Agroforestry extension [Коста-Рика]
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- Составитель: Olman Quiros Madrigal
- Редактор: –
- Рецензенты: David Streiff, Deborah Niggli
approaches_2391 - Коста-Рика
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1.2 Контактные данные специалистов и организаций, участвующих в описании и оценке Подхода
Название проекта, содействовавшего документированию/оценке Подхода (если применимо)
Book project: where the land is greener - Case Studies and Analysis of Soil and Water Conservation Initiatives Worldwide (where the land is greener)1.3 Условия, регламентирующие использование собранных ВОКАТ данных
Составитель и ответственный/-ые специалист(-ы) согласны с условиями, регламентирующими использование собранных ВОКАТ данных:
1.4 Ссылка (-и) на Анкету (-ы) по Технологиям УЗП

Tree windbreaks within irrigated agriculture in Central Asia [Кыргызстан]
Windbreaks of poplar trees (Populus nigra pyramidalis) are a major agroforestry system in irrigated agriculture across Central Asia. Such windbreaks reduce the overall water consumption of irrigated agriculture by 10-20% and increase farm income by 10-15%.
- Составитель: Niels Thevs

Shade-grown coffee [Коста-Рика]
An agroforestry system which combines coffee with shade trees - including fruit, timber and leguminous species - in a systematic fashion.
- Составитель: Olman Quiros Madrigal
2. Описание Подхода УЗП
2.1 Краткое описание Подхода
Participatory extension of agroforestry systems, especially of shadegrown coffee, to promote sustainable and productive use of natural resources among small and medium scale farmers.
2.2 Подробное описание Подхода
Подробное описание Подхода:
Aims / objectives: The Programme for Agroforestry Development (PRODAF) pioneered a new type of agroforestry extension in Costa Rica between 1987 and 1994. PRODAF was positioned under two national ministries (the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - MAG and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mines - MINAE) and was supported by GTZ (German Technical Cooperation). Agroforestry extension underpinned the following sectors: environmental education, promotion of training and technical assistance in agriculture and forestry, development of programmes for afforestation and agroforestry systems, and promotion/support of farmers' organisations. The approach was based on land users' participation at all stages. The main purpose of the agroforestry extension approach was the development and promotion of sustainable production systems, which were adapted to the local biophysical and socio-economic conditions. This was to enable environmentally friendly production on steep slopes, while at the same time generating sufficient income for small and medium scale farmers in marginal areas of the Acosta-Puriscal region. In this case study, shade-grown coffee was identified to be a system that fulfilled these conditions. Another important objective was the involvement of all family members - including the younger generation.
Role of stakeholders: In the first years PRODAF operated with a top-down development approach implementing technologies, designed by specialists, without consultation of land users. Local needs and experiences were not considered: as a result both adoption of shade-grown coffee was low, and maintenance was poor, despite initial incentives. The change to a participatory, bottom-up approach, with land users being represented in the steering committee (which during this period was absolutely innovative) increased acceptance among the majority of farmers towards shade-grown coffee. Participation of land users during planning and implementation was rewarded with provision of tools, seeds, fertilizer and biocides (fully financed or subsidised). The technology was evaluated on the test plots within existing coffee plantations together with the land users. PRODAF's legacy has been an institutional change in Government policy towards extension.
2.3 Фотографии, иллюстрирующие Подход
2.5 Страна/ регион/ место, где применялся Подход
Административная единица (Район/Область):
San José/Río Parrita
×2.6 Даты начала и окончания реализации Подхода
Год начала реализации:
Год окончания (Если Подход больше не применяется):
2.7 Тип Подхода
- в рамках проекта/ программы
2.8 Каковы цели/ задачи Подхода
Promotion of appropriate management of natural resources and adoption of the shade-grown coffee agroforestry system - café arbolado - among small and medium scale farmers.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: - various different approaches of forest and agricultural technicians regarding choice and implementation of the technology, - which needed harmonising, - lack of incentives for farmers to adopt technology, - lack of participatory technology development
2.9 Условия содействующие применению Технологии/ Технологий в рамках Подхода или затрудняющие его
Наличие/ доступность финансовых ресурсов и услуг
- затрудняют
Lack of credit for SWC implementation.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Credit has been made available through the 'productive re-conversion programme' and other credit systems for organic/conservation production, eg Fideicomiso (see under credit).
Институциональные условия
- затрудняют
Lack of collaboration and coordination between different institutions.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Innovative incorporation of land users in decision making, which in the meantime has become a common approach.
Нормативно-правовая база (землевладение, права на земле- и водопользование)
- содействуют
The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights moderately helped the approach implementation: Land fragmentation leads to very small areas per household. This hinders implementation of SWC activities. Land users do not have the resources to invest in initial inputs and activities.
- затрудняют
Subdivision of land hinders adoption of SWC measures.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Not directly treated by the approach. Diverse incentive mechanisms have to be identified to promote SWC activities on small areas.
Осведомленность в области УЗП, доступность технической поддержки
- затрудняют
Lack of technical knowledge, lack of research activities/trials with SWC technologies.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Promotion of alternative production systems and SWC measures had great impact. Technology was tested on-farm. PRODAF did not focus on research activities.
3. Участие и распределение ролей заинтересованных сторон
3.1 Заинтересованные стороны, участвующие в реализации Подхода и их роли
- местные землепользователи/ местные сообщества
Mainly men participated: women are not usually expected to carry out field activities for cultural reasons. The coffee harvest is the only activity where men and women work together in the field.
- эксперты по УЗП/ сельскому хозяйству
- государственные власти (отвечающие за планирование или принятие решений)
3.2 Участие местных землепользователей/ местных сообществ на разных стадиях реализации Подхода
Участие местных землепользователей/ местных сообществ | Перечислите участников и опишите их вовлеченность | |
инициирование/ мотивация | интерактивное | rapid/participatory rural appraisal; good participation basically through participative rural appraisal |
планирование | интерактивное | workshops/seminars; incentives are provided for participating land users |
выполнение | интерактивное | responsibility for major steps; incentives are provided for participating land users |
мониторинг/ оценка | интерактивное | workshop/seminars, interviews/questionnaires; |
Research | интерактивное | on-farm |
3.3 Схема реализации (если имеется)
3.4 Принятие решений по выбору Технологии/ Технологий УЗП
Укажите, кто принимал решение по выбору применяемой Технологии/ Технологий:
- преимущественно специалисты по УЗП после консультаций с землепользователями
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users
4. Техническая поддержка, повышение компетенций и управление знаниями
4.1 Повышение компетенций/ обучение
Проводилось ли обучение землепользователей/ других заинтересованных лиц?
Тип обучения:
- обмен опытом между фермерами
- опытные участки
- общие собрания
Тип обучения:
- trips to projects in, field days, workshops
Рассматриваемые темы:
The following subjects were treated: coffee agroforestry system, fruit trees and soil conservation, silvo-pastoralism, soil conservation in general. Beside knowledge transfer, awareness raising and motivation were important aims of training.
4.2 Консультационные услуги
Есть ли у землепользователей возможность получать консультации?
Укажите, где именно оказываются консультационные услуги:
- на полях землепользователей
Описание/ комментарий:
Name of method used for advisory service: Extension carried out through extension workers was the key element of the overall approach; Key elements: the adequacy of extension for continuation was very good, Different methods were used: on-farm technical assistance; farmer-tofarmer knowledge exchange; demonstration areas and workshops.
4.3 Институциональная (организационная) поддержка
В ходе реализации Подхода были ли организованы новые институциональные структуры или поддержаны уже существующие?
- да, немного
Укажите тип поддержки:
- финансовая
- повышение компетенций/ обучение
- оборудование
4.4 Мониторинг и оценка
Являются ли мониторинг и оценка частью Подхода?
Bio-physical aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: yields
Socio-cultural aspects were regular monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: family size
Economic / production aspects were regular monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: yields and production market
No. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: land users involved in organisation
There were many changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: The approach changed completely after evaluation of the first phase, from an initial top down methodology with low technology adoption by land users, to a more participative approach heeding land users' opinions and needs, and improving communication between technicians and land users. This was helped by the development of educational materials.
4.5 Научные исследования
Были ли научные исследования частью Подхода?
Укажите темы исследований:
- экология
- технология
Напишите подробнее и назовите тех, кто выполнял исследования:
Results were rather meagre, and the effect on the approach was thus moderate. Previous to PRODAF there was a research project conducted by CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre) in the approach area, but results were not broadly disseminated.
Research was carried out on-farm
5. Финансирование и внешняя материальная поддержка
5.1 Годовой бюджет мероприятий по УЗП в рамках Подхода
Комментарий (например, основные источники финансирования/ ключевые доноры):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: government (national - MAG, MINAE): 50.0%; international non-government (GTZ): 50.0%
5.2 Финансирование и внешняя материальная поддержка, предоставляемая землепользователям
Предоставлялась ли землепользователям финансовая/ материальная поддержка для применения Технологии /Технологий?
5.3 Субсидии на отдельные затраты (включая оплату труда)
- оборудование
Укажите, какие ресурсы были субсидированы | В какой степени | Опишите субсидии подробнее |
инвентарь/ инструменты | профинансированы частично | hand tools |
- сельскохозяйственные
Укажите, какие ресурсы были субсидированы | В какой степени | Опишите субсидии подробнее |
удобрения | профинансированы частично | |
seedlings | профинансированы полностью | |
Если труд землепользователя был существенным вкладом, укажите, был ли этот вклад:
- добровольный
5.4 Кредитование
Предоставлялись ли в рамках Подхода кредиты на мероприятия УЗП?
Укажите условия предоставления (процент, окупаемость и т.д.):
Repayment conditions: Credit was provided through ‘productive re-conversion programme’ to support small-scale organic production and soil conservation. After PRODAF a larger (national) credit programme to promote agroforestry systems was launched, under MAG and National Production Council. Fideicomiso is another national financing programme based on a contract between a bank and development institutions. .
Interest was lower than market rate.
6. Анализ влияния и заключительные положения
6.1 Влияние Подхода
Сумел ли Подход помочь землепользователям внедрить и поддерживать технологии УЗП?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
There was substantial improvement of soil and water management through application of the agroforestry systems.
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Some projects in the region as well as in other parts of the country adopted the approach. Various SWC extension programmes have adopted the extension methods promoted by PRODAF, based on the principles of land users participation. In the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock it has been taken as a basic principle in the National Programme of Agricultural Extension.
6.3 Долгосрочная устойчивость мероприятий в рамках Подхода
Могут ли землепользователи самостоятельно (без внешней поддержки) продолжать применение того, что было реализовано в рамках Подхода?
- нет уверенности
Если нет или нет уверенности, объясните почему:
While the approach has been institutionalised and a national credit programme set up promoting shade-grown coffee and silvo-pastoral systems, continuation of field production activities is uncertain. Farmers’ motivation to apply technologies was raised with the Environmental Education Programme, but if market prices for coffee decrease /show variability, farmers lose the motivation to maintain i
6.4 Сильные стороны/ преимущества Подхода
Сильные стороны/ преимущества/ возможности по мнению составителя или других ключевых специалистов |
Institutionalisation of the basic participatory extension approach within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. |
Initial top-down approach replaced by participation with land users (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue to spread information about the effectiveness of this change in attitude, and the need for responsiveness in projects and programmes.) |
Training of land users (knowledge of soil degradation processes and soil and water conservation) (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Collaboration with farmers organisations, NGOs and agricultural extension services. Better dissemination of research results.) |
Environmental education in schools (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue support through the Ministry of Education.) |
6.5 Слабые стороны/ недостатки Подхода и пути их преодоления
Слабые стороны/ недостатки/ риски по мнению составителя или ответственных специалистов | Возможные пути их преодоления/снижения? |
No economic security guaranteed in the long term because of price fluctuations | Provide a system of incentives, eg lower taxes for those who apply SWC technologies. |
7. Справочные материалы и ссылки
7.1 Методы сбора/источники информации
- выезды на места, полевые обследования
- опросы землепользователей
7.2 Ссылки на опубликованные материалы
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
PRODAF (1992) Informe de evaluación de las parcelas agroforestales establecidas por PRODAF, Periodo 88-91, Puriscal,Quiros O (2000) Nachhaltigkeit von landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsverfahren in bäuerlichen Familienbetrieben in Costa Rica.
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Vauk-Kiel KG: series of: Sozialökonimische Schriften zur Ruralen Entwicklung, Vol. 20
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Tree windbreaks within irrigated agriculture in Central Asia [Кыргызстан]
Windbreaks of poplar trees (Populus nigra pyramidalis) are a major agroforestry system in irrigated agriculture across Central Asia. Such windbreaks reduce the overall water consumption of irrigated agriculture by 10-20% and increase farm income by 10-15%.
- Составитель: Niels Thevs

Shade-grown coffee [Коста-Рика]
An agroforestry system which combines coffee with shade trees - including fruit, timber and leguminous species - in a systematic fashion.
- Составитель: Olman Quiros Madrigal
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