Increase of the sustainably managed agricultural lands in Bulgaria via testing new technologies for biological production of vegetation cultures [Bulgarie]

Entité concernée: Bulgaria

Précisez si la technologie indiquée dans le modèle, ou une partie de cette technologie, est protégée par des droits de propriété intellectuelle: Non

État complet : 91%

Informations générales

Informations générales

Titre des bonnes pratiques:

Increase of the sustainably managed agricultural lands in Bulgaria via testing new technologies for biological production of vegetation cultures



Entité concernée:


Droits de propriété intellectuelle

Précisez si la technologie indiquée dans le modèle, ou une partie de cette technologie, est protégée par des droits de propriété intellectuelle:



Utilisation courante des terres sur le site

  • Cultures

Sustainable management of 84 ha in a biological manner of agricultural areas was attained within the frameworks of the Project.

Contribution aux mesures de la DDTS

  • Adaptation

Contribution aux objectifs stratégiques

  • Améliorer les conditions de vie des populations touchées
  • Améliorer les conditions des écosystèmes touchés

Liens avec les autres thèmes relatifs aux meilleures pratiques

  • Renforcement des capacités et sensibilisation
  • Suivi et évaluation/recherche de la gestion durable des terres et de la DDTS


Section 1. Contexte de la meilleure pratique : conditions du cadre (environnement naturel et humain)

Brève description de la meilleure pratique

Multifunctional wood kinds were created as well as reintroduced persistent aborigine kinds for reinstatement of the damaged territories. 574 hectares of agricultural lands are cultivated in a biological manner and 305 hectares are in process of transition to bio-production.
The technologies are new, because they fully replace the traditional methods used in conventional agriculture. Scientific substantiated crop-rotation is applied in lieu of fertilization. The mechanized cultivations are reduced to a minimum. The use of chemical preparations for vegetation protection is completely excluded. Permanent monitoring of the biological diversity of the cultivable and associated lands is performed during the production process.|


In the municipality of Karlovo, Plovdiv region. Karlovo Municipality is located in South Bulgaria and is one of the municipalities of Plovdiv. The municipality has 27 cities with total population of 55,665 inhabitants.|

Si le lieu a des limites clairement définies, spécifier son extension en hectare:


Brève description de l’environnement naturel du site

Karlovo municipality is Situated in Karlovo valley. Stara Planina Mountain, which rises to more than 1500-2000 m above the average of the field retains the valley from the cold
northerly winds. Rainfall (653 mm per year) are above average for the bizarre. They provide enough soil
moisture in all seasons.|
Of crops in the Karlovo valley grow cereals, maize, beans, lentils and potatoes, some valuable industrial crops: sunflower, tobacco, sugar beet, oil and many aromatic plants: rose oil, lavender and peppermint.Karlovo valley is characterized by high diversity of plant species.The great diversity of flora and fauna is concentrated in the National park "Central Balkan".|
The climate is continental, compared to other sub-Balkan fields - softer and warmer. The average annual temperature is 11.4 C.
Climate conducive to agricultural development (especially the cultivation of oil rose) wine, fruit, forestry, a recreational, domestic and international tourism.|

Conditions socio-économiques dominantes des personnes vivant sur ou à proximité du site

Of crops in the Karlovo valley grow cereals, maize, beans, lentils and potatoes, some valuable industrial crops: sunflower, tobacco, sugar beet, oil and many aromatic plants: rose oil, lavender and peppermint.|
koprinari; Arabadzhiyata / Kolari /; fullers; mutafchii / weavers of products from goat wool /; potters; kaftandzhii / tailors headers mens clothing /; astardzhii / weavers of webs.
Peak of their economic and spiritual flourishing town reached during the Renaissance. Crafts: cultivation of rose oil and rose oil exported to England, France, Сonstantinople, 40 layer
ski shops, wrought copper - Boilermaking, copper utensils 47 species distinguished by artistic flair, tinware for brandy and pavuri; shoemaking / papukchii / masonry, iron-smithery, glass, production of gunpowder; gold - representing the largest fair in Uzundjovo , 24 guilds, water level / tailors /; samardzhii; |

Section 2. Problèmes abordés (causes directes et indirectes) et objectifs de la meilleure pratique

Principaux problèmes abordés par la meilleure pratique

no information

Décrivez les principaux problèmes liés à la dégradation des terres abordés par la meilleure pratique

no information

Précisez les objectifs de la meilleure pratique

Testing in real conditions of 8 (with input 6) new technologies in the production of grain-wheat, grain-fodder, bean and technical cultures – wheat, rye, barley, maize, peas, sunflower, triticale and oats. The technologies are new, because they fully replace the traditional methods used in conventional agriculture. Scientific substantiated crop-rotation is applied in lieu of fertilization. The mechanized cultivations are reduced to a minimum. |The use of chemical preparations for vegetation protection is completely excluded. Permanent monitoring of the biological diversity of the cultivable and associated lands is performed during the production process.

Section 3. Activités

Brève description des principales activités, par objectif

Sustainable management of 84 ha in a biological manner of agricultural areas wasattained within the frameworks of the Project; testing in real conditions of 8 (with input 6)
new technologies in the production of grain-wheat, grain-fodder, bean and technical cultures.|
The balance is: 574 hectares of agricultural lands are cultivated in a biological manner and 305 hectares are in process of transition to bio-production.
The achieved results indicate that the yields of the agricultural grain cultures are at the average about 20 % lower as compared with the conventional ones, but at that the commencement of the experimental biological production of fodder, bean, technical and grain cultures in lands with high natural|value in Bulgaria was successfully laid.
The technologies are new,because they fully replace the traditional methods used in conventional agriculture. Scientific substantiated crop-rotation is applied in lieu of fertilization.|

Brève description et caractéristiques techniques de la technologie

The technologies are new,because they fully replace the traditional methods used in conventional agriculture. Scientific substantiated crop-rotation is applied in lieu of fertilization. The mechanized cultivations are reduced to a minimum. The use of chemical preparations for vegetation protection is completely excluded. Permanent monitoring of the biological diversity of the cultivable and associated lands is performed during the production process.|
Technologies are new. They completely replace the traditional methods used in conventional agriculture. Powered processes are minimized. The use of chemicals for the protection of vegetation is completely excluded.

Section 4. Institutions/acteurs impliqués (collaboration, participation, rôle des parties prenantes)

Nom et adresse de l’institution développant la technologie

Biological Agriculture Foundation Bioselena|Head Office
4300 Karlovo, Vasil Karaivanov "36
e - mail: headoffice@bioselena.com

La technologie a-t-elle été développée en partenariat ?


Dressez la liste des partenaires :

Agricultural producers, lecturers and students from the Agricultural University in Plovdiv, NGOs (GEF-Rhodopes; WWF; the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds), Municipal Service Agriculture and Forests Karlovo.|

Précisez le cadre de promotion de la technologie

  • Initiative locale
  • Initiative nationale – gouvernementale
  • Initiative nationale – non gouvernementale
  • Initiative basée sur un programme/projet


La participation des parties prenantes locales, y compris des OSC, a-t-elle été recherchée au cours du développement de la technologie ?


Dressez la liste des parties prenantes locales:

NGOs (GEF-Rhodopes; WWF; the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds), Municipal Service Agriculture and Forests Karlovo.|

Précisez le rôle des parties prenantes ci-dessus dans la conception, l’introduction, l’utilisation et la maintenance de la technologie, le cas échéant.

The above stakeholders were involved in the development, implementation, and consequently the use of technology.

La population vivant sur ou à proximité du site a-t-elle été impliquée dans le développement de la technologie?



Section 5. Contribution à l’impact

Décrivez les impacts sur site (les deux principaux impacts par catégorie)

The preservation and the development of the capacity of the ecosystems, for the attainment of economically stable, safe and attractive environment. |
The implementation of the Project also contributes to the conservation and improvement of the soil fertility as well as for the limitation of the land degradation and the combat against desertification.
5 globally protected species are established and preserved within the area of the implementation of the Project.
Multifunctional wood kinds were created as well as reintroduced persistent aborigine kinds for reinstatement of the damaged territories. 574 hectares of agricultural lands are cultivated in a biological manner and 305 hectares are in process of transition to bio-production.
The achieved results indicate that the yields of the agricultural grain cultures are at theaverage about 20 % lower as compared with the conventional ones, but at that the commencement of the experimental biological production of fodder, bean, technical and grain cultures in lands with high natural |
NGOs (GEF-Rhodopes; WWF; the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds),Municipal Service Agriculture and Forests Karlo.|
value in Bulgaria was successfully laid.
The attained results are already property of agricultural producers, lecturers and students from the Agricultural University in Plovdiv, |

Décrivez les deux principaux impacts hors site (dans les environs)

Land degradation
Increase of the sustainably managed agricultural lands

Impact sur la biodiversité et le changement climatique


Proizvodstvot of grain-wheat, grain, feed, grain and industrial crops-wheat, rye, barley, corn, peas, sunflower, triticale, by introducing new biological technology, helping to maintain biodiversity in the region.|

Une analyse coût-avantage a-t-elle été réalisée?

Une analyse coût-avantage a-t-elle été réalisée? :


Section 6. Adoption et caractère transposable

La technologie a-t-elle été diffusée/introduite sur d’autres sites?

La technologie a-t-elle été diffusée/introduite sur d’autres sites? :



Agricultural University in Plovdiv, NGOs (GEF-Rhodopes; WWF; the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds)|

Des mesures d’incitation ont-elles été mises en place pour faciliter le lancement de la technologie?

Des mesures d’incitation ont-elles été mises en place pour faciliter le lancement de la technologie?


Précisez le type de mesure d’incitation:
  • Mesures d’incitation politique ou réglementaire (telles que les mesures liées aux réglementations et exigences du marché, import/export, investissement étranger, recherche & développent, etc.)
  • Mesures d’incitation financières (telles que des taux préférentiels, aide d’État, subventions, dons, prêts, etc.)

Pouvez-vous identifier les trois principales conditions ayant favorisé la réussite de la meilleure pratique/technologie présentée?

Good motivation and organization between local authorities, farmers, civil society and the scientific community.|
Ability to adapt in other areas of the country.
Favorable conditions - physical-chemical and climatic.


Selon vous, la meilleure pratique/technologie proposée peut-elle reproduite, y compris avec un certain degré d’adaptation?


Si oui, à quel niveau?
  • Local
  • Sous-national

Section 7. Leçons tirées

Liées aux ressources humaines


Liées aux aspects financiers

no information

Liées aux aspects techniques

no inormation
