ទម្រង់នេះគឺហួសសម័យ ជាទម្រង់ដែលអសកម្ម។ ទៅកាន់ទម្រង់បច្ចុប្បន្ន

Community participation in large-scale land restoration for Africa’s Great Green Wall programme [ប្រទេសនីហ្សេ]

approaches_2909 - ប្រទេសនីហ្សេ


ភាពពេញលេញ៖ 97%

1. ព័ត៌មានទូទៅ

1.2 ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតពីបុគ្គលសំខាន់ៗ និងស្ថាប័នដែលចូលរួមក្នុងការវាយតម្លៃ និងចងក្រងឯកសារនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

បុគ្គលសំខាន់ម្នាក់ (ច្រើននាក់)

អ្នកជំនាញឯកទេស SLM:
អ្នកជំនាញឯកទេស SLM:

Sacande Moctar


Forestry Policy and Resources Division (FOA)


ឈ្មោះគម្រោងដែលបានចងក្រងឯកសារ/ វាយតម្លៃលើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ (បើទាក់ទង)
FAO-Action Against Desertification
ឈ្មោះគម្រោងដែលបានចងក្រងឯកសារ/ វាយតម្លៃលើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ (បើទាក់ទង)
Book project: Guidelines to Rangeland Management in Sub-Saharan Africa (Rangeland Management)
ឈ្មោះអង្គភាពមួយ (ច្រើន) ដែលបានចងក្រងឯកសារ/ វាយតម្លៃលើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ (បើទាក់ទង)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - ប្រទេសអ៊ីតាលី

1.3 លក្ខខណ្ឌទាក់ទងទៅនឹងការប្រើប្រាស់ទិន្នន័យដែលបានចងក្រងតាមរយៈវ៉ូខេត

អ្នកចងក្រង និង(បុគ្គលសំខាន់ៗ)យល់ព្រមទទួលយកនូវលក្ខខណ្ឌនានាទាក់ទងទៅនឹងការប្រើប្រាស់ទិន្នន័យដែលបានចងក្រងតាមរយៈ​ វ៉ូខេត:


2. ការពណ៌នាអំពីវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ SLM

2.1 ពណ៌នាសង្ខេបខ្លីពីវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been using a participatory approach to implement large-scale restoration of degraded land in the Sahel. Communities have been central to the programme. In the framework of the Great Green Wall initiative, adapted and useful native tree species, shrubs, and fodder grasses are planted in agro-sylvo-pastoral land. This is response to community needs and preferences while ensuring that the species and varieties are all ecologically suitable.

2.2 ពណ៌នាលម្អិតពិវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ


The approach is implemented under FAO's Action against Desertification (AAD) programme in the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative (GGWSSI). This is Africa's flagship initiative to combat the effects of climate change and desertification, and to address food insecurity and poverty. It brings together more than 20 African countries with international agencies, research institutes, civil society and grassroots organizations. Through the GGWSSI, the vision is a mosaic of sustainable land use practices and productive landscapes stretching across North Africa, the Sahel and the Horn.
Community participation in the Great Green Wall restoration initiative is through a people-centred approach to rangeland management that puts communities at the heart of efforts. It focusses on plant species that support their livelihoods. Specifically these are a selection of well-adapted indigenous trees, shrubs and fodder grasses with proven resilience to drought and usefulness in restoration. Village communities decide on which areas to plant and on the species that they can utilise for food, for fodder, and for medicines. There are also plants that produce economically valuable goods for local, national and even international markets, such as gum arabic (from Acacia senegal) for example.
Technically, AAD supports the implementation of land restoration activities through provision of equipment, and by strengthening the technical and functional capacities of individuals, communities, and organizations in restoration techniques and sustainable land management.
The three main objectives of this approach are:
a) Poverty alleviation;
b) Ending hunger; and
c) Improving resilience to climate change.
The restoration approach is based on a five-step model:
• Communities: needs and requirements for restoration are determined through in-depth consultations with communities.
• Research: good quality seed is made available for the propagation of economically viable, locally adapted and biodiverse vegetation.
• Operational procedure: efficient operational restoration processes are ensured, including land preparation and management, assisted natural regeneration and planting.
• Monitoring: field performance of species are evaluated, as well as communal activities such as maintenance and management of restored areas.
• Capacity development: village technicians’ capacities are upgraded in forest seed collecting and nursery techniques, planting, maintenance and management of restored areas, and development of plant products, marketing, and local business management.

2.3 រូបភាពនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ


The photos were taken under the FAO project GCP/INT/157/EC: Action Against Deserti­fication is an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacifi­c Group of States (ACP) to promote sustainable land management and restore drylands and degraded lands in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacifi­c, implemented by FAO and partners with funding from the European Union in the framework of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF).

2.4 វីឌីអូនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ


Over the next decade, 50 million people may be displaced by desertification - the result of climate change and the depletion of natural resources. Action Against Desertification, an initiative of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations with the financial contribution of the European Union. It aims to restore the productivity of degraded forests and landscapes and enhance the resilience of people to climate change in 6 Great Green Wall countries in Africa as well as Haiti in the Caribbean and Fiji in the Pacific.








Land restoration in the Sahel is making degraded areas productive again, providing economic opportunities in a region where migration has become a tradition. Under FAO’s “Action Against Desertification” programme, these efforts are being expanded to six African countries. Land degradation around the Sahara is not yet irreversible.







2.5 ប្រទេស/តំបន់/ទីតាំងកន្លែង ដែលវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយត្រូវបានអនុវត្តន៍




Tillabery, Dosso and Tahoua


In Niger, the GGWSSI covers all the eight regions of the country. Currently FAO’s Action Against Desertification project works in the three regions of Tillabery, Dosso and Tahoua, though the approach is expanding to the remaining five regions.


The AAD land restoration approach has been successfully implemented with trans-boundary interventions in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali. For this documentation, the focus is on Tera, Niger.

2.6 កាលបរិច្ឆេទនៃការចាប់ផ្តើម និងបញ្ចប់នៃវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះ



ប្រសិនអត់ចាំឆ្នាំ សូមចង្អុលបង្ហាញកាលបរិច្ឆេទប្រហែលៗពេលដែលវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយត្រូវបានចាប់ផ្តើមប្រើ:

តិចជាង 10ឆ្នាំមុន (ថ្មី)

2.7 ប្រភេទនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

  • ផ្អែកលើគម្រោង/កម្មវិធី

2.8 គោលបំណង/ទិសដៅសំខាន់នៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

Key elements and aims of this approach include:
• Planting the right species in the right place.
• Promoting the use of quality native forest and fodder seeds for restoration.
• Ensuring that a wide range of useful plant species is made available.
• Managing natural regeneration of species and planted areas through village management committees.
• Updating a species database for gene-pool traceability, monitoring, reporting and for future uses of data and information.

2.9 លក្ខខណ្ឌអនុញ្ញាត ឬរារាំងការអនុវត្តន៍បច្ចេកទេសដែលស្ថិតនៅក្រោមវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

សង្គម/វប្បធម៌/ និងតម្លៃនៃសាសនា
  • អំណោយផល

The approach is people-centred, and builds on traditional management of land, traditional ecological knowledge and techniques such as “half-moons” (demi-lunes in French) for rainwater harvesting that facilitate improved plant establishment.

ភាពអាចរកបាននៃធនធានហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ និងសេវាកម្ម
  • អំណោយផល

Individuals can acquire finance to buy seeds. On community land, finance may be needed to lease land for production of plant varieties, or for hiring labour to take care of seedlings.

  • អំណោយផល

Better organization at local level enhances community participation and commitment to achieve interventions at large-scale/community level.

  • អំណោយផល

There are various levels of collaboration needed for example in establishing which land should/ can be used, in seed selection based on defined needs, and also for the provision of labor. Fundamentally, collaboration is key to agreements to achieve the desired objectives.

ក្របខណ្ឌច្បាប់ (សិទ្ធិកាន់កាប់ដីធ្លី កម្មសិទ្ធីប្រើប្រាស់ដីនិងទឹក)
  • អំណោយផល

Securing access rights to land and water resources is a motivation for investing in reforestation.

  • អំណោយផល

National level policies can protect and ensure supply of seeds as well facilitate access to natural resources such as land. Additionally, policies such as those in support of Great Green Wall activities create an enabling environment within which these activities can be supported.

អភិបាលកិច្ចដី (ការសម្រេចចិត្ត ការអនុវត្ត និងការរឹតបន្តឹង)
  • អំណោយផល

Similar to legal framework above.

ចំណេះដឹងស្តីពី SLM និងការទទួលបានការគាំទ្រផ្នែកបច្ចេកទេស
  • អំណោយផល

Knowledge around SLM contributes to maintenance and management of restored areas, thus ensuring sustainability of activities. The programme has integrated existing/traditional SLM activities such as zaï (wide planting pits)/half-moons in capturing, concentrating and storing water thus keeping soils moist and improving the chances of good plant growth in a very dry environment.

ទីផ្សារ (ទិញធាតុចូល លក់ផលិតផល) និងតម្លៃ
  • អំណោយផល

Market access and increasing economic capacities of communities can enable active involvement in restoration especially when plant products can earn income thus facilitating local business.

ទំហំការងារ ភាពអាចរកបាននៃកម្លាំងពលកម្ម
  • អំណោយផល

Availability of labor facilitates activities such as forest seed collecting, nursery activities, planting, maintenance and management of restored areas. Most of the work is done by women who prepare the land and take the lead in planting.

3. ការចូលរួម និងតួនាទីរបស់ភាគីពាក់ព័ន្ធ

3.1 អ្នកពាក់ព័ន្ធដែលបានចូលរួមក្នុងវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ និងតួនាទីរបស់ពួកគេ

  • អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីក្នុងតំបន់/សហគមន៍

Total project beneficiaries are currently 116,000 people (over half are women) Age varies from 15 to 70 years. Participants are villagers including farmers, herders, traditional healers and herbalists. Each intervention village has a village management committee set up for GGW implementation. They contribute land and labour, and village technicians are trained in large-scale degraded land restoration techniques so that they can be self-sufficient at the end of the funding.

1. Defining needs, preferences of species and objectives for land restoration in degraded areas. 2. Trained in the collection of seeds and in how to produce seedlings in village nurseries. 3.The communities involved also participated in the regular monitoring and evaluation of plots. 4. Participating in workshops including agreeing on work plans 5. Communities were also a source of rich traditional ecological knowledge 6. Supporting projects through in-kind contributions of labour and land 7. Representation in the steering committee

  • អង្គការសហគមន៍មូលដ្ឋាន

Each intervention village has a village management committee set up for GGWSSI activities.

- Contributed land, labor and village technicians to be trained in large-scale land restoration techniques geared to self-sufficiency at the end of project life. Managing intervention sites including products such as fodder. Collaborating with national and local administrations.

  • អ្នកឯកទេសគ្រប់គ្រងដីប្រកបដោយចីរភាព/ទីប្រឹក្សាបច្ចេកទេសកសិកម្ម

Support in identification of land needed for restoration, seeds, and management of restoration.

  • អ្នកស្រាវជ្រាវ

National seed centres.

1. Address the availability of good quality seeds for collection.
2. Ensure genetic diversity reflecting varieties of native species.

  • អង្គការក្រៅរដ្ឋាភិបាល

Local NGOs and CBOs.

Local NGO's were trained in land restoration activities.
NGOs were also instrumental in discussions on scaling up the approaches and policy support for mainstreaming sustainable land management.

  • វិស័យឯកជន

Supplies of equipment and materials needed for restoration activities.

Mainly business related to procurement of goods and services.

  • រដ្ឋាភិបាលថ្នាក់មូលដ្ឋាន

Local administration and national governments in the respective countries.

1. Provide technical management and management of the operational team.
2. Mobilization of communities.
3. Part of the steering committee.

  • រដ្ឋាភិបាលថ្នាក់ជាតិ (អ្នករៀបចំផែនការ អ្នកសម្រេចចិត្ត)

1. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
2. National Agency of the Great Green Wall.
3. National Forestry Seed Centre.
4. Local authorities (i.e.Town halls/ Mairies in French) involved in Tillabery, Dosso and Tahoua regions.

  • អង្គការអន្តរជាតិ

Royal Botanical Garden, Kew.

Technical support; botanical knowledge and information resources, and identifying priority species for the Great Green Wall.

3.2 ការចូលរួមរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីក្នុងតំបន់/ សហគមន៍ក្នុងតំបន់ក្នុងដំណាក់កាលផ្សេងគ្នានៃវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយ
ការចូលរួមរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីក្នុងតំបន់/សហគមន៍ក្នុងតំបន់ សូមបញ្ជាក់នរណាត្រូវបានចូលរួម ព្រមទាំងពណ៌នាសកម្មភាពទាំងនោះ
ការចាប់ផ្តើម/ការលើកទឹកចិត្ត អន្តរកម្ម Communities’ local knowledge, needs and aspirations were the backbone of the project. Communities were extensively consulted on species identification and prioritization based on needs, including speed of production, personal knowledge and aspirations. This was through questionnaires and village workshops. Commitment and buy-in from the community was also a prerequisite for activities to start, as they had to commit to contribute land and in-kind labour. Selection of villages for restoration was based on, amongst other things, motivation and commitment by communities to participate in restoration activities, and community-based structures and organizations.
ការរៀបចំផែនការ អន្តរកម្ម Extensive planning was done with communities before implementation, e.g. to agree on planting times, use of traditional techniques and land preparation.
ការអនុវត្តន៍ អន្តរកម្ម Implementation was done actively with communities who volunteered traditional knowledge as well as labour to the activities. This built on the initial procedures where species were selected and prioritized; planning of activities; and later labour in preparation of land, setting-up nurseries and transplanting.
ការត្រួតពិនិត្យ និងវាយតម្លៃ អន្តរកម្ម Monitoring and field data collection of survival and growth of seedlings were carried out by trained village technicians in collaboration with the communities and technical institutions.

3.3 គំនូសបំព្រួញ (ប្រសិនបើមាន)


Community process.


AAD Project

3.4 ការសម្រេចចិត្តលើការជ្រើសរើសបច្ចេកទេស SLM

  • គ្រប់ភាគីពាក់ព័ន្ធទាំងអស់ដែលជាផ្នែកនៃវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយដោយមានការចូលរួម

This is a local initiative that uses traditional ecological knowledge and multi-purpose plant species (of known benefits to the local communities) for restoration.
Community participation, lifestyles and preferences and a careful analysis of ecological landscapes are carefully considered and then matched to suitable interventions. This similar approach has been applied by other projects in the GGWSSI region however although has not often been formally disseminated to wider audiences.

សូមបញ្ជាក់ តើការសម្រេចធ្វើឡើងដោយផ្អែកលើអ្វីជាមូលដ្ឋាន:
  • វាយតម្លៃទៅលើចំណេះដឹងស្តីអំពី SLM ដែលបានចងក្រងជាឯកសារបានត្រឹមត្រូវ (ផ្អែកលើភស្តុតាងជាមូលដ្ឋានដើម្បីសម្រេចចិត្ត)
  • លទ្ធផលបានពីការស្រាវជ្រាវ
  • បទពិសោធន៍ និងគំនិតផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន(ពុំមានចងក្រងជាឯកសារ)

4. ជំនួយបច្ចេកទេស ការកសាងសមត្ថភាព និងការគ្រប់គ្រងចំណេះដឹង

4.1 ការកសាងសមត្ថភាព/ បណ្តុះបណ្តាល



  • អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី
  • បុគ្គលិកចុះទីវាល/អ្នកផ្តល់ប្រឹក្សាយោបល់
ប្រសិនទាក់ទង សូមបញ្ជាក់ ភេទ អាយុ ស្ថានភាពគ្រួសារ ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច។ល។:

100 small-scale farmers were trained in 2017, in Natural Assisted Regeneration techniques and 40 farmers were trained in forest and fodder seed collection and the production of seedlings in village nurseries and in the management of planted sites.

  • វគ្គបណ្តុះបណ្តាល

Technical training was provided to villages through formal modules in how to collect quality seeds in defined seed zones. The training was provided by the national forest seed centres. The training was in seedling production and participatory forest management. Other areas covered included; added-value and the development of plant products (non-timber forest products), marketing and local business management to support income generation.


Apart from the restoration technical areas covered above, additional areas of training included; improving adult literacy, family health and nutritional standards. This was done together with specialized rural sector developers.

4.2 សេវាផ្តល់ប្រឹក្សាយោបល់

តើអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីបានទទួលនូវសេវាផ្តល់ប្រឹក្សាដែរ ឬទេ?


  • នៅលើដីរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី
  • នៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលជាអចិន្ត្រៃ
  • workshops

To re-introduce plants for large-scale restoration, effective use of seeds of wild species demands sufficient biological and technical knowledge about a large number of species to allow for collection, storage and germination of seeds and establishment of seedlings. In this approach therefore, use was made of the technical know-how of RBG Kew and their partnership with forest seed centres that guided collection of quality seeds.

4.3 ការពង្រឹងសមត្ថភាពស្ថាប័ន (ការអភិរឌ្ឍន៍អង្គភាព)

តើស្ថាប័នទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើង ឬពង្រឹងសមត្ថភាពតាមរយៈវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយដែរ ឬទេ?
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង
សូមបញ្ជាក់ថាតើស្ថាប័នត្រូវបានពង្រឹង ឬបង្កើតឡើងនៅត្រឹមកម្រិតណា(ច្រើន)?
  • ថ្នាក់មូលដ្ឋាន
  • កម្រិតថ្នាក់តំបន់
  • កម្រិតថ្នាក់ជាតិ
ចូពណ៌នាពីស្ថាប័ន តួនាទី និងទំនួលខុសត្រូវ សមាជិក ។ល។:

Institutions: National government; NGOs, CBOs.
Support to the national government which is the national agency for the GGW is the entry point. Through them and based on national objectives, the project progresses to a decentralized level. At the national level, capacities have been improved on monitoring and evaluation techniques; seed identification and selection and handling.
Local level: these are the implementing partners and work on the ground. Their capacities have been improved on seed selection and restoration techniques, and on data collection
Regional level: more collaboration, coordination and knowledge sharing on the GGW initiatives as well as peer-to-peer learning.

  • ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ
  • ការកសាងសមត្ថភាព/ បណ្តុះបណ្តាល
  • សម្ភារៈ

Equipment: mainly for land preparation for planting and non-timber forest product processing.

4.4 ការត្រួតពិនិត្យ និងវាយតម្លៃ

តើការត្រួតពិនិត្យ និងវាយតម្លៃគឺជាផ្នែកមួយនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រដែរឬទេ?



Regular monitoring is carried out by village communities involved in the restoration exercise. The activities include assessing seedling survival and growth, and the area planted.

ប្រសិន បាទ/ច៎ា តើឯកសារនេះបានបង្កើតឡើងក្នុងគោលបំណងប្រើប្រាស់សម្រាប់ការត្រួតពិនិត្យ និងវាយតម្លៃដែរឬទេ?


4.5 ការស្រាវជ្រាវ

តើការស្រាវជ្រាវ គឺជាផ្នែកមួយនៃវិធីសាស្រ្តដែរឬទេ?


  • សង្គមវិទ្យា
  • សេដ្ឋកិច្ច/ទីផ្សារ
  • បរិស្ថានវិទ្យា
សូមផ្តល់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមទៀតឱ្យបានលម្អិត និងចង្អុលបង្ហាញនរណាដែលបានធ្វើការស្រាវជ្រាវ:

Through a questionnaire, communities define their needs and preferences for species, and the objectives of land restoration in their selected agro-sylvo-pastoral degraded lands. Results of this consultation are fed back to them after analyses by the project team (researchers, plant experts, seed centres) for the feasibility, suitability and availability of the requested species. This creates common agreement on interventions, priorities and implementation plans, with roles and responsibilities from the communities as well as from the technical teams.
1. Sociology: prior research was done on social diversity of village communities in areas such as gender, age, and professions to decide on village selection, but also to ensure balance.
2. Economics/marketing: this was multi-faceted - on the one hand looking at community economic needs and priorities, but also on how to add value to non-timber forest products. The plant-use data received from respondents were classified according to the Economic Botany Data Collection.
These helped in deciding and prioritizing species according to community needs.
3. Ecology: the GGW initiative is typically aimed at drylands with challenges of aridity. Thus the ecology was studied to identify suitable plant species that would thrive under these conditions - in combination with traditional SLM/ water harvesting technologies that have been developed to overcome moisture deficits.
The selected species was further examined in laboratories to check their suitability for dryland environments and thereafter to ensure good quality and genetically diverse seeds are used.

5. ថវិកា និងសម្ភារៈឧបត្ថម្ភពីខាងក្រៅ

5.1 ថវិកាប្រចាំឆ្នាំសម្រាប់ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ SLM

ប្រសិនបើចំនួនពិតប្រាកដនៃថវិកាប្រចាំឆ្នាំមិនត្រូវបានដឹងច្បាស់ សូមប្រាប់ពីចន្លោះនៃថវិកានោះ:
  • 100,000-1,000,000
មតិយោបល់ (ឧ. ប្រភពសំខាន់នៃមូលនិធិ/ម្ចាស់ជំនួយចំបង):

Action Against Desertification is implemented by FAO and partners with funding from the European Union in the framework of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). The GGWI under AAD in Niger is funded up to around 1.5m USD for the four years of the project.

5.2 ការគាំទ្រផ្នែកហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ / សម្ភារៈដែលបានផ្តល់ទៅឱ្យអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី



ប្រសិនបាទ/ច៎ា សូមបញ្ជាក់ប្រភេទ(ច្រើន)នៃការគាំទ្រ លក្ខខណ្ឌ និងអ្នកផ្តល់ឱ្យ(ច្រើន):

Finances are needed for purchasing equipment; seeds were also provided; seed testing was carried out to establish appropriate type/species of those chosen by the communities.

5.3 សូមបញ្ជាក់ពីធាតុចូលត្រូវបានផ្តល់បដិភាគ (រួមទាំងកម្លាំងពលកម្ម)

  • កម្លាំងពលកម្ម
កម្រិតទំហំប៉ុណ្ណា សូមបញ្ជាក់ពីការបដិភាគ
ផ្តល់ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុមួយផ្នែក Local communities shared some tasks such as during planting period the project provided lunch.
  • សម្ភារៈ
សូមបញ្ជាក់ ធាតុចូលណាខ្លះដែលបានផ្តល់បដិភាគ កម្រិតទំហំប៉ុណ្ណា សូមបញ្ជាក់ពីការបដិភាគ
ម៉ាស៊ីន ផ្តល់ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុមួយផ្នែក Provided such as hand tools, and carts for transportation.
ឧបករណ៍ ផ្តល់ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុមួយផ្នែក Tools for SLM/WH structures and planting.
  • កសិកម្ម
សូមបញ្ជាក់ ធាតុចូលណាខ្លះដែលបានផ្តល់បដិភាគ កម្រិតទំហំប៉ុណ្ណា សូមបញ្ជាក់ពីការបដិភាគ
គ្រាប់ពូជ ផ្តល់ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុមួយផ្នែក Training was provided in a collection of native forest seeds that were then bought from them (communities thus earning an income).
Organic manure Training to do and collect composts.
  • ការសាងសង
សូមបញ្ជាក់ ធាតុចូលណាខ្លះដែលបានផ្តល់បដិភាគ កម្រិតទំហំប៉ុណ្ណា សូមបញ្ជាក់ពីការបដិភាគ
ថ្ម ផ្តល់ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុមួយផ្នែក For storage facilities.
ប្រសិនបើកម្លាំងពលកម្មធ្វើដោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី តើវាជាធាតុចូលដ៏សំខាន់មួយដែរ ឬទេ:
  • ផ្តល់ជារង្វាន់តាមរយៈការគាំទ្រជាសម្ភារៈ

In partnership with WFP there was collaboration on food for assets and incentives from the project such as trainings on preparation of vegetable gardens..

5.4 ឥណទាន

តើឥណទានដែលបានផ្តល់នៅក្រោមវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយសម្រាប់សកម្មភាព SLM នេះយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?


5.5 ការលើកទឹកចិត្ត ឬវិធីសាស្ត្រដ៏ទៃទៀត

តើមានការលើកទឹកចិត្តផ្សេងទៀត ឬឧបករណ៍ប្រើប្រាស់ដើម្បីលើកកម្ពស់ការអនុវត្តន៍បច្ចេកទេស SLM?


បើបាទ/ចា៎ សូមបញ្ជាក់:

Functional capacity building village communities for example in management of restoration sites and development of forest products

6. ការវិភាគរកផលប៉ះពាល់ និងសេចក្តីសន្និដ្ឋាន

6.1 ផលប៉ះពាល់នៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយបានផ្តល់សិទ្ធិអំណាចដល់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី ធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងនូវការចួលរួមអ្នកពាក់ព័ន្ធ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

The project supports communities to improve the productivity of their land in direct consultation with them while benefiting from training on recording changes in the diversity of biomass in community plots and lands.

តើវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យធ្វើការសម្រេចចិត្ដដោយផ្អែកលើភស្តុតាងជាមូលដ្ឋានដែរ ឬទេ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង
តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយជួយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីដើម្បីអនុវត្តន៍ និងថែទាំបច្ចេកទេស SLM?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

Training was provided in various aspects such as seed selection and collection.

តើវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងនូវការសម្របសម្រួលនិងការអនុវត្តចំណាយរបស់ SLMមានប្រសិទ្ធិភាពបែបណា? :
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

The project is not funding all aspects, though building sustainability through the direct capacity development and participation of communities.

តើវិធីសាស្រ្តផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះប្រមូលផ្តុំ / ធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងនូវការទទួលបានធនធានហិរញ្ញវត្ថុសម្រាប់ការអនុវត្ត SLM?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

1. Village technicians have been used by other projects in the area in SLM and also by the government while receiving remuneration. 2. Communities are able to sell indigenous seeds for restoration to other projects in the region, and to the government.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះធ្វើឱ្យចំណេះដឹងប្រសើឡើង និងសមត្ថភាពរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីក្នុងការអនុវត្តន៏ SLM?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង
តើវីធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះពង្រឹងចំណេះដឹង និងកសាងសមត្ថភាពរបស់អ្នកពាក់ព័ន្ធឬទេ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

1. Governments; training of technicians in specialized tools, training in monitoring and evaluation of SLM and in restoration impacts. 2. CBOs and local administrations: regional organizations such as CILSS-Agryhmet were also trained in the above.

តើវីធីសាស្ត្រនេះបានជួយកសាង/ពង្រឹងស្ថាប័ន កិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការរវាងអ្នកពាក់ព័ន្ធដែរ ឬទេ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

The village technicians and trained seed collectors have now been organized into a regional union for supply of restoration seed.

  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

With the increasing of fodder production, pressures on other grazing areas have gone slightly down.

Disadvantaged groups not present at village level.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ បានធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងសមភាពយេនឌ័រ និងផ្តល់សិទិ្ធអំណាចដល់ស្ត្រី និងក្មេងស្រី?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

Yes; gender equality is taken into consideration – for example, women are represented in each village management community.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយបានលើកទឹកចិត្តដល់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីដែលជាយុវជន/ក្មេងជំនាន់ក្រោយឱ្យចូលរួមក្នុង SLM ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

As income comes in from restoration activities, it has encouraged young people to consider SLM as an income generating opportunity.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយបានឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងនូវបញ្ហាកាន់កាប់ដីធ្លី/សិទ្ធិអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលរារាំងដល់ការអនុវត្ត SLM?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

Communities now see more value in restoring degraded land previously neglected and there are tenure agreements with local administration. Land tenure had been insecure for local communities, but now rights of access and use have been delivered by local administrations to local communities, guaranteeing that restoration areas belong to communities - thus ensuring sustainability, as a community perceives ownership of the investments.

  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

1. Farming in restored areas allows for more crop production. 2. Fodder production is feeding livestock better improving production of milk and meat.

  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

1. Seeds and fodder are being sold by local communities to other projects, governments and communities.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះនាំឱ្យមានភាពប្រសើរឡើងក្នុងការទទួលបានទឹក និងអនាម័យ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

not applicable.

  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

not applicable.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្របានធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងនូវការកសាងសមត្ថភាពរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីដើម្បីបន្សុំាទៅនឹងការប្រែប្រួលអាកាសធាតុ/អាកាសធាតុក្តៅហែង និងកាត់បន្ថាយគ្រោះមហន្តរាយទាក់ទឹងនឹងអាកាសធាតុ?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

The project’s aim is to increase the resilience of natural capital and people living in the drylands while being able to adapt to climate change.

តើវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះនាំឱ្យមានការងារ ឱកាសរកប្រាក់ចំណូល?
  • ទេ
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បន្តិចបន្តួច
  • បាទ/ច៎ា ជាមធ្យម
  • បាទ/ច៎ា បានខ្លាំង

In seed sales, crop production, income earning from employment of technicians.

6.2 ការលើកទឹកចិត្តចម្បងៗរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដីសម្រាប់ការអនុវត្តបច្ចេកទេស SLM

  • បង្កើនផលិតកម្ម

Increased land productivity from restored land.

  • បង្កើនប្រាក់ចំណេញ (សមត្ថភាព) បង្កើនអត្រាចំណេញ

Improved yields and harvest.

  • ការកាត់បន្ថយការធ្លាក់ចុះគុណភាពដី

Restored land provide more opportunities to land users.

  • កិត្តិនាម សម្ពាធសង្គម/ការផ្សាភ្ជាប់ទៅនឹងសង្គម

Restoration of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems promoted cohesion across different user groups and provided benefits.

  • ការផ្សារភ្ជាប់ទៅនឹងចលនា/គម្រោង/ក្រុម/បណ្តាញ

Desire to be part of community based organization and through these, management of restored lands is also possible.

  • ពង្រឹងស្មារតីផ្នែកបរិស្ថាន

Improved biodiversity, wildlife and link to community cultures and lifestyles was a motivator.

  • ទម្លាប់ និងជំនឿ សីលធម៌

Linked to environmental above; need to protect and preserve wildlife and biodiversity.

  • លើកកម្ពស់ចំណេះដឹង និងជំនាញ SLM

Project provided technical capacity development such as water harvesting and rice species to plant in right places motivated communities to participate.

  • ការកាត់បន្ថយជម្លោះ

Increasing biomass in agro-sylvo-pastoral systems reduced conflicts between pastoralists and farmers.

6.3 សកម្មភាពផ្សព្វផ្សាយដែលប្រកបដោយចីរភាព

  • បាទ/ចា៎
ប្រសិនបាទ/ច៎ា សូមរៀបរាប់ថាធ្វើយ៉ាងម៉េច:

The capacity being developed should help farmers continue without external intervention e.g. training in collecting planting material, planting techniques and in managing the plots enables continuity, and the capacities developed stay within the community – for example: the trained village technicians.

6.4 ភាពខ្លាំង/ គុណសម្បត្តិនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រផ្សព្វផ្សាយ

ភាពខ្លាំង/ គុណសម្បត្តិ/ ឱកាស ទស្សនៈរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី
Builds on existing knowledge such as the use of zaï (pit planting).
Income generation e.g. from selling of seeds to governments and other land users.
Helping achieve communities specifics objectives such as increasing tree cover.
ភាពខ្លាំង/ គុណសម្បត្តិ/ ឱកាស​ ទស្សនៈរបស់បុគ្គលសំខាន់ៗ
The consultation process and the mutual trust built over time, which helps people “buy into” the programme and feel ownership of the activities on the ground.
The technical and scientific feedback answers to priorities and preoccupation of land users in terms of restoration objectives.
The involvement of people in monitoring and management of their planted sites as they contribute their lands and labour.

6.5 ភាពខ្សោយ/ គុណវិបត្តិនៃវិធីសាស្ត្រ និងរកដំណោះស្រាយ

ភាពខ្សោយ/ គុណវិបត្តិ/ ហានិភ័យ ទស្សនៈរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដី តើបច្ចេកទេសទាំងនោះបានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាដូចម្តេច?
Inability to adequately influence donor plans. Frequent consultations.
ភាពខ្សោយ/ គុណវិបត្តិ/ ហានិភ័យក្នុងទស្សនៈរបស់បុគ្គលសំខាន់ៗ តើបច្ចេកទេសទាំងនោះបានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាដូចម្តេច?
Inability to address all the needs of the beneficiaries: for example demand for water supply in dry seasons while the project focusses on rainfed restoration. Increased dialogue on interventions across sectors, such as with donors for a more systematic and integrated approach.
Lack of flexibility in implementation to consider some of the upcoming demands of communities.

7. ឯកសារយោង និងវេបសាយ

7.1 វិធីសាស្ត្រ/ ប្រភពនៃព័ត៌មាន

  • តាមការចុះទីវាល​ ការស្រាវជ្រាវនៅទីវាល

7.2 ឯកសារយោងដែលបានចេញផ្សាយ

ចំណងជើង អ្នកនិពន្ធ ឆ្នាំ ISBN:

FAO. 2015. Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands: building resilience and benefitting livelihoods. Forestry Paper No. 175. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

មានប្រភពមកពីណា? ថ្លៃដើមប៉ុន្មាន?


ចំណងជើង អ្នកនិពន្ធ ឆ្នាំ ISBN:

Community participation at the heart of Africa’s Great Green Wall Restoration model. Authors: M. Sacande, N. Berahmouni and S. Hargreaves. In Unasylva. Volume 66 2015/3

មានប្រភពមកពីណា? ថ្លៃដើមប៉ុន្មាន?


7.3 ចូលទៅទាញយកឯកសារពាក់ព័ន្ធដែលមានលើបណ្តាញអ៊ិនធឺណែត

ចំណងជើង/ ពណ៌នា:

Action Against Desertification (FAO)



ចំណងជើង/ ពណ៌នា:

Building Africa’s Great Green Wall: Restoring degraded drylands for stronger and more resilient communities



ចំណងជើង/ ពណ៌នា:

Forest and Landscape Restoration Approach


