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Your search results (2436)

A mini wetland system.

A mini wetland system. [Saint Lucia]

This activity was what he called a wetland system, which entailed the construction of a concrete structure approximately 25-30 square feet in area, with a piping system used to transport sewage to the wetland. This wetland operates sort of like a soak away system but it is being used because …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Organic farming and certification of organic farms to international standards

Organic farming and certification of organic farms to … [Samoa]

Organic farms are considered best forms of agricultural practices in working the lands in a sustainable manner and it is recognized internationally as the standard to relive and revive for people to readopt. It is promoted in such a way so countries could return to working the land using natural …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
أستخدام تقنيات حصاد مياه الأمطار في أعادة تأهيل مواقع الغابات المتأثرة من الموت القمي لنباتات العرعر

أستخدام تقنيات حصاد مياه الأمطار في أعادة تأهيل … [Saudi Arabia]

تعاني بعض غابات العرعر من موت قمي نتيجة لعوامل مختلفة( الجفاف -النشاطات البشرية- الأمراض )وبعد دراسات وتجارب تم بنجاح أستخدام التقنيات التالية :إزالةالأجزاء المتأثرة والمصابة - حصاد المياه بواسطة تأهيل المدراجات وإقامة عقوم وجور لتوفير الرطوبة اللازمة للنبات- الحماية وزراعة شتلات العرعرالمحلي

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Agroforestry homegarden

Agroforestry homegarden [Senegal]

A tropical homegarden of about 0.5 ha with a variety of exotic and indigenous tree species, planted or raised for fruit production, medicinal value and / or other services, intercropped with vegetables in the herbaceous layer.

  • Compiler: Julie Zähringer
Agroforestry community garden

Agroforestry community garden [Senegal]

A plot under agroforestry with a rotation of horticulture (during the dry season) and millet (during the rainy season), enclosured and protected by a life fence of Prosopis juliflora

  • Compiler: Julie Zähringer
Aménagement forestier

Aménagement forestier [Senegal]

Aménagement d'une forêt communautaire pour une gestion rationnelle et durable des ressources naturelles

  • Compiler: Déthié Soumaré Ndiaye
Aménagement forestier

Aménagement forestier [Senegal]

Inventaire forestier et organisation des populations pour tirer profit de la forêt de manière rationnelle.

  • Compiler: Déthié Soumaré Ndiaye