Introduction of waterless sanitation [Bulgarie]

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Entité concernée: Fundazija Zemja Zavinagi

Précisez si la technologie indiquée dans le modèle, ou une partie de cette technologie, est protégée par des droits de propriété intellectuelle: Oui

Commentaires: Owner of the land is allowed to take decisions as far as small scale sanitation systems are taken into consideration - household level. For larger systems, there is need of special permit issued by the state or local authorities, depending on the size of the system|

État complet : 91%

Informations générales

Informations générales

Titre des bonnes pratiques:

Introduction of waterless sanitation



Entité concernée:

Fundazija Zemja Zavinagi

Droits de propriété intellectuelle

Précisez si la technologie indiquée dans le modèle, ou une partie de cette technologie, est protégée par des droits de propriété intellectuelle:


Veuillez fournir des informations sur le détenteur des droits:

Owner of the land is allowed to take decisions as far as small scale sanitation systems are taken into consideration - household level. For larger systems, there is need of special permit issued by the state or local authorities, depending on the size of the system|


Utilisation courante des terres sur le site

  • Autre (précisez)

The technology is implemented in the yards and back-yard gardens of houses

Contribution aux mesures de la DDTS

  • Prévention
  • Adaptation

Liens avec les autres thèmes relatifs aux meilleures pratiques

  • Renforcement des capacités et sensibilisation
  • Gestion des connaissances et soutien des décisions


Section 1. Contexte de la meilleure pratique : conditions du cadre (environnement naturel et humain)

Brève description de la meilleure pratique

Knowledge building and providing assistance for building, usage and maintenance of waterless toilets with separation of usine and feces, and exclusion of any contact of the human and animal waste with ground or surface water bodies. The safely treated biological waste is safely reused in small scale family agriculture in their own yards.|


Stara Zagora municipality, Bulgaria|

Estimation de la population vivant sur le site:


Brève description de l’environnement naturel du site

Heavy soil originated on Quaternear bogs in the lowest part of the terrain
620 mm av annual rainfall, 12.3*C av annual temperature; 24*C av temperature of the hottest month|
Flat, 150 m above dea level|

Conditions socio-économiques dominantes des personnes vivant sur ou à proximité du site

Aged retired Bulgarian families; jobless Roma families
Retirement paymen'; social support payment
Households own the land under their houses and the yards.

Sur la base de quel critère/indicateur(s) (sans relation avec la stratégie) la pratique proposée et technologie correspondante ont-elles été considérées comme « meilleures »?

This technology prevents pollution of ground and surface water from human and animal biological waste; it saves significant amount of water with drinking water quality from being wasted by flushing this water into the toilets.

Section 2. Problèmes abordés (causes directes et indirectes) et objectifs de la meilleure pratique

Principaux problèmes abordés par la meilleure pratique

Pollution of ground and surface water; water borne diseases; decreased annual rainfall; increased annual temperature; unwise use of scarce water resources.

Décrivez les principaux problèmes liés à la dégradation des terres abordés par la meilleure pratique

Safely treated biological waste (by composting, vermicomposting or appropriate storage) is used to improve soil fertility and strive erosion of degradated crop lands due to overusage.|

Précisez les objectifs de la meilleure pratique

Prevention of waste of water of highest quality by flushing it in the toilets; prevention of water pollution by biological waste; prevention of water-borne diseases; creation of better livelihoods consuming less water resources.

Section 3. Activités

Brève description des principales activités, par objectif

Scarcity of water is fundamental reason for water-borne diseases; it is also a reason for worse hygienic practices. By saving water of high quality from wasting and preventing water pollution, we improve health conditions to people.|
Storage of biological waste in way that it never gets in contact with ground or surface water bodies; safe treatment and safe application in agriculture.
Promotion of waterless ecosan toilets with separate collection of urine and feces; separate treatment and re-use in agriculture.
Training of population, youth, experts for construction and maintenance of the constructed toilets, filters and wetlands is crucial for the sustainability of the projects.|

Brève description et caractéristiques techniques de la technologie

Waterless toilets are toilets that does not use water for flushing, but use absorbent (saw dust, ash, etc.) to cover the fresh feces. Urine and feces are stored and treated separately to the level of sterilization. Then used in agriculture as natural fertilizer (urine) and soil conditioner (composted feces). The final step is to apply these treated products in crop land.|
The technology is based on separation and separate treatment and reuse of urine and feces; waterless urinals; reuse for agriculture; composting.

Section 4. Institutions/acteurs impliqués (collaboration, participation, rôle des parties prenantes)

Nom et adresse de l’institution développant la technologie

Earth Forever Foundation|77a, Kiril i Metody, apt. 27; Stara Zagora
6000 Bulgaria|Tehnical university|Hamburg, Germany

La technologie a-t-elle été développée en partenariat ?


Dressez la liste des partenaires :

Technical University Hamburg

Précisez le cadre de promotion de la technologie

  • Initiative internationale
  • Initiative basée sur un programme/projet

No other

La participation des parties prenantes locales, y compris des OSC, a-t-elle été recherchée au cours du développement de la technologie ?


Dressez la liste des parties prenantes locales:

NGOs, local authorities, women, youth, university students, media.|

Précisez le rôle des parties prenantes ci-dessus dans la conception, l’introduction, l’utilisation et la maintenance de la technologie, le cas échéant.

Hamburg technical university trained earth in the design and maintenance of the technology.

La population vivant sur ou à proximité du site a-t-elle été impliquée dans le développement de la technologie?


Par quels moyens?
  • Approches participatives

No other


Section 5. Contribution à l’impact

Décrivez les impacts sur site (les deux principaux impacts par catégorie)

Prevention of water borne diseases.
Decreases the dependency from the market for food and from monololists for providing sewarage services and wastewater treatment.
Changed attitude to resource consumption and environmental protection.
Prevention of pollution of water resources; prevention of waste of water with high quality.
Prevention of waste of water resources.
Improved hygiene conditions and health, as well as confort of living of the population.|
Increased agricultural production
Increased soil fertility and productivity of people property.

Décrivez les deux principaux impacts hors site (dans les environs)

Less consumption of water offers better potential for the downstream users to meet their needs.
Prevention of pollution of water resources offers better potential for the downstream users to have access to water of higher quality and prevents water-borne diseases.

Impact sur la biodiversité et le changement climatique


Prevention of biological pollution of water resources and decreased water consumption for household needs is very beneficial for biodiversity in and around water bosies; it prevents pollution with phosphorous and nitrification of natural waters.
Wastewater treatment facilities in their conventional technologies are a large source of pollution with greenhouse gasses; the proposed technology eliminates greenhouse production in the process of storage, treatment and use of metabolitic human and animal wastes.|
In the area we apply the technology all climate change models emphasis on increased water scarcity: the techlogy we promote does not use water; it saves water of highest drinking quality; it prevents pollution of natural water bodies.

Une analyse coût-avantage a-t-elle été réalisée?

Une analyse coût-avantage a-t-elle été réalisée? :



The promoted technology is safer and less expensive in all its stages: construction, operation, treatment. It also has additional benefits to water rresources as a whole; biodiversity; increased soil fertility. The technology is affordable also for poorest communities and poorest households.|

Section 6. Adoption et caractère transposable

La technologie a-t-elle été diffusée/introduite sur d’autres sites?

La technologie a-t-elle été diffusée/introduite sur d’autres sites? :



Stara Zagora Municipality|Chirpan Municipality

Des mesures d’incitation ont-elles été mises en place pour faciliter le lancement de la technologie?

Des mesures d’incitation ont-elles été mises en place pour faciliter le lancement de la technologie?


Pouvez-vous identifier les trois principales conditions ayant favorisé la réussite de la meilleure pratique/technologie présentée?

The technology guarantees healthy style of living in conditions of reduced availability of water resources and increased desertification.
Highly motivated local governments (b). This technology gives the chance to the smallest and poorest communities to improve dramatically their livelihoods without dependency on higher political levels and national budgets.
The technology meets the demand of increased hygienic conditions. The proposed sustainable sanitation is affordable for the poorest and most remote communities as well.


Selon vous, la meilleure pratique/technologie proposée peut-elle reproduite, y compris avec un certain degré d’adaptation?


Si oui, à quel niveau?
  • Local
  • Sous-national
  • National
  • Sous-régional
  • Régional
  • International

Section 7. Leçons tirées

Liées aux ressources humaines

There is no experts trained in sustainable sanitation to open chance for scaling-up; the engineers are not trained in sustainable sanitation technologies.

Liées aux aspects financiers

There are no targeted financial mechanisms in the country to encourage application of alternative sustainable sanitation technologies.

Liées aux aspects techniques

Sustainable sanitation does not follow the pattern one size fits all; there is broad variety of technologies that will best fit any specific demand or environment.
