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Your search results (266)

Terrazas individuales

Terrazas individuales [Nicaragua]

Pequeñas plataformas individuales, redondas o semi-circulares de aprox. 1 - 2 mts de diámetro trazadas a tresbolillo en cuyo centro se siembran normalmente árboles frutales.

  • Compiler: Mathias Gurtner

Tranchées [Niger]

Les tranchées fonctionnent comme des micro-retenues permettant d'intercepter des eaux de ruissellement et de les stocker

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Grass strips

Grass strips [Niger]

Grass strips slow down runoff, increase infiltration and retain sediment, thus increasing crop production.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Contour stone bunds

Contour stone bunds [Niger]

Contour stone bunds are erosion control structures and improve water retention and infiltration into the soil, resulting in an increased harvest.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill

Mulching [Niger]

Covering the soil with mulch protects it against wind and water erosion and provides nutrients which has a positive effect on yields and food security.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill

Murets [Niger]

Les murets servent à casser la vitesse de ruissellement en favorisant l'infiltration et le dépôt de terres en amont des ouvrages sur versants dénudés à sols caillouteux.

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Nardi/Vallerani trenches

Nardi/Vallerani trenches [Niger]

Nardi/Vallerani trenches are microcatchments which are made using a special tractor-pulled plough to restore degraded and encrusted forests and rangelands

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Grassed waterways

Grassed waterways [Norway]

Grassed waterways are shallow channels (natural or constructed) with grass cover, used to drain surface runoff from cropland and prevent erosion.

  • Compiler: Dominika Krzeminska
Rainwater Harvesting for Olive Production

Rainwater Harvesting for Olive Production [Palestine, State of]

Microcatchment water harvesting captures, stores and allows safe overflow of excess surface runoff collected during heavy rainfall events. The intercepted and deep-infiltrated water enhances soil moisture at/around the microcatchment structure. This eventually boosts plant productivity in dry areas, mitigates land degradation, and benefits the local farming communities’ livelihoods

  • Compiler: Joren Verbist