Enhancing Agricultural Production Through Fallow Land Reversion [Бутан]
- Шинийг нээх:
- Шинэчлэх:
- Эмхэтгэгч: Nima Dolma Tamang
- Хянан тохиолдуулагч: Tashi Wangdi
- Хянагчид: William Critchley, Rima Mekdaschi Studer, Joana Eichenberger
Zhingtong Zhachoed Baedhi Sanam Thoenshug Yarseng Tangni (ཞིང་སྟོང་ཟ་སྤྱོད་འབད་འདི་སོ་ནམ་ཐོན་ཤུགས་ཡར་སེང་བཏང་ནི།)
approaches_6890 - Бутан
Бүлгүүдийг үзэх
Бүгдийг дэлгэх Бүгдийг хаах1. Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
1.2 Арга барилыг баримтжуулах болон үнэлгээ хийхэд оролцсон хүн эсвэл байгууллагын холбоо барих хаяг
Мэдээлэл өгсөн хүн(с)
Газар ашиглагч:
Yeshey Kinzang
Pakaling Chiwog, Radhi Gewog, Trashigang Dzongkhag
Газар ашиглагч:
Jamtsho Ten
Pakaling Chiwog, Radhi Gewog, Trashigang Dzongkhag
Газар ашиглагч:
Dendup Pema
Pakaling Chiwog, Radhi Gewog, Trashigang Dzongkhag
Газар ашиглагч:
Pelden Tshering
Pakaling Chiwog, Radhi Gewog, Trashigang Dzongkhag
Газар ашиглагч:
Zangmo Choni
Pakaling Chiwog, Radhi Gewog, Trashigang Dzongkhag
Agriculture Extension Officer:
Wangchen Pema
Radhi Gewog, Trashigang Dzongkhag
Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн төслийн нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
Strengthening national-level institutional and professional capacities of country Parties towards enhanced UNCCD monitoring and reporting – GEF 7 EA Umbrella II (GEF 7 UNCCD Enabling Activities_Umbrella II)Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байгууллага(ууд)-ын нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
National Soil Services Centre, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock (NSSC) - Бутан1.3 WOCAT-аар баримтжуулсан өгөгдлийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцөл
Мэдээллийг хэзээ (газар дээр нь) цуглуулсан бэ?
Эмхэтгэгч болон гол мэдээлэгч хүн(хүмүүс) WOCAT аргачлалаар баримтжуулсан мэдээллийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцлийг хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн:
1.4 ГТМ-ийн технологийн асуулгын(д) суурь мэдээлэл(д)
![Protected Agriculture for High Value Crops](/media/c1/6/c16da646-4706-43db-ba6c-7e0621f7009a.jpg)
Protected Agriculture for High Value Crops [Бутан]
Protected agriculture (controlled environment agriculture) is the use of technology to modify the growing environment for crops to extend the growing period and increase yields. It can include greenhouses, shade nets or polytunnels. This technology is moderately expensive therefore it is used only for the cultivation of high-value crops and …
- Эмхэтгэгч: Nima Dolma Tamang
2. ГТМ Арга барилын тодорхойлолт
2.1 Арга барилын товч тодорхойлолт
The approach is to enhance production of local vegetables and fruits through fallow land restoration - under a group established for the purpose.
2.2 Арга барилын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт
Арга барилын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт:
This approach of reverting fallowed land to productivity encompasses leasing land, working in groups, promoting SLM technologies, and forging market linkages. In this example, the land belongs to the community Lhakang (temple) where the community used to grow maize and pulses to be offered to the Lhakang. However, with increased wild animal depredation, and shortages of irrigation water the land was left fallow. In 2019, with support from the government and the Commercial Agriculture and Resilient Livelihoods Enhancement Program (CARLEP), International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) Project, interested farmers from the community came together, leased the land, and started cultivating vegetables. The reverted fallow land is thus cultivated by the Chuthawoong Commercial Vegetable Farming group which is divided into three subgroups – one of women only - to increase efficiency. The group consist of seven and nine men in two male groups and seven women in one female group. There are no youths involved. The initial development involved the implementation of various SLM technologies such as stone bunding and napier grass strips to reduce soil erosion. Developing market linkages is another characteristic of the approach. The Regional Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives (RAMCO) linked the land users with three schools to sell vegetables. Furthermore, the group signed a contract with Bhutan Agro Industries Limited (BAIL), Lingmithang (state-owned company) to supply dragon fruit and pineapple for processing.
The main aims and objectives of the approach are to become self-sufficient in vegetables and reduce imports, improve the livelihood and income of the land users and retain youth in agriculture through agricultural mechanization. The methods involved in implementing the approach were consultation among the community leaders and land users, and higher-level consultation with the Gewog Leaders and Dzongkhag Officials, consultation with the Agriculture Research and Development Center (ARDC) Wengkhar and with CARLEP project members.
Stages of implementation included conducting a feasibility study, followed by consultation meetings with the land users. Land development was carried out along with the installation of facilities including fencing, greenhouses, irrigation, and irrigation water storage tanks. After that, the group was formed and bylaws established. Seeds and seedlings were provided by the government.
Stakeholders involved include Gewog officials to develop land lease agreements. The Gewog Extension officer was involved throughout the process in providing guidance and support concerning irrigation, land development, vegetable and fruit cultivation and others. Dzongkhag officials were involved in the feasibility study and planning, and as one of the funding source. CARLEP act as the biggest funding agency to facilitate infrastructure support along with carrying out monitoring activities. ARDC-Wengkhar provided technical support and RAMCO established market linkages.
Land users benefit from increased household income and being self-sufficient in vegetables. The major challenges faced by the land users are distance, as the land is located far away from their houses, and marketing issues, as total production remains above market demand.
2.3 Арга барилын зурагууд
2.5 Арга барил нэвтрүүлсэн улс орон / бүс нутаг / байршил
Trashigang Dzongkhag
Байршлын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт:
Pakaling Chiwog, Radhi Gewog,
×2.6 Арга барилыг эхлэх, дуусах огноо
Эхлэх жилийг тэмдэглэ:
2.7 Арга барилын төрөл
- Сүүлийн үеийн орон нутгийн санаачлага / шинэчлэл
2.8 Арга барилын үндсэн зорилго, зорилтууд
The main aim of the approach is to reduce imports by increasing vegetable production, Improve the livelihood and living standard of the land users and retain youth in agriculture through agriculture mechanization.
2.9 Арга барилын хүрээнд хэрэгжсэн Технологи/Технологиудад дэмжсэн эсвэл саад учруулсан нөхцлүүд
санхүүгийн нөөц, үйлчилгээний хүртээмж / боломж
- Идэвхижүүлэх
The approach received financial support from various organizations. Dzongkhag Administration (Royal Government of Bhutan) provided Nu. 500,000/-, followed by Nu. 850,000/- from CARLEP-IFAD project and Nu. 90,000 from BAIL.
Бүтэц зохион байгуулалт
- Идэвхижүүлэх
There is a very good collaboration between the institutions such as Schools and with the BAIL.
талуудыг хамтын ажиллагаа/зохицуулалт
- Идэвхижүүлэх
Although financial support was provided, the community came together to contribute labour for 300 days per household. The farm is Local Organic Assurance System (LOAS) certified and there is a common understanding to follow the organic guidelines.
Хууль, эрхзүйн хүрээ (газар эзэмшил, газар, ус ашиглах эрх)
- Идэвхижүүлэх
The land belongs to the community Lhakang of Pakaling Chiwog. Out of 100 households, only 27 households were interested and engaged in renting the land for crop production. The Local government had facilitated and the lease agreement was drawn between the Lhakhang and community. The land users have to pay a sum of Nu.7500/- to the Lhakang. The group members can cultivate the land for all time while non group members have no right to object or raise any issues. In case, If the group disintegrates in future, any outsider or member of the community can take up the farming activity with no objections from the others.
ГТМ-ийн талаарх мэдлэг, техникийн дэмжлэг авах боломж
- Идэвхижүүлэх
The land users had access to technical support Gewog Extension Officer, the Dzongkhag Agriculture officer and Researchers from the ARDC-Wengkhar.
зах зээл (материал худалдан авах, бүтээгдэхүүн борлуулах), үнэ
- Идэвхижүүлэх
The groups have a linkage to supply vegetables to the schools and signed the contract with the BAIL, Lingmithang
ажлын багтаамж, хүн хүчний нөөц бололцоо
- Хазаарлалт
The land users are engaged in rice cultivation in their own fields and weaving. Therefore, the availability of manpower in the revived land is minimal.
3. Оролцогч талуудын оролцоо ба үүргүүд
3.1 Арга барилд оролцогч талууд болон тэдгээрийн үүргүүд
- Орон нутгийн газар ашиглагч / орон нутгийн иргэд
Land users
Contributed labour during the establishment of the farm and involved in the cultivation of the vegetables. They are the main actors in the approach.
- ГТМ-ийн мэргэжилтэн/ хөдөө аж ахуйн зөвлөх
Gewog Extension officer, Dzongkhag Agriculture officer, Researchers from ARDC-Wengkhar.
Provides technical support such as training in vegetable cultivation, and setting up irrigation systems.
- Багш/ сурагч/ оюутан
Teachers engaged in School Feeding Programme
Purchase farm produce from the group.
- Хувийн хэвшил
Provides fund support and purchase farm produce for processing
- Орон нутгийн захиргаа
Gup, Tshokpa
Involved in developing the land lease agreement.
- Засгийн газар (шийдвэр гаргагч, төлөвлөгч)
Royal Government of Bhutan
Conduct a feasibility study, and provide financial support.
- Олон улсын байгууллага
Provide fund sources for the establishment of the farm and conduct monitoring.
3.2 Арга барилын янз бүрийн үе шатанд орон нутгийн газар ашиглагчид / бүлэглэлүүдийг татан оролцуулах
Орон нутгийн газар ашиглагч / орон нутгийн иргэдийн оролцоо | Хэн оролцсоныг тодорхойлж, үйл ажиллагааг тайлбарлана уу | |
санаачлага/идэвхжүүлэлт | өөрийн хүчийг нэгтгэсэн | The land was fallow for 27 years and in 2007 the land users tried to restore the land by initiating Integrated Agriculture Farm where they cultivated forest trees, crops and livestock. However, with the unavailability of water, the integrated farm was not successful. People informed the government about the need for a water pump and the Gewog Gup shared it in a higher meeting. This was the initiation of the Land restoration approach. |
Төлөвлөгөө | интерактив | There were numerous meetings involving the land users, Gewog officials, Gewog Extension Officer, Dzongkhag officials, officials from ARDC-Wengkher and CARLEP. |
Хэрэгжилт | интерактив | Land users and all the stakeholders were involved in the implementation of the approach. |
Мониторинг/ үнэлгээ | интерактив | External monitoring is done by Audit officers from the stakeholders involved, Audit officers from Bumthang for CARLEP, and Audit officers from Samdrup Jongkhar for RGoB. Internal monitoring is done by the Treasurer of the group. |
3.3 Диаграм (хэрэв боломжтой бол)
The flowchart has been developed in consultation with the land users and Gewog Agriculture Extension Officer.
Nima Dolma Tamang
3.4 ГТМ-ийн технологи/технологиуд сонгох шийдвэр
Хэрэгжүүлэх Технологи/Технологиудын сонголтыг хийж шийдвэр гаргасан хүнийг тодорхойлно уу:
- оролцооны зарчмын хэсэг болох бүх холбогдох талууд
All relevant actors were involved in the selection of the technology. Gewog Extension Officer, Dzongkhag Officials, and Researchers from ARDC-Wengkhar provided technical inputs and the land users provided valuable area-specific knowledge based on their experience.
Шийдвэрийг юунд үндэслэн гаргасан:
- ГТМ-ийн мэдлэгийг баримтжуулалтын үнэлгээ (нотолгоонд суурилсан шийдвэр гаргах)
- Хувь хүний туршлага ба санал бодол (баримтжуулаагүй)
4. Техникийн дэмжлэг, чадавхи бүрдүүлэх, мэдлэгийн менежмент
4.1 Чадавхи бэхжүүлэх/сургалт
Газар эзэмшигчид / бусад оролцогч талуудад сургалт явуулсан уу?
Хэн сургалтанд хамрагдсан бэ:
- Газар ашиглагчид
Хэрэв шаардлагатай бол хүйс, нас, яс үндэс, гэх мэт. нэмнэ үү:
The training was provided to 7 women and 16 men.
Сургалтын хэлбэр:
- үзүүлэнгийн талбай
- Олон нийтийн уулзалт
Хамрагдсан сэвдүүд:
Soil nutrient management, vegetable production technique, compost making and others.
4.2 Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ
Газар ашиглагчдад зөвлөх үйлчилгээ авах боломжтой байдаг уу?
Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ үзүүлсэн эсэхийг тогтоо:
- Газар ашиглагчийн талбай дээр
- Тогтмол төвд
- On social media (WeChat)
Тодорхойлолт / тайлбар:
Advisory service in the form of hands on training at site, at gewog centers and online social media forums such as WeChat.
4.3 Институцийг бэхжүүлэх (байгууллагын хөгжил)
Арга барилаар дамжуулан институц байгуулагдаж эсвэл бэхжсэн үү?
- Тийм, дунд зэрэг
Байгууллагууд бэхжиж, үүсэн бий болсон түвшин(үүд)-г тодорхойлно уу:
- Орон нутгийн
- Бүс нутгийн
Байгууллага, үүрэг, хариуцлага, гишүүд гэх мэтийг тайлбарлах:
The role of the group is to meet their objectives through vegetable production and motivate one another.
Дэмжлэгийн төрлийг ялга:
- Санхүүгийн
- чадавхи бэхжүүлэх / сургалт
- Тоног төхөөрөмж
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг өгнө үү:
The land users benefit from the approach as the income generated is useful in sustaining their livelihoods. Land users' capacity was built as they were engaged in the training and implementation of various SLM technologies. The group received equipment such as an irrigation system, electric fencing, greenhouse and others.
4.4 Мониторинг ба үнэлгээ
Мониторинг болон үнэлгээ нь арга барилын хэсэг үү?
The monitoring and evaluation are done by the donors to evaluate the success of the approach. The monitoring includes site visits and verifying the documents on the purchase and sale of the inputs of the produce and its economic benefits to the land users.
Хэрэв тийм бол энэ баримт бичиг нь мониторинг, үнэлгээнд ашиглагдахаар зориулагдсан уу?
4.5 Судалгаа
Судалгаа арга барилын хэсэг нь байсан уу?
5. Санхүүгийн болон гадаад материаллаг дэмжлэг
5.1 ГТМ-ийн Арга барилын бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгийн жилийн төсөв
Хэрэв жилийн төсөв тодорхойгүй бол хягаарыг тодруулна уу:
- 100,000-1,000,000
Тайлбар (жнь: санхүүжилтийн гол эх үүсвэр / гол хандивлагчид):
CARLEP project and Royal Government of Bhutan
5.2 Газар ашиглагчдад санхүүгийн / материаллаг дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн
Технологи / технологийг хэрэгжүүлэхэд газар ашиглагчид санхүүгийн / материаллаг дэмжлэг авсан уу?
Хэрэв тийм бол дэмжлэгийн төрөл(үүд), нөхцөл, болон нийлүүлэгч(чид) бичнэ үү:
Following are the financial support received by the group. 16 numbers of fabricated greenhouses where the land user paid 20% of the amount and 80% was funded by the donor. 100% funding was provided by the donor for the water pump, electric fencing, internal networking of irrigation, cement, grass-cutting machine, seeds and seedlings, water tank and curing shed construction. Labour input was contributed by the land users. The total of Nu. 90,00,000/- (Ninety hundred thousand) was supported for the project.
5.3 Тодорхой зардлыг даахад чиглэсэн дэмжлэгт (хөдөлмөрийн хүчийг оролцуулаад)
- Тоног төхөөрөмж
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу | Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд | Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу |
Water pump, grass cutting machine | Бүрэн санхүүждэг | Water pump and grass cutting machine 100% funded by the doner. |
- Хөдөө аж ахуй
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу | Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд | Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу |
Үр, үрсэлгээ | Бүрэн санхүүждэг | By RGoB. |
Land development | Бүрэн санхүүждэг | 100% machine contribution was done by the government with labour contribution from land users. |
- Барилга байгууламж
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу | Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд | Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу |
Зам | Бүрэн санхүүждэг | By government. |
Greenhouse, electric fencing, internal networking irrigation system, curing shed | хэсэгчлэн санхүүждэг | For greenhouses, 80% was funded by the doner, 20% by land users. For electric fencing, internal networking irrigation system, cement, pipes, curing shed and water storage tank materials were funded 100% by the doner with labour contribution made by land users |
- Дэд бүтэц
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу | Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд | Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу |
Хэрэв газар ашиглагчийн хөдөлмөрийн хүч чухал байсан бол энэ нь аль хэлбэр байсан:
- сайн дурын
Labour and locally available materials were contributed by the land users.
5.4 Кредит
Арга барилын хүрээнд ГТМ-ийн үйл ажиллагаанд зориулж зээлд хамрагдсан уу?
5.5 Бусад урамшуулал, хэрэгсэл
ГТМ-ийн технологийг хэрэгжилтийг дэмжихэд ашигласан бусад урамшуулал, хэрэгсэл байсан уу?
6. Нөлөөллийн дүн шинжилгээ ба дүгнэлт
6.1 Арга барилын нөлөөллүүд
Арга барил нь орон нутгийн газар ашиглагчдыг чадваржуулах, оролцогч талуудын оролцоог сайжруулсан уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach improved farm income and their livelihood. It improved stakeholders participation such as schools, Extension officials, and BAIL.
Арга барил нь нотолгоонд суурилсан шийдвэр гаргах боломж олгосон уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach enabled land users and the stakeholders involved to make decisions based on the findings. For example, the land users learned that potato cultivation was not profitable due to insect infestation, so they opted for chili cultivation in the next season.
Арга барил нь ГТМ-ийн технологийг хэрэгжүүлж, хадгалахад газар ашиглагчдад тусласан уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
Land users implemented stone bunding and napier grass plantation to reduce soil erosion which they have maintained very well as it was very efficient in controlling soil erosion. The Napier grass was also sold creating income opportunities.
Арга барил нь ГТМ хэрэгжүүлэхэд газар ашиглагчдын мэдлэг, чадварыг сайжруулахад хүргэсэн үү?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The land users were involved in the SLM technologies establishment under the supervision of the SLM specialist leading to improved knowledge.
Энэ арга барил бусад сонирхогч талуудын мэдлэг, чадавхийг сайжруулсан уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The stakeholders' knowledge was improved greatly as the challenges faced by the land users were forwarded to the stakeholders (SLM specialist/RAMCO). The stakeholders were to address the challenge and in the process, the stakeholder had to develop new techniques and test them on the field which led to improved knowledge of both the parties.
Арга барил нь оролцогч талуудын хооронд институци, хамтын ажиллагааг бий болгож, бэхжүүлсэн үү?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
All the stakeholders and land users worked together to achieve a common goal i.e. increased income for land users and use of fallow land for agriculture production, reduce import.
Арга барил нь эмзэг бүлгийнхнийг нийгэм, эдийн засгийн хувьд чадавхижуулсан уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
If the land users are interested, irrespective of their wealth and status, all the land users in the community are allowed to participate in the approach. Therefore, economically disadvantaged groups involved in farming activity have improved livelihood and increased household income.
Арга барил нь жендэрийн тэгш байдлыг сайжруулж, эмэгтэйчүүд, охидыг чадавхжуулсан уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach has two subgroups with heterogenous members (male and female) and one subgroup has only female members encouraging women's participation in decision-making.
Арга барил нь газар ашиглагч залуучууд / дараагийн үеийн хүмүүсийг ГТМ-д оролцохыг хөхүүлэн дэмжсэн үү?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach was initiated to encourage youths to participate in agricultural activities. However, there is no interest shown by the youths. This could be due to low-income generation, poor market access and less or no recreation facility in the approach site.
Арга барил нь чанаржуулсан шим тэжээл/ хүнсний аюулгүй байдалд хүргэсэн үү?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach enabled land users to be self-sufficient in vegetables during winter and also generate income by selling the produce. Thus, making the community self-sufficient in vegetables and certain fruits.
Арга барил нь зах зээлийн хүртээмжийг сайжруулсан уу?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach linked the land users to the market such as schools and processing units (BAIL).
Арга барил нь хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт, орлогын боломжид хүргэсэн үү?
- Үгүй
- Тийм, бага зэрэг
- Тийм, зарим
- Тийм, их
The approach improved the income of the land users as they were able to buy school necessities for their children from the income generated by selling vegetables from the approach site.
6.2 ГТМ-ийг хэрэгжүүлэх газар ашиглагчидын гол санаачилга
- үйлдвэрлэл нэмэгдсэн
The additional cultivation in the area improved food self-sufficiency and food security. Therefore, increased production due to improved soil quality is one of the main motivating factors to adopt SLM.
- Ашиг нэмэгдсэн (боломж), зардал-үр ашгийн харьцаа сайжирсан
The farmers do not have a significant contribution to the establishment of the SLM, major activities were funded by the government. So all the benefits obtained are profits for the land users. Therefore, this is another important motivation for the adoption of the approach.
6.3 Арга барилын үйл ажиллагааны тогтвортой байдал
Газар ашиглагчид арга барилаар дамжуулан хэрэгжүүлсэн арга хэмжээг тогтвортой хадгалж чадах уу (гадны дэмжлэггүйгээр)?
- Тийм
Хэрэв тийм бол яаж гэдгийг тайлбарлана уу:
The approach is sustainable. Even though the market for large quantities of produce is not available. There is a market linkage created with local consumers. Further, the land users can link with the relevant stakeholders to export the produce. Moreover, the land users were well trained in vegetable production to sustain without external support.
6.4 Арга барилын тогтвортой/давуу тал/боломжууд
Газар ашиглагчдын тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд |
Improved production and increased cultivable land is major strength of the approach. With the fallow land reversion and sufficient irrigation water, the land is is able to produce large amount of crop. |
The approach contributed to improved household income. By selling the crops grown in the revived area, the land users get additional income to support their livelihood. |
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд |
Improved nutrition to the school children as the quality of organic vegetables supplied by the group is better than the imported produce grown in a conventional system with the use of pesticides especially from India. |
Reduces import as the group sell their produce to the schools and nearby community. The demand for vegetable is met by domestic production, therefore there are fewer commodities imported. |
6.5 Арга барилын дутагдалтай/сул тал/аюул болон тэдгээрийн хэрхэн даван туулах арга замууд
Газар ашиглагч нарын тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл | Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ? |
The land is far from the houses of the land users making it difficult for the land users to give constant management and care. | |
Radhi is known as the "Rice bowl of eastern Bhutan" and it is also famous for the Bhuray (type of fabric) gho and kira (National dress). Therefore the reverted land is neglected during peak rice production season and labour demanded by the weaving of the Buray gho and kira high. | |
Due to less market and surplus production. Land users are challenged with marketing of their crops. | Encourage middlemen to purchase their produce and sell it to other parts of the country. |
7. Суурь мэдээлэл болон холбоосууд
7.1 Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр/аргууд
- Хээрийн уулзалт, судалгаа
There were six informants, five land users and one Gewog Extension Officer.
- Газар ашиглагчтай хийсэн ярилцлага
five land users
- ГТМ-ийн мэргэжилтэн/шинжээчтэй хийсэн ярилцлага
One, gewog extension officer
7.2 Холбогдох бүтээлийн ишлэл
Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:
Lhamo C. (2021). Agricultural production through fallow land reversion with numerous interventions. CARLEP. Retrieved from https://carlep.gov.bt/agricultural-production-through-fallow-land-reversion-with-numerous-interventions/
Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?
Холбоос ба модулууд
Бүгдийг дэлгэх Бүгдийг хаахХолбоосууд
![Protected Agriculture for High Value Crops](/media/c1/6/c16da646-4706-43db-ba6c-7e0621f7009a.jpg)
Protected Agriculture for High Value Crops [Бутан]
Protected agriculture (controlled environment agriculture) is the use of technology to modify the growing environment for crops to extend the growing period and increase yields. It can include greenhouses, shade nets or polytunnels. This technology is moderately expensive therefore it is used only for the cultivation of high-value crops and …
- Эмхэтгэгч: Nima Dolma Tamang
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