os benefícios se comparam aos custos de implantação (do ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)?
Retornos a curto prazo:
levemente negativo
Retornos a longo prazo:
Como os benefícios se comparam aos custos recorrentes/de manutenção(do ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)?
Retornos a curto prazo:
levemente negativo
Retornos a longo prazo:
The technology cost of maintenance is the same as establishment cost. According with our results, amendment reapplication should be done in 2 years intervals, starting from small amounts such as 6 ton/ha.
6.5 Adoção da tecnologia
There is no trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Antonio Huebner, land owner and user of the Rio Engano Farm is aware of the technology benefits for soil fertility. However, he considers that OM costs of transport and application can hinder the technology incorporation into common practice for soil management.
6.7 Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades da tecnologia
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada |
The addition of industrial organic matter (OM) waste from levels of only 6 tonnes/ha onwards can significantly increase soil organic carbon on a ferrasol in the Brazilian Cerrado. This increase took place regardless of the type of OM waste applied and even when the soil was under no-tillage for more than 20 years |
6.8 Pontos fracos, desvantagens/riscos da tecnologia e formas de superá-los
Pontos fracos/desvantagens/riscos na visão do usuário da terra | Como eles podem ser superados? |
The costs of transport and application can hinder the extensive use of soil OM enrichment practices among land users in the Brazilian Cerrado | Subsidies could encourage the technology adoption. |
There is no specific machinery for OM spreading / incorporation, which increases human workload | To reduce human labour, it is recommended to design / adapt machinery for this purpose (e.g. of lime or mulch application machinery). However, more tests and improvements of the application methods are desirable. |
Materials used as OM amendments could be toxic and pose a risk of soil pollution | It is important that land users are well informed about the risks. Crude forest material such as sawdust from peroba and cedrinho or roughly processed material such as filter cake of sugarcane used in this study should not have a toxic effect. Regarding the potential allelopathic effect of eucalyptus, its decomposing biomass does not seem to have a significant inhibitory effect on other crops (Chu et al. 2014) |
7. Referências e links
7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação
- visitas de campo, pesquisas de campo
- entrevistas com usuários de terras
7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Price PB, Sowers T (2004) Temperature dependence of metabolic rates for microbial growth, maintenance, and survival.
Disponível de onde? Custos?
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101:4631-4636
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Tivet F et al. (2013) Aggregate C depletion by plowing and its restoration by diverse biomass-C inputs under no-till in sub-tropical and tropical regions of Brazil.
Disponível de onde? Custos?
Soil and tillage research, 126 :203-218
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Zech W. et al. (1997) Factors controlling humific G. ation and Mineralization of soil organic matter in the tropics.
Disponível de onde? Custos?
Geoderma 79 : 117-161
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Chu, C. et al. (2014) Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus on native and introduced tree species
Disponível de onde? Custos?
Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 323: 79-84
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