Pepsee micro-irrigation system [Índia]
- Criação:
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- Compilador/a: Shilp Verma
- Editor: –
- Revisores: Fabian Ottiger, Alexandra Gavilano
technologies_1477 - Índia
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1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da tecnologia
Especialista em GST:
Sadagani Amitabha
International Development Enterprises
Nome do projeto que facilitou a documentação/avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
Book project: where the land is greener - Case Studies and Analysis of Soil and Water Conservation Initiatives Worldwide (where the land is greener)Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/ avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
IWMI International Water Management Institute (IWMI) - ÍndiaNome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/ avaliação da Tecnologia (se relevante)
International Development Enterprises - India (iDE-India) - Estados Unidos1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT
O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:
1.5 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre abordagens GST (documentado(s) usando WOCAT)
Market support and branding for input quality (Krishak … [Índia]
Market development and support through use of a brand name - Krishak Bandhu ('the farmer's friend') - to help ensure quality amongst manufacturers and suppliers of drip irrigation equipment.
- Compilador/a: Shilp Verma
2. Descrição da tecnologia de GST
2.1 Descrição curta da tecnologia
Definição da tecnologia:
A grassroots innovation that offers most of the advantages of conventional micro-irrigation at a much lower establishment cost.
2.2 Descrição detalhada da tecnologia
The continued expansion of irrigation in India is causing increasing water shortages. This may be compounded by the potential effects of climate change. Drip irrigation - delivering small amounts of water directly to the plants through pipes - is a technology that could help farmers deal with water constraints. It is considerably more efficient in terms of water use than the usual open furrows or flood irrigation.
In West Nimar, Madhya Pradesh, droughts, diminishing groundwater, limited and erratic power supply coupled with poverty, compelled farmers to look for a technology that would enable them to irrigate their crops (mainly cotton) within these constraints. They tried out several cost-saving options such as using old bicycle tubes instead of the conventional drip irrigation pipes. But nothing caught on - until about five years ago - when a local farmer experimented with thin poly-tubing normally used for frozen fruit-flavoured ‘lollypops’ called pepsee. It spread to neighbouring cotton farmers, and its popularity has meant that today pepsee has become widespread in the region. Pepsee micro-irrigation systems slowly and regularly apply water directly to the root zone of plants through a network of economically designed plastic pipes and low-discharge emitters.
Technically speaking pepsee systems use low density polythene (65-130 microns) tubes which are locally assembled. Being a low pressure system the water source can be an overhead tank or a manually operated water pump to lift water from a shallow water table.
Such a system costs less than US$ 40 per hectare for establishment. But the tubes have a short life span of one (or two) year(s); an equivalent standard buried strip drip irrigation system amounts to between five and ten times the initial cost. The latter would, however, last for five to ten years. The critical factor is the low entry cost. Pepsee systems thus act as ‘stepping stones’ for poor farmers who are facing water stress but are short of capital and cannot afford to risk relatively large investment in a technology which is new to them, and whose returns are uncertain. The technology is today available in two variants: the original white pepsee and a recently introduced black pepsee which is of slightly better quality.
Recently, a more durable and standardised version of pepsee, given the brand name ‘Easy Drip’, has been developed and promoted by a local NGO, IDEI (see corresponding approach). Easy Drip is one product within a set of affordable micro-irrigation technologies (AMIT) promoted by IDEI.
2.3 Fotos da tecnologia
2.5 País/região/locais onde a tecnologia foi aplicada e que estão cobertos nesta avaliação
Madhya Pradesh
Especificação adicional de localização:
West Nimar
×2.7 Introdução da tecnologia
Especifique como a tecnologia foi introduzida:
- através de projetos/intervenções externas
3. Classificação da tecnologia de GST
3.1 Principal/principais finalidade(s) da tecnologia
- Melhora a produção
- Criar impacto econômico benéfico
3.2 Tipo(s) atualizado(s) de uso da terra onde a tecnologia foi aplicada

Terra de cultivo
- Cultura anual
Cultivo anual - Especificar culturas:
- culturas de fibras - algodão
Número de estações de cultivo por ano:
- 2
Longest growing period in days: 150 Longest growing period from month to month: May - Oct Second longest growing period in days: 120 Second longest growing period from month to month: Nov - Mar
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Acute groundwater stress associated with lowering of the groundwater table limits water for irrigation, coupled with poverty and reluctance to risk investing in relatively expensive- but efficient - drip irrigation systems.
3.4 Abastecimento de água
Abastecimento de água para a terra na qual a tecnologia é aplicada:
- Irrigação completa
3.5 Grupo de GST ao qual pertence a tecnologia
- Gestão de irrigação (inclusive abastecimento de água, drenagem)
3.6 Medidas de GST contendo a tecnologia

Medidas estruturais

Medidas de gestão
Main measures: structural measures, management measures
3.7 Principais tipos de degradação da terra abordados pela tecnologia

Degradação da água
- Hq: declínio da qualidade do lençol freático
Main type of degradation addressed: Hq: decline of groundwater quality
Main causes of degradation: deforestation / removal of natural vegetation (incl. forest fires), other human induced causes (specify) (agricultural causes), education, access to knowledge and support services (lack of knowledge)
Secondary causes of degradation: over-exploitation of vegetation for domestic use, overgrazing, droughts, land tenure (land subdivision), Land alienation
3.8 Redução, prevenção ou recuperação da degradação do solo
Especifique o objetivo da tecnologia em relação a degradação da terra:
- Reduzir a degradação do solo
4. Especificações técnicas, implementação de atividades, entradas e custos
4.1 Desenho técnico da tecnologia
Especificações técnicas (relacionada ao desenho técnico):
Components of pepsee/‘Easy Drip’ irrigation systems are described below.
1) Water source: For pepsee, commonly a water pump (in most cases electric) is used to lift water from a well and directly feed the irrigation system.
Alternatively, an overhead tank (minimum of 1 m above ground level) can be used for smaller systems up to 400 m2 area.
2) Control valve: valve made of plastic or metal to regulate pressure and flow of water into the system
3) Filter: Strainer filter to ensure that clean water enters into the system (optional in pepsee systems).
4) Mainline: 50 mm PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) or PE (Polyethylene) pipe to convey water from source to the sub-main.
5) Sub-main: PVC/PE pipe to supply water to the lateral pipes which are connected to the sub-main at regular intervals.
6) Lateral: PE pipes along the rows of the crops on which emitters are connected directly. Pipe size is 12–16 mm.
7) Emitters/micro-tubes: Device through which water is emitted at the root zone of the plant with required discharge. In pepsee farmers simply make pin holes in the plastic tube for water to pass. Easy Drip has inbuilt drippers/outlets along the lateral line which give a continuous wetting strip.
It is mainly used for row crops.
Pepsee uses cheap, recycled plastic tubes instead of the rubber pipes used in conventional drip irrigation kits. Space between emitters is variable, for cotton cultivation it is commonly 1.2 m (between plants, within and between rows). There is (usually) one emitter for each plant. Different sizes of valves, mainlines, etc, are available, depending on flow rate of water in the system. Additional components are joints (connectors) and pegs (used to hold the lateral and micro-pipes in place).
Technical knowledge required for land users: moderate
Main technical functions: water supply, improved water-use efficiency (reduced loss, well directed, selective - and targeted irrigation
Secondary technical functions: improvement of ground cover, higher - germination and establishment rate
Structural measure: irrigation infrastructure
Construction material (other): poly-tubes - low density polythene (65-130 microns)
Change of land use practices / intensity level: from furrow to drip irrigation
Sijali IV 2001, Drip irrigation, RELMA, Nairobi
4.3 Atividades de implantação
Atividade | Periodicidade (estação do ano) | |
1. | Installation of water pump, control valve, filter (optional) and PVC piping(main/sub-main and lateral pipes). | dry season |
4.4 Custos e entradas necessárias para a implantação
Especifique a entrada | Unidade | Quantidade | Custos por unidade | Custos totais por entrada | % dos custos arcados pelos usuários da terra | |
Mão-de-obra | Labour | ha | 1,0 | 4,0 | 4,0 | 100,0 |
Material de construção | Lateral piping (Pepsee tube) | ha | 1,0 | 17,0 | 17,0 | 100,0 |
Material de construção | Main/sub-main PVC piping | ha | 1,0 | 34,0 | 34,0 | 100,0 |
Material de construção | Other parts (valves, joints et | ha | 1,0 | 40,0 | 40,0 | 100,0 |
Custos totais para a implantação da tecnologia | 95,0 | |||||
Custos totais para o estabelecimento da Tecnologia em USD | 95,0 |
Duration of establishment phase: 1 month(s)
4.5 Atividades recorrentes/manutenção
Atividade | Periodicidade/frequência | |
1. | Re-installation of lateral pepsee tubes | dry season/ (every 1–2 years). |
4.6 Custos e entradas necessárias pata a manutenção/atividades recorrentes (por ano)
Especifique a entrada | Unidade | Quantidade | Custos por unidade | Custos totais por entrada | % dos custos arcados pelos usuários da terra | |
Mão-de-obra | Labour | ha | 1,0 | 4,0 | 4,0 | 100,0 |
Material de construção | Lateral piping (Pepsee tube) | ha | 1,0 | 17,0 | 17,0 | 100,0 |
Custos totais para a manutenção da tecnologia | 21,0 | |||||
Custos totais de manutenção da Tecnologia em USD | 21,0 |
5. Ambiente natural e humano
5.1 Clima
Precipitação pluviométrica anual
- <250 mm
- 251-500 mm
- 501-750 mm
- 751-1.000 mm
- 1.001-1.500 mm
- 1.501-2.000 mm
- 2.001-3.000 mm
- 3.001-4.000 mm
- > 4.000 mm
Zona agroclimática
- Semiárido
5.2 Topografia
Declividade média:
- Plano (0-2%)
- Suave ondulado (3-5%)
- Ondulado (6-10%)
- Moderadamente ondulado (11-15%)
- Forte ondulado (16-30%)
- Montanhoso (31-60%)
- Escarpado (>60%)
Formas de relevo:
- Planalto/planície
- Cumes
- Encosta de serra
- Encosta de morro
- Sopés
- Fundos de vale
Zona de altitude:
- 0-100 m s.n.m.
- 101-500 m s.n.m.
- 501-1.000 m s.n.m.
- 1.001-1.500 m s.n.m.
- 1.501-2.000 m s.n.m.
- 2.001-2.500 m s.n.m.
- 2.501-3.000 m s.n.m.
- 3.001-4.000 m s.n.m.
- > 4.000 m s.n.m.
5.3 Solos
Profundidade do solo em média:
- Muito raso (0-20 cm)
- Raso (21-50 cm)
- Moderadamente profundo (51-80 cm)
- Profundo (81-120 cm)
- Muito profundo (>120 cm)
Textura do solo (solo superficial):
- Fino/pesado (argila)
Matéria orgânica do solo superficial:
- Médio (1-3%)
Caso disponível anexe a descrição completa do solo ou especifique as informações disponíveis, p. ex. tipo de solo, PH/acidez do solo, nitrogênio, capacidade de troca catiônica, salinidade, etc.
Soil texture: Fine/heavy (black cotton soil; mostly vertisols, partly inceptisols and entisols)
Soil drainage/infiltration: Poor
5.6 Características dos usuários da terra que utilizam a tecnologia
Orientação de mercado do sistema de produção:
- Comercial/mercado
Rendimento não agrícola:
- Menos de 10% de toda renda
5.7 Área média de terrenos utilizados pelos usuários de terrenos que aplicam a Tecnologia
- < 0,5 ha
- 0,5-1 ha
- 1-2 ha
- 2-5 ha
- 5-15 ha
- 15-50 ha
- 50-100 ha
- 100-500 ha
- 500-1.000 ha
- 1.000-10.000 ha
- > 10.000 ha
5.8 Propriedade de terra, direitos de uso da terra e de uso da água
Propriedade da terra:
- Indivíduo, intitulado
Direitos do uso da terra:
- Indivíduo
6. Impactos e declarações finais
6.1 Impactos no local mostrados pela tecnologia
Impactos socioeconômicos
Produção agrícola
Área de produção
More land brought under irrigation. This is seen as a negative aspect
Renda e custos
Carga de trabalho
Outros impactos socioeconômicos
irrigated area
Greater irrigated area with same amount of water
Impactos socioculturais
Direitos do uso da terra/à água
More farmers able to irrigate their land
Situação de grupos social e economicamente desfavorecidos
Poverty reduction
Social acceptance
Drip irrigation confers the image of a progressive farmer
Impactos ecológicos
Outros impactos ecológicos
Water use efficiency
6.4 Análise do custo-benefício
Como os benefícios se comparam aos custos de implantação (do ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)?
Retornos a curto prazo:
Retornos a longo prazo:
Como os benefícios se comparam aos custos recorrentes/de manutenção(do ponto de vista dos usuários da terra)?
Retornos a curto prazo:
Retornos a longo prazo:
6.5 Adoção da tecnologia
De todos aqueles que adotaram a Tecnologia, quantos o fizeram espontaneamente, ou seja, sem receber nenhum incentivo/ pagamento material?
- 91-100%
100% of land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support
There is a moderate trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Comments on adoption trend: No detailed information available regarding spread - though this is estimated to be several thousand farmers within West Nimar. All adoption has been spontaneous, without incentives, and the group which has adopted best comprises those who were previously using furrow irrigation. A large number of pepsee adopters are the resource poor farmers but rich farmers have also adopted pepsee.
6.7 Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades da tecnologia
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada |
Low initial investment and recurrent costs: risk in adopting new system limited How can they be sustained / enhanced? Keep costs of new variations of pepsee low. |
There are significant benefits in terms of reduced water use per unit of land, and in terms of yield per unit land area as well. |
Few extra skills required to implement and operate the system. |
An eventual shift to conventional drip system is feasible: pepsee acts as a ’stepping stone’ How can they be sustained / enhanced? Promote improved drip systems where pepsee has taken off. |
Higher yields, better quality, higher germination rate, lower incidence of pest attack; facilitates pre-monsoon sowing. |
6.8 Pontos fracos, desvantagens/riscos da tecnologia e formas de superá-los
Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada | Como eles podem ser superados? |
Pepsee is based on drip pipes which have a limited life: delicate and cannot withstand high pressure |
Develop/use stronger piping materials such as ‘Easy Drip’. |
The increased water use efficiency has allowed an expansion in the area irrigated – which has used up the water ‘saved’. |
Develop/use stronger piping materials such as ‘Easy Drip’. |
Pepsee systems require replacement of lateral pipes each year and thus incur recurrent input and labour costs |
7. Referências e links
7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação
7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Verma S, Tsephal S. and Jose T: Pepsee Systems: grassroots innovation under groundwater stress. Water Policy, 6,pp. 303–318.. 2004.
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
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Market support and branding for input quality (Krishak … [Índia]
Market development and support through use of a brand name - Krishak Bandhu ('the farmer's friend') - to help ensure quality amongst manufacturers and suppliers of drip irrigation equipment.
- Compilador/a: Shilp Verma
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