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Your search results (2450)

Farmers Research and Extension Group (FREG)

Farmers Research and Extension Group (FREG) [Ethiopia]

A Farmers Research and Extension Group (FREG) engages about 50 or more farmers in a kebele (lower administrative unit), with three sub groups of 17-20 each who live in a homogenous landscape. It is a local institution established for joint learning, piloting, and evaluating soil improvement technologies across the intervention …

  • Compiler: GERBA LETA
Social Infrastructure for Soil Conservation

Social Infrastructure for Soil Conservation [Ethiopia]

Negotiation with the stakeholder community of a catchment on social incentives to be offered by external agency in exchange of additional inputs by the communty to be invested into soil and water conservation measures.

  • Compiler: Hans Hurni
Labour exchange

Labour exchange [Ethiopia]

It is an approach based on labour exchange organized on the basis of mutual assistance involving no payment for work done. However, the land user is supposed to provide people participating with food and drinks. All wanting such cooperation request the me

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Community social labour-share groups  (Debo/Wenfel)

Community social labour-share groups (Debo/Wenfel) [Ethiopia]

Debo is a 'labour share', grouping of land users in a community. It is a social / traditional co-operation/ where land users support each other by working in groups for activities which are labour intensive.

  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner
Self Help

Self Help [Ethiopia]

A household and the family members work on SLM measures to manage their land without external support.

  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner