Rainwater Cellars [中国]
- 创建:
- 更新:
- 编制者: Anna Schuler
- 编辑者: –
- 审查者: Deborah Niggli, Alexandra Gavilano
technologies_1335 - 中国
全部展开 全部收起1. 一般信息
1.2 参与该技术评估和文件编制的资源人员和机构的联系方式
Best Practices for Land Degradation Control in Dryland Areas of China (Best Practices China)1.3 关于使用通过WOCAT记录的数据的条件
1.4 所述技术的可持续性声明
1.5 参考关于SLM方法(使用WOCAT记录的SLM方法)的调查问卷

Rainwater Cellars introduced through government support [中国]
Government takes the lead and propelled by project, the rainwater collection for irrigation technology scales up by demonstration.
- 编制者: Anna Schuler
2. SLM技术的说明
2.1 技术简介
The use of courtyard, roof, road surface, slope, etc. as catchments to collect rainwater for underground water storage for future supply of cropland irrigation as well as drinking water for humans and livestock.
2.2 技术的详细说明
The demonstration site is located in mid Gansu, semi-arid gully area of the Loess Plateau, where either surface or groundwater is in great shortage. The annual precipitation is around 380mm with 60% concentrated in July, August and September in storm form. Due to scarce vegetation and serious soil erosion. The agricultural farming is rainfed, but the timing of precipitation and water demand of crops do not coincide, so that the rainwater utilization is extremely low. Low productivity of land and shortage of water for mankind and animal leads to poverty. Since 1980s the government has organized local people in mid Gansu to explore the utilization of water cellars to achieve coincided precipitation, i.e. collecting rainwater to solve water shortage and develop dryland crop cultivation.
Water cellars are used mainly for the interception of rainwater to supply water for humans and livestock as well as for the irrigation of crops. The cellar is comprised of the cellar body and an ancillary facility, including catchment area, delivery facility (ditch, silt tank, stain interception grate, inlet pipe, cellar opening and irrigation equipment). In general, water cellars are designed to 20-30m3 in capacity. The catchment should be chosen at hillside, road surface, courtyard, roofing, greenhouse roof, etc. For the location selection, considerations should be given to site landform and geological conditions and not proximity to ditch or trench banks, large tree stumps but close to farmland to maximize the possibility of self-flowing irrigation. In consideration of drinking water safety, the cellar should be built far from livestock sheds and toilets to prevent contamination. The silt tank is 2-3m wide, 1m deep and 2-3m away from the cellar opening, and higher than water cellar inlet. The dirt interception grate should be installed 0.5m higher than the base of the silt tank pond and upstream of the inlet. The platform of the water cellar should be 0.3-0.5m high above ground. In Anding District, the concrete cement sphere type water cellar is more often adopted, with the cellar vault/wall of 10cm and base of 20cm thick. At the demonstration site, the inner wall used to be lined with red puddle. Now concrete cement is used for the base and lined with cement and mortar. The water for irrigation does not need special treatment, but drinking water does. Irrigation is done by pumping for watering by ditches flowing to the farmland, hole watering or drip irrigation.
Since mid 1990s, the water cellar has expanded gradually. The 1-2-1 rainwater collection project (each household has 1 catchment, 2 water cellars and 1 patch of courtyard cashcrop forest) has played a significant role in the technology dissemination and poverty alleviation. Since 2000, water cellar function has been further extended toward multifunction for livestock raising, farmland/forest land irrigation and so forth, and greater economic and social benefits are captured by its combination with greenhouse development. Plastic film greenhouse roof was used as the catchment and two water cellars (30 cubic meters capacity for each) were set for each greenhouse. In combination with other technologies of mulched ditch irrigation or drip irrigation, water resource utilization has been tremendously increased. The technology has thereby triggered industrial restructuring as outstanding pilot sites for high benefit agricultural development.
2.3 技术照片
2.5 已应用该技术的、本评估所涵盖的国家/地区/地点
Gansu Province
Anding District, Dingxi City
Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 3638.7 km2.
3. SLM技术的分类
3.1 该技术的主要目的
- 改良生产
3.2 应用该技术的当前土地利用类型
- 农牧业(包括农牧结合)

Longest growing period in days: 140, Longest growing period from month to month: May to October


- 排水管道、水道
Rainwater Cellars
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion):
- low precipitation, deficient groundwater, arid and short of water supply;
- rainfall in form of storms to form runoff arousing serious soil and water erosion;
- low and unstable land productivity because of aridness and soil infertility.
3.5 该技术所属的SLM组
- 灌溉管理(包括供水、排水)
- 引水和排水
4. 技术规范、实施活动、投入和成本
4.4 技术建立所需要的费用和投入
对投入进行具体说明 | 单位 | 数量 | 单位成本 | 每项投入的总成本 | 土地使用者承担的成本% | |
劳动力 | labour | 1.0 | 140.0 | 140.0 | ||
设备 | steel bar | 1.0 | 26.7 | 26.7 | ||
施工材料 | sand gravel | 1.0 | 33.3 | 33.3 | ||
施工材料 | concrete cement | 1.0 | 40.0 | 40.0 | ||
施工材料 | bricks | 1.0 | 5.3 | 5.3 | ||
其它 | transportation | 1.0 | 26.7 | 26.7 | ||
技术建立所需总成本 | 272.0 | |||||
技术建立总成本,美元 | 272.0 |
4.6 维护/经常性活动所需要的费用和投入(每年)
对投入进行具体说明 | 单位 | 数量 | 单位成本 | 每项投入的总成本 | 土地使用者承担的成本% | |
劳动力 | labour | 1.0 | 23.3 | 23.3 | 100.0 | |
其它 | transportation | 1.0 | 2.67 | 2.67 | 100.0 | |
技术维护所需总成本 | 25.97 | |||||
技术维护总成本,美元 | 25.97 |
5. 自然和人文环境
5.1 气候
- < 250毫米
- 251-500毫米
- 501-750毫米
- 751-1,000毫米
- 1,001-1,500毫米
- 1,501-2,000毫米
- 2,001-3,000毫米
- 3,001-4,000毫米
- > 4,000毫米
- 半干旱
5.2 地形
- 水平(0-2%)
- 缓降(3-5%)
- 平缓(6-10%)
- 滚坡(11-15%)
- 崎岖(16-30%)
- 陡峭(31-60%)
- 非常陡峭(>60%)
- 高原/平原
- 山脊
- 山坡
- 山地斜坡
- 麓坡
- 谷底
- 0-100 m a.s.l.
- 101-500 m a.s.l.
- 501-1,000 m a.s.l.
- 1,001-1,500 m a.s.l.
- 1,501-2,000 m a.s.l.
- 2,001-2,500 m a.s.l.
- 2,501-3,000 m a.s.l.
- 3,001-4,000 m a.s.l.
- > 4,000 m a.s.l.
5.3 土壤
- 非常浅(0-20厘米)
- 浅(21-50厘米)
- 中等深度(51-80厘米)
- 深(81-120厘米)
- 非常深(> 120厘米)
- 细粒/重质(粘土)
- 中(1-3%)
5.6 应用该技术的土地使用者的特征
- 混合(生计/商业)
5.8 土地所有权、土地使用权和水使用权
- 州
- 团体
- 个人
6. 影响和结论性说明
6.1 该技术的现场影响
Short term economic burden
6.2 该技术的场外影响已经显现
Reduce silt inflow of the downstream
Runoff decease of the downstream
6.4 成本效益分析
6.7 该技术的优点/长处/机会
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的长处/优势/机会 |
Intercept and retain runoff and reduce soil and water losses |
Supplementary irrigation to the cropland for higher production |
6.8 技术的弱点/缺点/风险及其克服方法
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 | 如何克服它们? |
High initial establishment cost | seek more project support |
7. 参考和链接
7.1 信息的方法/来源
- 实地考察、实地调查
- 与土地使用者的访谈
7.2 参考可用出版物
Wang Lin, Water cellar Construction technology for rainwater collection and water-saving irrigation in the mountainous areas, Gansu water conservancy and hydro power technology. 2002 38(4)
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Rainwater Cellars introduced through government support [中国]
Government takes the lead and propelled by project, the rainwater collection for irrigation technology scales up by demonstration.
- 编制者: Anna Schuler