Community bakery [Afghanistan]
- Création :
- Mise à jour :
- Compilateur : Aqila Haidery
- Rédacteur : –
- Examinateur : Deborah Niggli
Dash Nanboe (Dari)
technologies_1718 - Afghanistan
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Développer tout Réduire tout1. Informations générales
1.2 Coordonnées des personnes-ressources et des institutions impliquées dans l'évaluation et la documentation de la Technologie
Spécialiste GDT:
Homayoun Ashraf
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Spécialiste GDT:
Ahmad Ali Sediqi
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Nom du ou des institutions qui ont facilité la documentation/ l'évaluation de la Technologie (si pertinent)
HELVETAS (Swiss Intercooperation)1.3 Conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées
Quand les données ont-elles été compilées (sur le terrain)?
Le compilateur et la(les) personne(s) ressource(s) acceptent les conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées:
1.4 Déclaration sur la durabilité de la Technologie décrite
Est-ce que la Technologie décrite ici pose problème par rapport à la dégradation des terres, de telle sorte qu'elle ne peut pas être déclarée comme étant une technologie de gestion durable des terres?
2. Description de la Technologie de GDT
2.1 Courte description de la Technologie
Définition de la Technologie:
A sustainable option for bread baking and reducing shrub consumption
2.2 Description détaillée de la Technologie
Thirty six community bakeries were constructed in Kahmard from 2009-2012 for reducing shrub consumption. Rural communities normally bake bread at home using tandoors made from clay and fired by shrubs, wood and coal. Bread baking is a demanding task. Men and boys climb mountains to collect shrubs, putting themselves at risk, and women spend 1-2 hours/day for preparing dough, firing the oven and baking bread. Shrub cutting causes upland degradation leading to flash floods in the valleys.
In Saighan, district adjoining Kahmard, a survey showed that one household uses 81 donkey load shrubs annually, and minimum 50 donkey loads are used for baking bread. Kahmard has a similar situation. To address this, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is supporting an integrated watershed management in Kahmard since 2008 with support from the Swiss Re and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The approach comprises other technological and organisational measures where structural and vegetative are applied, combined with grazing and shrub cutting control. To complement re-greening efforts, energy efficient community bakeries were promoted.
Households using community bakeries reported a decrease in shrub consumption by 50-80%, which contributes to greener watersheds. The other benefits include more time for women, boys and girls for other preferred activities, like attending school, literacy classes, vocational trainings, embroidery, etc. Families also save money (minimum US$ 10/month) as they have to purchase less shrubs for baking purpose. In Kahmard, one donkey load shrub costs about US$ 6. Bakers, assistant bakers, masons and workers are employed and bakeries serve as a place for social networking. By contributing to greener watersheds, the bakeries help to reduce flash flood risks. In recent months, running the bakeries has become a challenge as the coal mines in Kahmard have been contracted to a Chinese firm. As a consequence, people are not getting coal easily. Due to coal shortages, several bakeries have stopped functioning. People are looking towards the government authorities to solve this issue as soon as possible. Many households have gone back to shrub cutting and a community assets with proven benefits for the people but environment remains underutilized.
The participating community development councils or CDCs allocate land for bakery. One bakery costs about US$ 4640, with 25% community contribution during construction. It takes about 5 weeks for constructing one bakery if there are no obstacles. About US$ 7300/year is spent on operation and maintenance by the people. One baker and 1-2 assistants are employed for daily bakery operations. The dash or oven is prepared from a mixture of clay and sheep hair and fired by coal. About 1-3 bags are required per day. If mosaic tiles are used, about 1 bag per day is used for heating. The factors influencing the success of community bakeries include access to coal, good quality and low price of coal, on time payment and proper management of bakery funds. The clients bring dough from home and pay about US$ 0.042 (2 Afghani) per bread to the baker or about US$ 6.6/month.
Community bakeries were constructed in the Kahmard district in the valley bottoms where the people reside. The land for community bakeries normally belongs to the community, but where suitable common land is not available, individuals have also donated their private lands for the common cause.
Community bakeries are located at an altitude of about 1700-1800 m above mean sea level. The district receives up to 400 mm rainfall in a good year. In the valley bottom, there are crop growing seasons, the main is from March to July. The land users rely mainly on agriculture for their livelihoods as employment opportunities in the district are very few. Kahmard district has a population density of about 30 person/sq. km. About 50% of the rural population in Kahmard falls under poor category, 40% are medium rich and 10% rich.
2.3 Photos de la Technologie
2.5 Pays/ région/ lieux où la Technologie a été appliquée et qui sont couverts par cette évaluation
Région/ Etat/ Province:
Bamyan Province
Autres spécifications du lieu:
Kahmard district
×2.6 Date de mise en œuvre de la Technologie
Si l'année précise est inconnue, indiquez la date approximative: :
- il y a moins de 10 ans (récemment)
2.7 Introduction de la Technologie
Spécifiez comment la Technologie a été introduite: :
- par le biais de projets/ d'interventions extérieures
Commentaires (type de projet, etc.) :
The first community bakery in Kahmard district was constructed in 2009 with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation support. Since then, 25 bakeries have been constructed as a complementary watershed management technology.
3. Classification de la Technologie de GDT
3.2 Type(s) actuel(s) d'utilisation des terres, là où la Technologie est appliquée
Wastelands, deserts, glaciers, swamps, recreation areas, etc before Technology, settlements, infrastructure networks afterwards.
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Severe flash floods due to degradation of upland watersheds as a result of overgrazing, shrub uprooting, ploughing and recurring droughts. There is a lack of organizational capacities for sustainable management of land and water resources.
Major land use problems (land users’ perception): Severe flash floods due to watershed degradation resulting in destruction of property and life. Lack of knowledge about disaster risk mitigation. Lack of alternatives to fuel wood, especially for bread baking and house warming.
Future (final) land use (after implementation of SLM Technology): Other: Os: Settlements, infrastructure networks
Constraints of settlement / urban: Some areas are not fully utilized. Some are vulnerable to flash floods.
Si l'utilisation des terres a changé en raison de la mise en œuvre de la Technologie, indiquez l'utilisation des terres avant la mise en œuvre de la Technologie:
Other: Oo: Other: wastelands, deserts, glaciers, swamps, recreation areas, etc
3.3 Informations complémentaires sur l'utilisation des terres
Nombre de période de croissance par an: :
- 2
Longest growing period in days: 150, Longest growing period from month to month: March to July, Second longest growing period in days: 90, Second longest growing period from month to month: August to October
3.4 Groupe de GDT auquel appartient la Technologie
- pastoralisme et gestion des pâturages
- Amélioration de la couverture végétale/ du sol
3.5 Diffusion de la Technologie
Spécifiez la diffusion de la Technologie:
- répartie uniformément sur une zone
Si la Technologie est uniformément répartie sur une zone, indiquez la superficie couverte approximative:
- < 0,1 km2 (10 ha)
Each bakery has an area of about 58 sq. m, and 25 bakeries have been constructed so far in Kahmard district with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation support and financial contributions from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
3.6 Mesures de GDT constituant la Technologie
![structures physiques](/static/assets/img/pictos/swc_1_struc.png)
structures physiques
- S11: Autres
3.7 Principaux types de dégradation des terres traités par la Technologie
![érosion hydrique des sols](/static/assets/img/pictos/degra_watererosion.png)
érosion hydrique des sols
- Wt: perte de la couche superficielle des sols (couche arable)/ érosion de surface
- Wg: ravinement/ érosion en ravines
![dégradation biologique](/static/assets/img/pictos/degra_vegetation.png)
dégradation biologique
- Bc: réduction de la couverture végétale
Main causes of degradation: over-exploitation of vegetation for domestic use (extraction of shrubs for fuelwood), overgrazing (Overgrazing by sheep and goats), disturbance of water cycle (infiltration / runoff) (Due to biological degradation), droughts (Recurring droughts slow down vegetation recovery), land tenure (If it was private land, degradation extent would have been much less), governance / institutional (There is no legal and institutional set up for community based natural resource management)
Secondary causes of degradation: deforestation / removal of natural vegetation (incl. forest fires) (Removal of Juniper trees during war period), other natural causes (avalanches, volcanic eruptions, mud flows, highly susceptible natural resources, extreme topography, etc.) specify (Some grazed areas are very steep), population pressure (Due to increasing population, there is increasing pressure on natural resources), poverty / wealth (People depend on livestock. There is lack of off-farm employment opportunities), war and conflicts (During war, traditional NRM systems also collapsed)
3.8 Prévention, réduction de la dégradation ou réhabilitation des terres dégradées
Spécifiez l'objectif de la Technologie au regard de la dégradation des terres:
- réduire la dégradation des terres
- restaurer/ réhabiliter des terres sévèrement dégradées
4. Spécifications techniques, activités, intrants et coûts de mise en œuvre
4.1 Dessin technique de la Technologie
4.2 Spécification/ explications techniques du dessin technique
A detailed technical drawing (long section) of a community bakery in Kahmard district supported by HELVETAS Swiss Intercoop-eration with the dome shaped oven or dash.
Location: Nowjoy Kona Qala. Kahmard district/Bamyan province
Date: 04/2009
Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate (The community bakery was designed by Engineers of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation)
Technical knowledge required for land users: high (Construction of dash requires high technical knowledge. There are however some very skilled people in the community who know the art of making dash.)
Main technical functions: improvement of ground cover, increase of infiltration, Reduces people's dependency on shrubs, which are extracted from the upland watersheds
Structural measure: Community Bakery
Height of bunds/banks/others (m): 4.75
Width of bunds/banks/others (m): 7.45
Length of bunds/banks/others (m): 12.5
Construction material (earth): Soil/clay/sand
Construction material (stone): stones for foundation/bricks (sun dried)
Construction material (wood): Poles for roof beams, doors, windows
Construction material (concrete): cement, gypsum
Construction material (other): hair for dash
4.3 Informations générales sur le calcul des intrants et des coûts
autre/ monnaie nationale (précisez):
Indiquer le taux de change du dollars en monnaie locale (si pertinent): 1 USD= :
Indiquez le coût salarial moyen de la main d'œuvre par jour:
4.4 Activités de mise en place/ d'établissement
Activité | Type de mesures | Calendrier | |
1. | Construction of community bakery as per technical design and based on feasibility study | Structurel | Five months |
4.5 Coûts et intrants nécessaires à la mise en place
Spécifiez les intrants | Unité | Quantité | Coûts par unité | Coût total par intrant | % des coût supporté par les exploitants des terres | |
Main d'œuvre | 1,0 | 1223,0 | 1223,0 | 10,0 | ||
Equipements | Tools | 1,0 | 60,0 | 60,0 | 100,0 | |
Matériaux de construction | Sand, soil, cement, gypsum, br | 1,0 | 3356,0 | 3356,0 | 30,0 | |
Coût total de mise en place de la Technologie | 4639,0 |
Duration of establishment phase: 1.5 month(s)
4.6 Activités d'entretien/ récurrentes
Activité | Type de mesures | Calendrier/ fréquence | |
1. | Bakery operation (Baker and Assistant Baker salaries) | Structurel | Year round |
2. | Roof plastering with clay and straw | Structurel | Once before winter |
3. | Baking bread | Structurel | Year round |
4. | Dash firing and heating | Structurel | year round |
5. | Fire ignition | Structurel | Year round |
4.7 Coûts et intrants nécessaires aux activités d'entretien/ récurrentes (par an)
Spécifiez les intrants | Unité | Quantité | Coûts par unité | Coût total par intrant | % des coût supporté par les exploitants des terres | |
Main d'œuvre | 1,0 | 3600,0 | 3600,0 | 100,0 | ||
Matériaux de construction | Roof plastering mud and straw | 1,0 | 38,5 | 38,5 | 100,0 | |
Matériaux de construction | Coal | 1,0 | 3650,0 | 3650,0 | 100,0 | |
Matériaux de construction | Tyre | 1,0 | 300,0 | 300,0 | 100,0 | |
Matériaux de construction | Dash shovel | 1,0 | 10,0 | 10,0 | 100,0 | |
Coût total d'entretien de la Technologie | 7598,5 |
Machinery/ tools: Sand, Soil, cement, gypsum, bricks, stones, gravel, straw, plastic, clay, hair, wooden door, timber for beams, glass, paint, gutter pipes. Ventilation pipes
The costs in 2.6.1. relate to the construction, operation and maintenance of one community bakery. The estimates are based on the Bills of Quantity prepared in 2009.
4.8 Facteurs les plus importants affectant les coûts
Décrivez les facteurs les plus importants affectant les coûts :
Most of the expenses for construction work is on equipment and materials like shovels, pick axe, wheel barrow, wooden doors, timber beams, window, concrete bricks, and sun dried bricks. In terms of recurrent costs, most spending is on coal and on the salaries of the baker and assistant bakers.
5. Environnement naturel et humain
5.1 Climat
Précipitations annuelles
- < 250 mm
- 251-500 mm
- 501-750 mm
- 751-1000 mm
- 1001-1500 mm
- 1501-2000 mm
- 2001-3000 mm
- 3001-4000 mm
- > 4000 mm
Zone agro-climatique
- semi-aride
Thermal climate class: temperate. The minimum temperature in Kahmard district can be up to -70°C.
5.2 Topographie
Pentes moyennes:
- plat (0-2 %)
- faible (3-5%)
- modéré (6-10%)
- onduleux (11-15%)
- vallonné (16-30%)
- raide (31-60%)
- très raide (>60%)
- plateaux/ plaines
- crêtes
- flancs/ pentes de montagne
- flancs/ pentes de colline
- piémonts/ glacis (bas de pente)
- fonds de vallée/bas-fonds
Zones altitudinales:
- 0-100 m
- 101-500 m
- 501-1000 m
- 1001-1500 m
- 1501-2000 m
- 2001-2500 m
- 2501-3000 m
- 3001-4000 m
- > 4000 m
5.3 Sols
Profondeur moyenne du sol:
- très superficiel (0-20 cm)
- superficiel (21-50 cm)
- modérément profond (51-80 cm)
- profond (81-120 cm)
- très profond (>120 cm)
Texture du sol (de la couche arable):
- moyen (limoneux)
Texture du sol (> 20 cm sous la surface):
- moyen (limoneux)
Matière organique de la couche arable:
- faible (<1%)
5.4 Disponibilité et qualité de l'eau
Profondeur estimée de l’eau dans le sol:
5-50 m
Disponibilité de l’eau de surface:
Qualité de l’eau (non traitée):
eau potable
Commentaires et précisions supplémentaires sur la qualité et la quantité d'eau:
When the water is fetched from wells or natural springs the water is good drinking water, otherwise it is poor drinking water (surface water, must be treated before consumption)
5.5 Biodiversité
Diversité des espèces:
- faible
5.6 Caractéristiques des exploitants des terres appliquant la Technologie
Revenus hors exploitation:
- 10-50% de tous les revenus
Niveau relatif de richesse:
- pauvre
- moyen
Individus ou groupes:
- groupe/ communauté
- hommes
Indiquez toute autre caractéristique pertinente des exploitants des terres:
Land users applying the Technology are mainly common / average land users
Difference in the involvement of women and men: Men are mostly involved in the construction and operation of the bakeries. However, in some areas women and girls bring pasta to the bakery for bread baking. Women's support for community bakeries is strong as they benefit directly .
Population density: 10-50 persons/km2
Annual population growth: 2% - 3%
10% of the land users are very rich.
40% of the land users are average wealthy.
50% of the land users are poor.
Off-farm income specification: Due to small land holding size, there is not enough income from the farmlands to support large families. Therefore, people rely on seasonal work opportunities either within the district or their communities or migrate to Afghan cities or neighboring countries for work. Some people work in coal mines which are present in the district.
5.7 Superficie moyenne des terres détenues ou louées par les exploitants appliquant la Technologie
- < 0,5 ha
- 0,5-1 ha
- 1-2 ha
- 2-5 ha
- 5-15 ha
- 15-50 ha
- 50-100 ha
- 100-500 ha
- 500-1 000 ha
- 1 000-10 000 ha
- > 10 000 ha
Cette superficie est-elle considérée comme de petite, moyenne ou grande dimension (en se référant au contexte local)?
- moyenne dimension
5.8 Propriété foncière, droits d’utilisation des terres et de l'eau
Propriété foncière:
- communauté/ village
- individu, avec titre de propriété
Droits d’utilisation des terres:
- communautaire (organisé)
Droits d’utilisation de l’eau:
- communautaire (organisé)
Mostly, the land used for community bakeries belongs to the community. In case suitable land is not available, the community development council members and village elders motivate individuals to spare their land for the common cause.
5.9 Accès aux services et aux infrastructures
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
assistance technique:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
emploi (par ex. hors exploitation):
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
routes et transports:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
eau potable et assainissement:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
services financiers:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
6. Impacts et conclusions
6.1 Impacts sur site que la Technologie a montrés
Impacts socio-économiques
production de bois
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
This is due to less shrub extraction in the watersheds
production d'énergie
Revenus et coûts
diversité des sources de revenus
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Some women have more time and can take part in off-farm income generation activities. e.g. embroidery.
Autres impacts socio-économiques
Air pollution
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to burning of coal.
Loss of income for shrub collectors
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Less demand for shrubs for fire wood.
Impacts socioculturels
sécurité alimentaire/ autosuffisance
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to more savings, people can buy more food and reduce their food gaps.
situation sanitaire
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Less exposure to smoke and heat.
opportunités culturelles
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
More opportunities for social networking for men and women.
possibilités de loisirs
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Especially for women as they have more time.
institutions communautaires
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
People cooperate with each other for running the bakeries. There are less conflicts over bread baking within the households. There is also more social networking as people meet more often at the bakeries when they bring dough.
connaissances sur la GDT/ dégradation des terres
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
People understand well the linkage between community bakeries, watershed management and flash flood risk mitigation.
apaisement des conflits
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Especially members of a family over bread baking or shrub collection.
Impacts écologiques
Cycle de l'eau/ ruissellement
ruissellement de surface
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to better vegetation cover in the watersheds.
couverture du sol
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to more shrubs in the watersheds.
Biodiversité: végétale, animale
biomasse/ au dessus du sol C
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to increased shrub cover.
Autres impacts écologiques
energy generation (eg hydro, bio)
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Use of coal which is plenty available in the district due to presence of coal mines.
6.2 Impacts hors site que la Technologie a montrés
inondations en aval
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to more vegetation cover and increased infiltration.
dommages sur les infrastructures publiques/ privées
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Due to reduced flash floods,
6.3 Exposition et sensibilité de la Technologie aux changements progressifs et aux évènements extrêmes/catastrophes liés au climat (telles que perçues par les exploitants des terres)
Changements climatiques progressifs
Changements climatiques progressifs
Saison | Type de changements/ extrêmes climatiques | Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
températures annuelles | augmente | bien |
Extrêmes climatiques (catastrophes)
Catastrophes météorologiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
pluie torrentielle locale | pas bien |
tempête de vent locale | bien |
Catastrophes climatiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
sécheresse | bien |
Catastrophes hydrologiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
inondation générale (rivière) | pas bien |
Autres conséquences liées au climat
Autres conséquences liées au climat
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
réduction de la période de croissance | bien |
If the weather gets too cold, more coal may be required for dash heating. There can be damages due to heavy rainfall but the bakeries can still operate. Therefore, it is not a major issue. Even without climatic extremes, the bakeries can be damaged due to flash floods.
Modifications possible: Bakeries should not be constructed near the flood ways.
6.4 Analyse coûts-bénéfices
Quels sont les bénéfices comparativement aux coûts de mise en place (du point de vue des exploitants des terres)?
Rentabilité à court terme:
Rentabilité à long terme:
très positive
Quels sont les bénéfices comparativement aux coûts d'entretien récurrents (du point de vue des exploitants des terres)?
Rentabilité à court terme:
Rentabilité à long terme:
très positive
One does not have to wait for getting direct benefits from a community bakery. The day one starts using a bakery, shrub consumption by a family will start to reduce. The benefits should also take into account improvements in the quality of people's lives, especially of the women and children.
6.5 Adoption de la Technologie
- plus de 50%
Parmi tous ceux qui ont adopté la Technologie, combien d'entre eux l'ont fait spontanément, à savoir sans recevoir aucune incitation matérielle ou aucun paiement?
- 0-10%
100% of land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support
This is mainly because of the high investment during the investment phase. But there is one CDC in Kahmard which applied this technology by their own. People in Qaghor community bakery (initially supported by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation) changed the traditional oven/dash into a mosaic one without any external support.
There is a little trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Comments on adoption trend: One CDC adopted this technology without any external help.
6.7 Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités de la Technologie
Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue de l'exploitant des terres |
If the dash is made of mosaic, there is less coal consumption, bread quality is better and it takes less time to bake |
Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé |
Reduces shrub consumption and helps in watershed re-greening leading to reduced flash flood risks |
Better lives and health of women, men and children and cash saving |
Collective action and community ownership |
Use of locally resources |
For the cost of 1 donkey load of shrubs, a family can get baked bread for a whole month |
6.8 Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques de la Technologie et moyens de les surmonter
Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue de l’exploitant des terres | Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés? |
Clay oven requires frequent maintenance | Alternatives like use of mosaic tiles could be an option and should be further explored. |
As it is dark inside the dash, bakers have to use a torch and it also exposes them to heat | Develop better lighting systems. For instance a window opposite dash for more light or the dash could have a gentle slope. |
2-3 bags of coal are used per day | The oven could be made more energy-efficient, for instance by improving insulation layering or by using mosaic tiles. |
Bakeries are used for only bread baking | Options like heating water for which people can collect or a hot bath (hamam) could be integrated. |
Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé | Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés? |
Bakeries run on coal, and due to restrictions on coal mining some of them have stopped running | Government should solve this problem. |
Minimum 80 families are required for running the bakeries profitably | Develop a model which caters to 10-20 households. Also, action research on different sizes and fuel consumation (coal, wood, gas, etc.). |
Loss of income for few shrub collectors | Provide opportunities for off or on-farm income generation and cash for work. |
7. Références et liens
7.2 Références des publications disponibles
Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:
Our daily bread. Community bakeries: a huge benefit for Afghan families, SDC, 2010
Disponible à partir d'où? Coût? free access
7.3 Liens vers les informations pertinentes disponibles en ligne
Titre/ description:
Community Bakeries in Afghanistan, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, 2011
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