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Los resultados de su búsqueda (554)

Rehabilitation of Pasture Land through fencing

Rehabilitation of Pasture Land through fencing [Tajikistan]

The approach demonstrates the effect and importance of rotational grazing by fencing certain areas of land in pasture areas as well as it demonstrates the rehabilitation process in comparison to the open space which is overgrazed. The approach involves mobilizing communities to observe the rehabilitation process by not grasing in …

  • Compilador: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Pasture User Union

Pasture User Union [Tajikistan]

Livestock holders at village level join a pasture user union to access different rights provided under the national law "About pastures" passed in 2013. Among others, the Paster User Unions (PUUs) are able to obtain onwership of a communal collective pasture land, have the right to collect fees to improve …

  • Compilador: Boris Orlowsky
Работа общественной пекарни,  в которой  местные жители выпекает поочередно лепешки , экономя топливо, которого не хватает

Работа общественной пекарни, в которой местные жители выпекает … [Tajikistan]

Благодаря совместному выпеканию лепешек в общественной пекарне, местными жителями , отпадает необходимость в использовании большого количества дров, что приводит к сокращению вырубок горных лесов на территории близко расположенного к ним лесхоза.

  • Compilador: Gulniso Nekushoeva
Conversion of Village Livestock Committees into the legal Pasture User Unions

Conversion of Village Livestock Committees into the legal … [Tajikistan]

Livestock committees were established with the goal to improve livestock health as well as natural resource management in the watersheds where the village pastures were situated. Livestock committees in the Muminabad district are organised at village level and coordinate their activities through the registered livestock association at district level.

  • Compilador: Sa'dy Odinashoev
Water User Association

Water User Association [Tajikistan]

Management and control of the water distribution, maintenance of the infrastructure and water conflict resolution by the locally organized association

  • Compilador: Sa'dy Odinashoev
Protection and sustainable of mountain ungulates

Protection and sustainable of mountain ungulates [Tajikistan]

The sustainable use of wild mountain ungulates by local peoplefor eco-tourism, hunting tourism and subsistence hunting stimulates the protection of the populations and habitats of these species thus providing an alternative and adapted land-use option contributing to climate resilience trough biodiversity conservation, avoidance of desertification and diversification of land-use.

  • Compilador: Natalia Mityakova