Plantation and Green Belt Development Around Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, Chandrapura, Dhanbad| [Энэтхэг]

  • Шинийг нээх:
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Тайлагнах байгууллага: India

Маягтад оруулсан технологи, эсвэл түүний аль нэг хэсэг, оюуны өмчийн аливаа нэг эрхээр хамгаалагдсан эсэхийг тодруулна уу: Тийм

Тайлбар: At present the project is in ongoing stage. The intellectual property generated shall be owned jointly. The expenses for obtaining and maintaining the intellectual property right will be borne equally by Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP) and Damodhar Valley Corporation (DVC).

Түүх үзэх
Бүрэн байдал: 71%

Ерөнхий мэдээлэл

Ерөнхий мэдээлэл

Шилдэг туршлагын нэршил:

Plantation and Green Belt Development Around Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, Chandrapura, Dhanbad|



Тайлагнах байгууллага:


Хөрөнгийн эрх

Маягтад оруулсан технологи, эсвэл түүний аль нэг хэсэг, оюуны өмчийн аливаа нэг эрхээр хамгаалагдсан эсэхийг тодруулна уу:


Эрх эзэмшигчийн талаар холбогдох мэдээллийг оруулна уу:

At present the project is in ongoing stage. The intellectual property generated shall be owned jointly. The expenses for obtaining and maintaining the intellectual property right will be borne equally by Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP) and Damodhar Valley Corporation (DVC).


Хэсэг 1. Шилдэг туршлагын агуулга: Нөхцөл байдал (хүн, байгалийн орчин)

Сайн туршлагын товч тодорхойлолт

Soil amendments, plantation along the ridges, slopes, soil moisture conservation and water harvesting were undertaken in the completely degraded and barren patch land (mostly fly ash in place of soil) for the formation of Green Belt. Pit ash treated with surface soil, FYM, Vermicompost, Rice husk, Neem oil cake, DAP, Lime and Micronutrients per plant before plantation of suitable tree species. The project has transformed the area into well established Green belt leading to improvement in soil quality, afforested area and extent of dust pollution has been reduced substantially.|


Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, Chandrapura, Dhanbad.|

Заасан байршлын байгаль орчны товч тодорхойлолт.

Light coloured, moderate depth, slightly acidic (pH 61. To 6.6) and deficient in organic content. The surface soil was sandy and sub surface soil sandy clay in texture.|
Mostly hot with average rainfall.
Undulated area with occasional hills, covered with degraded plantations mainly of Cassia siamea with sporadic regeneration of Butea monosperma, Zizyphus spp. Lantana was the most prevalent weed. The area having no cultivated land. All the sites were highly eroded.|

Ямар үзүүлэлт, шалгуур(ууд)-ын үндсэн дээр (Стратегид үл хамаарах) санал болгож буй туршлага, түүнд харгалзах технологи "шилдэг" гэж тодорхойлогдсон бэ?

The methodology adopted for the selection of species, soil amendments was based on soil quality and species most suitable for that kind of soil and climate. The entire methodology including soil testing, soil treatment, and selection of most suitable species for the prevailing climatic and edaphic condition around project site was based on thorough literature survey and reports from previous successful work done on similar sites and its recommendations. The project site was kept under constant monitoring and data related with plantation growth and soil characteristics were recorded. |

Хэсэг 2. Шийдвэрлэх асуудал (шууд болон шууд бус шалтгаан), шилдэг туршлагын зорилтууд

Сайн туршлагын шийдвэрлэсэн гол асуудлууд

Reclamation of stress site

Сайн туршлагыг нэвтрүүлснээр шийдвэрлэсэн газрын доройтлын асуудлыг жагсаана уу

The project has been implemented on a highly stressed site and the land quality was totally degraded. Through the project it was expected to meet with the problem of degraded soil quality soil erosion, soil moisture conservation and further amendments in the soil quality.  The project area would also convert in to green belt, which was totally unproductive, before the project was taken up.|

Сайн туршлагын зорилтуудыг тодорхойлно уу

The technology envisaged to develop vegetation features including soil amendments, plantation along the ridges, slopes, soil moisture conservation and water harvesting in the degraded land for the formation of Green Belt around the selected project site.|

Хэсэг 3. Үйл ажиллагаа

Үндсэн үйл ажиллагааны товч танилцуулга, зорилтуудаар

Afforestation on Ridges and slopes of Ash pond areas
i.Site inspection, preparation, alignment and stacking of pits, digging of pits as per standard.
ii.Pit ash treatments with surface soil, FYM, Vermicompost, Rice husk, Neem oil cake, DAP, Lime and Micronutrients per plant before plantation.
iii.A total of 25800 seedlings have been plated of the above species.
iv.Plantations maintained with proper irrigation, weeding, insecticide use and watch and ward.
|v.Monitoring and evaluation- (a) Growth data   at periodic intervals (b) irrigation of plantations.
Afforestation on Degraded forest lands 20 hectares on North-east of Ash Pond ‘A’ and 10 hectares on North of Ash pond ‘D’
i. Site inspection, preparation, alignment and stacking of pits, digging of pits as per standard.
ii. Pit soil treatments – Good surface earth, Vermicompost, Rice husk, Neem oil cake, DAP, Lime and Micronutrients per plant before plantation.
|iii.A total of 15000 seedlings have been plated of the above species and maintained with proper irrigation, weeding, insecticide use and watch and ward.
iv.Monitoring and evaluation (a) Growth data at periodic intervals (b) irrigation of plantations.
Establishment of permanent Hi-Tech Nursery: A hi-tech nursery equipped with all the modern facilities including Mist chambers, green house and root trainers has been established. The facility has been utilized for raising quality seedlings of Acacia mangium, A. auriculiformis, Albizzia lebbek, Alstonia scholaris, Azadirachta indica, Bombax ceiba, Bouhinia variegate, Delonix regia, Dalbergia sisoo, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Gmelina arborea, Melia azadiracht, Sesbania grandiflora, Pongamia pinnata,|Syzygium cumini, Terminalia arjuna, Swietenia mahogani, Spathodia campanulata, Peltopherum ferrugineum, Cashew nut etc

Технологийн техникийн нөхцөл ба товч тодорхойлолт

With the aim of green belt development around Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, Chandrapura, Dhanbad soil amendments, plantation along the ridges, slopes, soil moisture conservation and water harvesting were undertaken in the completely degraded and barren patch land (mostly fly ash in place of soil) for the formation of Green Belt. A hi-tech nursery equipped with all the modern facilities including mist chambers, green house and root trainers was  established for raising quality seedlings of Acacia mangium, A. auriculiformis, Albizzia lebbek, Alstonia scholaris, Azadirachta indica, Bombax ceiba, Bouhinia variegate, Delonix regia, Dalbergia sisoo, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Gmelina arborea, Melia azadiracht, Sesbania grandiflora, Pongamia pinnata, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia arjuna, Swietenia mahogani, Spathodia campanulata, Peltopherum ferrugineum, Cashew nut etc. Two types of afforestation approach were followed. The first was afforestation on ridges and slopes of Ash pond areas with pit ash treated with surface soil, FYM, Vermicompost, Rice husk, Neem oil cake, DAP, Lime and Micronutrients per plant before plantation of suitable tree species (28500 in number). The second was afforestation on degraded forest lands (20 ha). 15000 seedlings were planted after pit soil treatments of good surface earth, Vermicompost, Rice husk, Neem oil cake, DAP, Lime and Micronutrients per plant before plantation. The project has transformed the area into well established Green belt leading to improvement in soil quality, afforested area and extent of dust pollution has been reduced substantially. The transformation of the degraded land has been reflected in excellent growth of tree species and remarkable regeneration of herb and shrub flora; a sign for establishment of successional process.|

Хэсэг 4. Оролцогч байгууллагууд / талууд (хамтын ажиллагаа, оролцоо, оролцогч талуудын үүрэг)

Технологи боловсруулсан байгууллагын нэр ба хаяг

Institute of Forest Productivity|NH23, Lalgutwa, Ranchi

Технологи нь түншлэлийн хүрээнд хэрэгжсэн үү?


Технологийг дэмжих ажил ямар хүрээнд хэрэгжсэнийг тодорхойлно уу

  • Төсөл/хөтөлбөрийн санаачлага

Олон нутгийн сонирхогч талууд, түүн дотроо ИНБ-ын оролцоо, технологийг сайжруулахад түлхэц үзүүлсэн үү?


Хамрагдсан орон нутгийн оролцогч талуудыг жагсаана уу:

Damodar Valley Corporation, Kolkata|

Дээр дурдсан сонирхогч талуудын хувьд, технологийн дизайн, танилцуулга, ашиглалт, арчилгаа, сайжруулалтад ямар үүрэг гүйцэтгэснийг тодорхойлно уу.

The project was designed, introduced and implemented by IFP only. The stakeholder DVC supported the project with funding and by providing suitable sites for nursery establishment with all facilities like fencing, water supply etc. |

Технологи хөгжүүлэхэд тухайн байршил эсвэл түүний ойр орчимд амьдрах ард иргэд оролцсон уу?



Yes. Local population was involved in the overall implementation of the technology mostly as labour workers in the nursery and plantation.

Дүн шинжилгээ

Хэсэг 5. Нөлөөлөлд хувь нэмэр

Талбайд илэрсэн үр нөлөөг тодорхойлно уу (гол хоёр үр нөлөөг төрлөөр)

The project has been implemented on unproductive, fly ash site. The site was completely degraded and it was completely barren patch. |
The project has transformed the area into well established Green belt leading to improvement in soil quality, afforested area and extent of dust pollution has been reduced substantially. The invading species of grasses n herbs has also been increased.|

Талбайн гадна илэрсэн хамгийн чухал хоёр нөлөөг (өөрөөр хэлбэл тухайн талбайд үгүй харин эргэн тойронд байгаа) тодорхойлно уу

The project led to spread general awareness among people living in and around the area towards importance of afforestation for improvement of environment.

Биологийн төрөл зүйл, уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн нөлөөлөл

Шалтгааныг тайлбарлана уу:

The factors related to climate change has not been assessed but with respect to biodiversity aspect, the situation has been improved as grass, herbs, shrubs and even tree species have started regenerating in the reclaimed site. Due to this development the faunal population including birds has been seen in large number in the site.|

Өртөг-ашгийн шинжилгээ хийгдсэн үү?

Өртөг-ашгийн шинжилгээ хийгдсэн үү?


Бүлэг 6. Нэвтрүүлэх ба хуулбарлах боломж

Технологийг өөр бусад байршилд түгээж/нэвтрүүлсэн үү?

Технологийг өөр бусад байршилд түгээж/нэвтрүүлсэн үү?



Similar type of project has been implemented by various agencies at different locations

Шилдэг туршлага/ технологийг амжилтанд хүргэсэн гурван үндсэн нөхцөлийг та тодорхойлж чадах уу?

Careful selection of species for plantation in the project site. The species were selected based on soil characteristics and the climatic conditions of the area. For this purpose thorough literature review was done to identify the most suitable species for the prevailing climatic and edaphic condition.
Availability of regular amount of fund for implementation of the project.
Regular and constant monitoring of the project site.

Хуулбарлах боломж

Таны бодлоор таны санал болгож буй сайн туршлага ба технологийг өөр газар ямар нэг зүйлийг нь өөрчилж, засч, шинэчилэх замаар хуулбарлан хэрэгжүүлж болох уу?


Аль түвшинд?
  • Орон нутгийн

Хэсэг 7. Сургамж

Техникийн нөөцтэй холбоотой

The fly ash affected pockets should be vegetatively rehabilitated to benefit the overall environmental components of the region including improvement in soil quality, development of afforested area and to manage the extent of dust pollution.|

Холбоос ба модулууд

Бүгдийг дэлгэх Бүгдийг хаах
