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Your search results (161)

Establishment of improved orchards and vineyards

Establishment of improved orchards and vineyards [Afghanistan]

Local and new varieties of fruits are planted on degraded land in accordance with improved management practices. The established orchards and vineyards serve double purpose of soil protection and income generation for the rural households. The alfalfa under the trees supports tree growth and is used for livestock fodder.

  • Compiler: Bettina Wolfgramm
Mainstreaming river water to facilitate irrigation in Barind

Mainstreaming river water to facilitate irrigation in Barind [Bangladesh]

The technology promotes the lifting of river water by pump sets and conveys the water through buried pipelines to a canal. The conserved canal water is used for irrigation delivered by low lift pumps (LLP). Because water is held in the canal it revitalises the ecosystem along its length. Furthermore, …

  • Compiler: Jalal Uddin Md. Shoaib
Marshy land transformed into productive land

Marshy land transformed into productive land [Bangladesh]

Marshy land is transformed into a ridge and ditch area, where the ridges are wide enough for the nursery of diverse plants and seedlings and where after 6-8 years the yearly management practices the land got strong enough for various agricultural practices (i.e. guava, hog plum, plums and timber wood …

  • Compiler: Rahatul Islam
Soil Conservation Through Bench Terrace Technology in Highly Degradable Hilly Slopy Areas of Bangladesh

Soil Conservation Through Bench Terrace Technology in Highly … [Bangladesh]

Bench terraces are a soil and water conservation measure used on sloping land with relatively deep soils to retain water and control erosion. They are normally constructed by cutting and filling to produce a series of level steps or benches. This allows water to infiltrate slowly into the soil. Bench …

  • Compiler: Md Babul Hossain
Hill Agroforestry

Hill Agroforestry [Bangladesh]

Mixed fruits gardening on hill slope with forest trees on hill top and bamboo at the lower part of the hill.

  • Compiler: Jalal Uddin Md. Shoaib
Agroforesterie à base de Gmelina

Agroforesterie à base de Gmelina [Benin]

L’établissement d‘une plantation privée à base de Gmelina est une mesure de foresterie pure ou de l‘agroforesterie lorsqu’il est intercalé avec des cultures, effectuer pour enrichir le sol en matière organique, favoriser la biodiversité associée et le cycle hydrologique, réduire l’érosion du sol et aussi fournir du revenu.

  • Compiler: Gatien AGBOKOUN CHRISTOPHE
Demi Lune

Demi Lune [Benin]

La technique de demi-lune a pour objectif d’augmenter le stock et l’infiltration d’eau dans le sol, de récupérer et de restaurer la fertilité des sols encroûtés pour l’utilisation agronomique et agroforestière. Pour ce faire, il s’agit de réaliser à la couronne des arbres des digues, monticules arqués. Ce monticule peut …

  • Compiler: Gatien AGBOKOUN CHRISTOPHE