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Your search results (2450)

Cactus Fruit Plantation in Arid Dry Lands

Cactus Fruit Plantation in Arid Dry Lands [Jordan]

This technology is based on the natural advantages and the multi-purpose usage of spineless cactus pear (Opuntia fiscus-indica), to cultivate marginal lands in Jordan, generating environmental and socio-economic benefits.

  • Compiler: Joren Verbist
Gully plug

Gully plug [Jordan]

Gully plugs aim at rehabilitating active gullies in dryland watersheds, which are prone to erosion through concentrated surface runoff. Multiple gullies plugged in succession dissipate runoff energy, foster local water retention and infiltration, encourage sedimentation, assist in the stabilization of gully bed and side banks, and stimulate revegetation of flow …

  • Compiler: Mira Haddad
Mechanized micro water harvesting through ‘Vallerani’ tractor plough for central Jordanian Badia

Mechanized micro water harvesting through ‘Vallerani’ tractor plough … [Jordan]

Mechanized micro water harvesting breaks up crusted and compacted soils, and fosters the capture and retention and the deep-infiltration of surface runoff generated during heavy rainfall events. The micro water harvesting pits store water and provide soil moisture to the out-planted shrub seedlings and the emerging seeds - and thus …

  • Compiler: Mira Haddad
Marab - Water Harvesting Based Floodplain Agriculture

Marab - Water Harvesting Based Floodplain Agriculture [Jordan]

The Marab is a local downstream water harvesting measure in an integrated watershed context, where up/midstream users and applied land management practices affect the Marab. The technology diverts and spreads excess runoff over deep-soil flood plains. The technology comprises local gully-filling, grading/leveling of seed bed, and construction of a bund-and-spillway …

  • Compiler: Joren Verbist
Распространение практик устойчивого землепользования путем организации демонстрационных участков и проведения дней поля

Распространение практик устойчивого землепользования путем организации демонстрационных участков … [Kazakhstan]

Организация пилотных демонстрационных участков и проведение Дней поля - мероприятия для региональных заинтересованных сторон, в основном фермеров, для получения информации о технологиях УЗП, приемах восстановления деградированных земель и пастбищ, перспективных для региона засухо- и солеустойчивых культурах и технологиях их выращивания, демонстрации результатов проекта ИСЦАУЗР-2 по расширению практики борьбы с засолением …

  • Compiler: Kulyash Iskandarova
Awareness  Raising for SLM Using Conservation Agriculture

Awareness Raising for SLM Using Conservation Agriculture [Kazakhstan]

Raising awareness and strengthening the capability and skills of farmers, agriculture specialists and researchers in developing and adoption resource-saving, profitable and environmentally friendly cereal production through Conservation Agriculture practices.

  • Compiler: Kulyash Iskandarova