Сайн туршлагын товч тодорхойлолт
The purpose of the Ecofarm is to create an integrated farming system in order to improve the food security of farmers in the drylands. This is done through testing and refining a series of low-cost technologies in order to increase the total production on the farm. The testing is done by the farmers, on their own lands. The final result is that the farmers themselves, after succeeding and/or failing, eventually find the best combination of technologies that will improve their food security. This is of course based on their own economic, natural and human resources as well as the local agro-ecological conditions. The most successful technologies are seed priming (soaking seeds for 8 hours in water prior to sowing) and microdosage of fertiliser. Seed priming and 0.3 g fertilizer per seed pocket increases yields by up to 70 %. The project also includes technologies related to human nutrition (multipurpose trees) and livestock (fodder). |
The Ecofarm research project has been implemented in Mali (Mopti, Ségou and Koulikoro regions.|
Заасан байршлын байгаль орчны товч тодорхойлолт.
Since the project was implemented in three different regions in Mali, it is difficult to generalize on the natural environment. All sites are zones where drylans agriculture is possible and practiced, but with the associated problems of for ex low soil fertility.|
Энэ байршилд эсвэл ойролцоо амьдардаг хүмүүсийн нийгэм, эдийн засгийн нөхцөл байдал
The people living in the area are mainly small-scale farmers, living off the land. The main income is low and unstaible.|
Ямар үзүүлэлт, шалгуур(ууд)-ын үндсэн дээр (Стратегид үл хамаарах) санал болгож буй туршлага, түүнд харгалзах технологи "шилдэг" гэж тодорхойлогдсон бэ?
There is an increased focus on a multifunctional agriculture which can contribute to reducing poverty, preserving the environment, increasing the adapation capacity to climate change and improve health. The Ecofarm approach has shown that it can contribute to fullfil these objectives and facilitate the transition from an emergency situation to sustainable development in the drylands. |