Reseeding local fodder species in Bamyan rangelands using indigenous and scientific methods [Афганистан]
- Шинийг нээх:
- Шинэчлэх:
- Эмхэтгэгч: Gul Nabi Khan Noorani
- Хянан тохиолдуулагчид: Mir Wali Khan Lakanwal, Mohammad Mustafa Sahebzada
- Хянагч: Rima Mekdaschi Studer
کاشت انواع علوفه جات محلی در علفچرهای بامیان با استفاده از رویشهای های بومی و علمی
technologies_7402 - Афганистан
Бүлгүүдийг үзэх
Бүгдийг дэлгэх Бүгдийг хаах1. Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
1.2 Технологийг үнэлэх, баримтжуулах ажилд хамаарах мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүс, байгууллагуудын холбоо барих мэдээлэл
Alamy Sayed Basir
FAO Afghanistan
Masror Sayed Taqi
Volunteer Community Facilitator
Mohseenpor Sayed Azim
Volunteer Community Facilitator
Газар ашиглагч:
Arvin Ali
Volunteer Community Facilitator
Wafa Sayed Ihsan
Volunteer Community Facilitator
Газар ашиглагч:
The RMA Members
Members of Rangeland Management Associations in two target districts.
Технологи баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн төслийн нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
Community-based sustainable land and forest management in AfghanistanТехнологи баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байгууллага(ууд)-ын нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
FAO Afghanistan (FAO Afghanistan) - Афганистан1.3 ВОКАТ-аар баримтжуулсан өгөгдлийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцөл
Эмхэтгэгч болон гол мэдээлэгч хүн(хүмүүс) WOCAT аргачлалаар баримтжуулсан мэдээллийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцлийг хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн:
1.4 Технологи тогтвортой гэдгийг баталгаажуулах
Энэ технологийг газрын доройтлыг бууруулж, газрын тогтвортой менежментийг хангахад тохиромжтой гэж үзэж болох уу?
The technology is sustainable and easily replicable by local communities.
2. ГТМ Технологийн тодорхойлолт
2.1 Технологийн товч тодорхойлолт
Технологийн тодорхойлолт:
Artificial reseeding is a key method for restoring degraded rangelands. It involves reintroducing native, palatable fodder species to improve vegetation cover, soil health, and biodiversity. This process boosts forage for grazing animals, stabilizes soil, and helps combat desertification, enhancing ecosystem health and productivity.
2.2 Технологийн дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) project of “Community-based sustainable land and forest management in Afghanistan” aimed to conserve vegetation cover and ecosystems through introducing community-based sustainable land and forest management (SLM/SFM) practices in rangeland and forest areas within five targeted provinces, including Bamyan, that benefited rural communities that rely on these ecosystems for their livelihood. The project introduced an integrated, community-based approach of SLM/SFM in Afghanistan for promoting biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and rangeland productivity.
To enhance rangeland productivity in Bamyan province, artificial reseeding of native, locally adapted, and drought-resistant fodder species plays a vital role in restoring health and productivity of the degraded rangeland ecosystem, improving soil quality, and increasing fodder availability for livestock, which contributed to local livelihoods and environmental resilience.
Communities carefully identify highly vulnerable and degraded rangelands for reseeding initiatives. These include previously rain-fed wheat fields cultivated for human consumption, overgrazed sites, and areas with restricted grazing to support vegetation recovery before reseeding. Attention is also given to areas prone to snow avalanches and flash floods causing landslides and soil erosion, which impact downstream residential areas, irrigation systems, trails, roads, and farmlands. These zones are prioritized and mutually agreed upon for reseeding and restoration efforts.
This reseeding local fodder species technology involves several key activities.
1.Identification of locally adapted drought-resistant and palatable fodder species by livestock owners and land users.
2.Identification of highly producing areas of selected fodder species to collect quality seeds.
3.Defer grazing and delay fodder harvest for the purpose of seed maturity in the targeted area.
4.Awareness raising about the maturity stages of different fodder species seeds: Through project intervention and awareness campaigns, rural residents have gained a better understanding of the seed ripening, collecting, and cultivation stages.
5.Collecting, drying, and storing seed: The fodder species’ seeds are collected manually by hand. These fodder species produce longer main stems with inflorescence and spikelets on the top at an average person's breast height. Collected seed is brought to the storing facility and laid out under sunlight for drying. Once seed reaches a certain moisture content, it's stored in a cool and dry place until the day of reseeding under the direct supervision of the rangeland management association (RMA).
6.Season of reseeding local fodder seed: Reseeding activities typically begin in the autumn season, just before the first snowfall. Seeds remain in the soil throughout the winter, allowing them to overcome dormancy and germinate in the spring of the following year. Local fodder species used for reseeding include various Fennel species and other plants traditionally relied upon for winter fodder. These include: Umbelliferae ferulus (Gheghu), Winklera silaifolia (Pali), Prangos sp. (Kami), Ferula sp. (Badran), Rheum spp. (Chukri), Koeleria cristata (Khola), a shrub locally known as Qarghna.
7.Method of Reseeding: The inter and intra-row space between seeding pits (max. 2-3 seeds in one pit) depends on the slope of the terrain, canopy of the fodder, and extent of vegetation cover. If the % slope of the terrain is increasing and canopy of planted species is small, then the space between two rows and two plants decreases and vice versa. Normally, the space between two rows is 1-1.5 m and two plants are about 40-60 cms apart. On the day of reseeding, some land users dig small pits using a hoe and shovel approximately five centimeters deep, followed by another person who puts seeds in the pit and covers the seed with soil using his own boot. The distance between pits is estimated through a person's step. One person reseeds 3.5 kgs of seed per working day. Roughly, a total of 15 kgs of fodder seed is needed for 1 ha of rangeland. It's worth mentioning that the quantity of seed per ha depends on the space between rows and plants and the size of the fodder seed itself.
The seeds are collected using the cash-for-work model. This served (i) to provide income support to poor, vulnerable men and women through short-term employment and (ii) to rehabilitate public assets (rangelands) that are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of livestock rearing. Both men and women-headed vulnerable households benefited from the cash-for-work program of seed collection. More importantly, these fodder species’ seeds are fresh, locally adapted, nutritious for livestock (help fatten livestock), available locally, and inexpensive compared to other types of fodder seed. The germination percentage of the seed and growth of the fodder is significantly high in the reseeded area.
Traditionally, rural communities knew that fodder crops grew from seeds; however, the main stems with inflorescences and spikelets were harvested before maturity and used as fuelwood for heating and cooking. Through awareness-raising campaigns and training workshops within the project, farmers were encouraged to leave the main stems intact for seed maturation, allowing for natural seed dispersal and seed collection for reseeding. The success of natural reseeding is limited compared to artificial reseeding due to several factors. In natural reseeding, seeds are often exposed and not covered by soil, making them vulnerable to environmental conditions. Moisture availability may also be insufficient for germination, and existing vegetation can compete with new growth. In contrast, artificial reseeding ensures that seeds are properly covered, protected, and placed in areas with optimal moisture, which increases the likelihood of successful germination and establishment. Recently, the demand for the local fodder seed has dramatically increased because many non-profit organizations and private businesses are purchasing these seeds. It created a new source of income for the rural communities.
Finally, the technology combines both traditional knowledge and scientific understanding, contributing to more effective restoration of the degraded rangeland ecosystem, improving soil health, and increasing fodder availability, which contributed to livelihood resilience and improvement.
2.3 Технологийн гэрэл зураг
2.4 Технологийн дүрс бичлэг
Тайлбар, товч тодорхойлолт:
The video shows the reseeding of local fodder seeds in degraded rangelands, contributing to land restoration and improved fodder availability.
Он, сар, өдөр:
Balderghoto village, Punjab district Bamyan province
Зураглаачийн нэр:
Gul Nabi Khan
Тайлбар, товч тодорхойлолт:
The video shows the result of reseeding local fodder species, such as Umbelliferae Ferula and Prangos sip., showed improved vegetation cover, enhanced soil stabilization, increased forage availability for livestock, and greater ecosystem resilience.
Он, сар, өдөр:
Village Kandogak, RMA Sayed Bacha, Punjab district Bamyan
Зураглаачийн нэр:
Gul Nabi Khan
2.5 Энэ үнэлгээнд хамрагдсан технологийг хэрэгжүүлсэн улс орон/ бүс нутаг/ байршил
Байршлын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт:
Punjab and Yakawalang districts
Технологи өргөн дэлгэрсэн эсхийг тодорхойл:
- тодорхой газар хэрэгжсэн/ жижиг талбайд төвлөрсөн
Технологи(иуд) нэвтрүүлсэн талбай тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутагт байрладаг уу?
These sites are subject to a five-year quarantine following the reseeding activity, meaning that they are designated off-limits for grazing, shrub gathering, and fodder harvesting during this period.
×2.6 Хэрэгжсэн хугацаа
Хэрэгжүүлсэн он:
2.7 Технологийн танилцуулга
Технологийг хэрхэн нэвтрүүлснийг тодорхойл:
- Гадны төсөл/хөтөлбөрийн дэмжлэгтэйгээр
Тайлбар (төслийн төрөл г.м.):
The Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) project of “Community-based sustainable land and forest management in Afghanistan” is an environmental project funded by Global Environmental Facility (GEF) which focused on reducing land degradation, enhance biodiversity and climate change mitigation.
3. ГТМ технологийн ангилал
3.1 Технологийн үндсэн зорилго (ууд)
- үйлдвэрлэлийг сайжруулах
- газрын доройтлыг бууруулах, сэргийлэх, нөхөн сэргээх
- экосистемийг хамгаалах
- биологийн төрөл зүйлийг хамгаалах / сайжруулах
- уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт/ экстрим байдал болон түүний нөлөөлөлд дасан зохицох
3.2 Технологи нэвтрүүлсэн газрын одоогийн газар ашиглалтын хэлбэр(үүд)
Нэг газр нутгийн хэмжээнд хэрэгжих холимог газар ашиглалт:

Бэлчээрийн газар
Бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуй:
- Хагас нүүдлийн бэлчээрийн аж ахуй
Эрчимжсэн мал аж ахуй / тэжээл үйлдвэрлэл:
- Сайжруулсан бэлчээр
- Direct grazing and remaining fodder is cut for animal feeding
Амьтдын төрөл зүйл:
- үхрийн аж ахуй - цагаан идээ
- ямаа
- хонь
Тариалан-мал аж ахуйн нэгдсэн менежмент хэрэгждэг үү?
Бүтээгдэхүүн ба үйлчилгээ:
- мах
- сүү
- ноос
Төрөл зүйл:
Тоо хэмжээ:
Төрөл зүйл:
Тоо хэмжээ:
Төрөл зүйл:
үхрийн аж ахуй - цагаан идээ
Тоо хэмжээ:
It has been agreed among community members that, following the reseeding program, the area will be quarantined for at least 4-5 years. During this period, no grazing, shrub collection, or fodder harvesting will be allowed in order to enhance vegetation coverage.
The exact number of livestock in the reseeding area of the rangeland is currently unknown, as no formal count has been conducted. The numbers provided reflect an estimated count of livestock in the target districts of Yakawlang 1 and Punjab. The data was sourced from the Department of Livestock and Animal Health of the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation of Bamyan.
3.3 Технологи хэрэгжүүлснээр газар ашиглалтад өөрчлөлт гарсан уу?
Технологи хэрэгжүүлснээр газар ашиглалтад өөрчлөлт гарсан уу?
- Тийм (Технологи хэрэгжүүлэхээс өмнөх үеийн газар ашиглалтын талаархи асуулгыг бөглөнө үү)
Нэг газр нутгийн хэмжээнд хэрэгжих холимог газар ашиглалт:
Газар ашиглалтын холимог тогтолцоог (тарилан/бэлчээр/ой мод) тодорхойл:
- Агро-бэлчээр (тарилан-мал аж ахуйн хослуулсан тогтолцоог хамруулан ойлгоно)

Тариалангийн талбай
- Нэг наст үр тариа
Нэг наст үр тариа - Таримлыг тодорхойлно уу:
- үр тариа - улаан буудай (эрт ургацын)
Сөөлжлөн тариалалт хийгддэг үү?
Таримлыг ээлжлэн тариалдаг уу?
3.4 Усан хангамж
Технологи хэрэгжүүлсэн газрын усан хангамж:
- Байгалийн усалгаатай
The rangeland is rainfed and experiences heavy snowfall during the winter season.
3.5 Технологи ГТМ-ийн аль бүлэгт хамаарах вэ
- Газар нутаг чөлөөлөх (ашиглалтыг зогсоох, нөхөн сэргээх)
- Бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуй ба бэлчээрийн газрын менежмент
- хөрс/ ургамлын бүрхэвч сайжруулах
- rangeland restoration
3.6 Технологийг бүрдүүлэх ГТМ арга хэмжээ

Ургамлын арга хэмжээ
- V2: Өвс ба олон наст өвслөг ургамал

Менежментийн арга хэмжээ
- М1: Газар ашиглалтын хэлбэрийг өөрчлөх
The land is closed/rested for both natural and artificial vegetation to recover.
3.7 Технологид харгалзах газрын доройтлын төрөл

хөрс усаар эвдрэх
- Wt: Хөрсний гадаргын угаагдал
- Wg: Гуу жалгын элэгдэл
- Wm: Хөрсний нуралт, шилжилт

биологийн доройтол
- Bc: Ургамлан нөмрөг багасах
- Bh: Амьдрах орчин доройтох
- Bq: биомасс буурах
- Bs: Ургамлын чанар, төрөл зүйл, олон янз байдал буурах
Reseeding of various fodder crops help control soil degradation by restoring plant cover, which stabilizes the soil and reduces erosion. Soil cover reduces loss of fertile soil and can increase soil organic matter that then can lead to improved fertility.
3.8 Газрын доройтлоос урьдчилан сэргийлэх, сааруулах ба нөхөн сэргээх
Газрын доройтолтой холбоотойгоор Технологи ямар зорилго тавьсан болохыг тодорхойл:
- газрын доройтлоос урьдчилан сэргийлэх
- Хүчтэй доройтсон газрыг нөхөн сэргээх/ сайжруулах
Reseeding technology helps restore degraded land by introducing vegetation that stabilizes soil, improves water retention, and prevents erosion. Once the land is restored, reseeding continues to prevent further degradation by maintaining protective vegetation that sustains soil health and reduces environmental pressures.
4. Техникийн нөхцөл, хэрэгжүүлсэн үйл ажиллагаа, материал ба зардал
4.1 Технологийн техник зураг
Техник тодорхойлолт (техник зургийн тайлбар):
General specifications of the technology:
1. Local fodder crops, such as species from the Ferula and Prangos genera, are well-suited to semi-arid conditions due to their drought and cold resistance.
2. A moderate slope of 10-25% is ideal for reseeding.
3. On such slopes, the recommended distance between two rows is 1-1.5 meters, while the spacing between two seeding pits should be 0.40-0.60 meters. The spacing between pits can be estimated using a person’s step. The depth of each pit should be approximately 0.05 meters.
4.The width of the pit is determined by a single strike with a hoe or mattock.
5. The distance between rows and plants can vary depending on the slope, soil type, vegetation cover, and canopy size of the fodder crop. For steeper slopes or species with small canopies, the spacing between rows and plants should be reduced, and vice versa.
6.Small pits for planting are dug using tools such as hoes or mattocks.
7. 2-3 seeds are placed in each pit.
8. The seeds are covered with soil using a person's foot, boot, or a similar implement.
9. Approximately 15 kilograms of seed are required per hectare for reseeding using this technology.
10. It is important to note that the quantity of seed required per hectare depends on the spacing between rows and plants, as well as the size of the seed.
Ms. Samira Yarzadeh and Mr. Sayed Habibullah Fatimi
Он, сар, өдөр:
4.2 Материал болон зардалд хамаарах ерөнхий мэдээлэл
Үнэ өртөг, оруулсан хувь нэмрийг хэрхэн тооцсоныг тодорхойл:
- Технологийн нэгж тус бүр
Талбайн хэмжээ ба нэгжийг тодорхойл:
539 hectares
бусад/үндэсний мөнгөн нэгж (тодорхойл):
Хэрэв боломжтой бол үндэсний валютын Америк доллартай харьцах харьцааг бичнэ үү (тухайлбал, 1 ам.дол. = 79,9 Бразил реал): 1 ам.дол. =:
Хөлсний ажилчны нэг өдрийн цалингийн хэмжээг тодорхойлно уу:
350 AFN
4.3 Бий болгох үйл ажиллагаа
Үйл ажиллагаа | Хугацаа (улирал) | |
1. | Identification of locally adapted drought-resistant and palatable fodder species by livestock owners and land users. | April and May |
2. | Identification of highly producing areas of selected fodder species for seed collection. | June and July |
3. | Defer grazing and delay fodder harvest for the purpose of seed maturity in the targeted area. | June, July, August and September |
4. | Awareness raising about the maturity stages of different fodder species seeds: | August and September |
5. | Collecting, drying, and storing seed | September |
6. | Sites identification for reseeding | September |
7. | Mobilization of community members for reseeding campaign | September and October |
8. | Reseeding: Transporting seed and agricultural tools to the area, preparation of field, digging planting pits, reseeding and covering the seed. | October and November |
9. | Control grazing in the next growing season | April, May, June, July (following year) |
4.4 Бий болгоход шаардагдсан зардал, хөрөнгийн өртөг
Зардлын нэр, төрөл | Хэмжих нэгж | Тоо хэмжээ | Нэгжийн үнэ | Зардал бүрийн нийт өртөг | Нийт дүнгээс газар ашиглагчийн төлсөн % | |
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт | Collecting of local fodder seed (Kami, Ghegho, Chukri, Khola, Badra, Qarghana) | person-days | 5.0 | 350.0 | 1750.0 | |
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт | Drying and storing of local fodder seed | person-days | 3.0 | 350.0 | 1050.0 | |
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт | Reseeding of local fodder seed in rangeland | person-days | 8.0 | 350.0 | 2800.0 | 100.0 |
Тоног төхөөрөмж | Pit digging equipment i.e., shovel, hoe, pick mattock | no. | 5.0 | 250.0 | 1250.0 | 100.0 |
Тоног төхөөрөмж | Plastic bags for collecting seed (reusable) | pieces | 3.0 | 20.0 | 60.0 | 100.0 |
Технологи бий болгох нийт үнэ өртөг | 6910.0 | |||||
Технологи бий болгох нийт үнэ өртөг, ам.доллар | 100.14 |
Хэрэв газар ашиглагч нийт зардлын 100% -иас бага хэсгийг төлсөн бол хэн голлох зардлыг гаргасан бэ:
The cost of collecting the plant material is paid by the project under the cash-for-work intervention (110 AFN/kg))
In reference to the agreement with the Rangeland Management Association, reseeding is voluntarily carried out by its members. Additionally, the necessary farming equipment for digging pits is provided by the members themselves.
4.5 Арчилгаа/ урсгал үйл ажиллагаа
Үйл ажиллагаа | Хугацаа/ давтамж | |
1. | Control grazing and fodder harvesting | 12 months/ annually |
2. | Restrict cutting perennial shrubs for forage, firewood and their uprooting | 12 months/ annually |
3. | Reseeding is done in the pits where there was no germination. | Growing season/ once a year |
4. | Conduct workshops and awareness raising for herders on SLM. | Growing season/ twice a year |
After reseeding, the area is closed off for 4-5 years to prevent grazing, fodder collection, and shrub harvesting or uprooting as firewood. Once the area has recovered, it will be sustainably used by harvesting one-third as fodder after it matures and the seeds have naturally dispersed.
4.6 Арчилгаа/урсгал ажилд шаардагдсан зардал, хөрөнгийн өртөг (нэг жилд)
Зардлын нэр, төрөл | Хэмжих нэгж | Тоо хэмжээ | Нэгжийн үнэ | Зардал бүрийн нийт өртөг | Нийт дүнгээс газар ашиглагчийн төлсөн % | |
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт | Community members, acting as rangers, patrol the area to control grazing, fodder collection, and shrub harvesting | person-day | 240.0 | 200.0 | 48000.0 | 100.0 |
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт | Reseeding of pits where there was no germination. | person-day | 2.0 | 350.0 | 700.0 | 100.0 |
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт | Conduct awareness raising for herders on SLM. | no. | 3.0 | 3000.0 | 9000.0 | |
Технологийн арчилгаа/урсгал үйл ажиллагаанд шаардагдах нийт үнэ өртөг | 57700.0 | |||||
Технологи арчилах ба урсгал ажлын нийт үнэ өртөг, ам.доллар | 836.23 |
Хэрэв газар ашиглагч нийт зардлын 100% -иас бага хэсгийг төлсөн бол хэн голлох зардлыг гаргасан бэ:
Once there is no cash for work from the project, the community still collects seeds, reseed some in reseeding area and the rest is sold in the open market depending on the demand.
Patrolling reseeded rangeland to prevent grazing, fodder harvesting, and shrub collection is a critical step in sustainable rangeland management, particularly in regions like Bamyan, Afghanistan, where rangelands are vital for pastoralist livelihoods. The community selects one or two herders to monitor and manage land use for eight months each year, until livestock return to indoor barns for the winter season. Rangers are paid annually for patrolling the entire rangeland area, rather than by hectare, which makes it challenging to calculate the cost per hectare. The land is divided into different zones, including grazing areas during specific periods, rotational grazing zones, and restricted grazing areas such as reseeded land. Rangers are trained to enforce the agreed regulations and ensure compliance effectively.
4.7 Зардалд нөлөөлж байгаа хамгийн чухал хүчин зүйл
Өртөг, зардалд нөлөөлөх гол хүчин зүйл:
The most important factors affecting the costs are the seed of local fodder types and their availability during the growing season, as well as the cost of rangers patrolling the technology area.
5. Байгаль ба нийгмийн нөхцөл
5.1 Уур амьсгал
Жилийн нийлбэр хур тундас
- < 250 мм
- 251-500 мм
- 501-750 мм
- 751-1,000 мм
- 1,001-1,500 мм
- 1,501-2,000 мм
- 2,001-3,000 мм
- 3,001-4,000 мм
- > 4,000 мм
Жилийн дундаж хур тунадас (хэрэв мэдэгдэж байвал), мм:
Хур тунадасны талаархи тодорхойлолт/ тайлбар:
The average annual rainfall in Bamyan, Afghanistan, is relatively low, as the region is characterized by a semi-arid to arid climate. On average it is around 100–150 mm annually.
Most of the precipitation occurs during the spring season (March to May) and occasionally in the early summer. Snowfall is common in the winter months due to Bamyan's high elevation (about 2,500-3,000 meters above sea level), contributing to water availability through snowmelt in spring and summer seasons.
Холбогдох цаг уурын станцын нэр:
World weather online
Агро-уур амьсгалын бүс
- хагас хуурай
The mean annual temperature in Bamyan varies around 6–8°C (43–46°F). The region experiences a wide temperature range throughout the year due to its high-altitude and semi-arid climate. Bamyan winters are very cold and snowy, while summers are hot and dry.
Winter (December–February): Extremely cold, with average temperatures ranging from -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F). Nights can be even colder, with temperatures dropping below -30°C (-4°F).
Summer (June–August): Relatively mild, with average daytime temperatures around 20–25°C (68–77°F). Nights remain cool due to the high altitude.
Spring and Autumn: Transition seasons with moderate temperatures, ranging from 5–15°C (41–59°F).
5.2 Гадаргын хэлбэр
Дундаж налуу:
- хавтгай (0-2 %)
- бага зэрэг налуу (3-5 %)
- дунд зэрэг налуу (6-10 % )
- хэвгий (11-15 %)
- налуу (16-30 %)
- их налуу (31-60 % )
- эгц налуу (>60 %)
Гадаргын хэлбэр:
- тэгш өндөрлөг / тал
- нуруу
- уулын энгэр
- дов толгод
- бэл
- хөндий
Өндрийн бүслүүр:
- 0-100 д.т.д. м.
- 101-500 д.т.д. м.
- 501-1,000 д.т.д м.
- 1,001-1,500 д.т.д м.
- 1,501-2,000 д.т.д м.
- 2,001-2,500 д.т.д. м.
- 2,501-3,000 д.т.д. м.
- 3,001-4,000 д.т.д м.
- > 4,000 д.т.д. м.
Технологи дараах асуудалд хандсан эсэхийг тодорхойл:
- хамааралгүй
Гадаргын талаархи тодорхойлолт ба бусад тайлбар:
Bamyan, located in Afghanistan's central highlands, is characterized by a mix of high mountain ranges, valleys, and plateaus. The Hindu Kush Mountain range 4,000 meters (13,100 feet) contributes to the region's cold climate and water source. The Bamyan Valley, known for its ancient Buddha statues, supports agricultural activities. High-altitude plateaus create grazing lands for pastoralist communities. The Kunduz River and seasonal streams sustain the region's water systems.
5.3 Хөрс
Хөрсний дундаж зузаан:
- маш нимгэн (0-20 см)
- нимгэн (21-50 см)
- дунд зэрэг зузаан (51-80 см)
- зузаан (81-120 cм)
- маш зузаан (>120 cм)
Хөрсний бүтэц (өнгөн хөрс):
- бүдүүн/ хөнгөн (элсэрхэг)
- дундаж (элсэнцэр, шавранцар)
Хөрсний бүтэц (>20 см-ээс доош):
- бүдүүн/ хөнгөн (элсэрхэг)
- дундаж (элсэнцэр, шавранцар)
Өнгөн хөрсөнд агуулагдах ялзмаг:
- дунд (1-3 % )
- бага (<1 % )
Боломжтой бол хөрсний бүрэн тодорхойлолт, боломжит мэдээллийг өгнө үү, жишээ нь хөрсний төрөл, хөрсний урвалын орчин/хүчиллэг байдал, катион солилцох чадавхи, азотын хэмжээ, давсжилт г.м.
The soil characteristics of Bamyan Province, as detailed by FAO's Afghanistan Soil Information System (AfSIS) and the FAO Soil Atlas of Afghanistan, indicate that the soils are predominantly loamy to sandy with varying organic content. They are slightly alkaline, with pH levels ranging from 7 to 8 in many areas. The topsoil is characterized by low organic matter content, typical of arid and semi-arid regions, and moderate cation exchange capacity. Nitrogen levels are low, necessitating careful management to ensure sustainable agricultural productivity. Salinity levels are generally low to moderate across most parts of the region.
5.4 Усны хүртээмж ба чанар
Гүний усны түвшин:
5-50 м
Гадаргын усны хүртээмж:
Усны чанар (цэвэршүүлээгүй):
сайн чанарын ундны ус
Усны чанар гэж:
газрын доорхи ус
Усны давсжилтын асуудал бий юу?
Энэ газар үерт автдаг уу?
Усны чанар, нөөцийн талаархи тайлбар ба бусад тодорхойлолт:
Water salinity does not appear to be a major problem in Bamyan Province. Most water sources, including those originating from snow and glacier melt, show good quality for drinking, with low to moderate salinity levels. However, localized issues such as high total dissolved solids (TDS) or electrical conductivity (EC) have been identified in certain areas, indicating potential salinity concerns, particularly for irrigation or drinking in specific contexts.
5.5 Биологийн олон янз байдал
Зүйлийн олон янз байдал:
- дунд зэрэг
Амьдрах орчны олон янз байдал:
- дунд зэрэг
Биологийн олон янз байдлын талаархи тайлбар ба бусад тодорхойлолт:
The state of biodiversity in Bamyan Province varies across its ecosystems and is influenced by factors such as altitude, land use, and conservation measures. In protected areas such as Band-e-Amir National Park and Shah Foladi, which are rich in endemic plant species, wildlife species such as snow leopards, ibex, wolves, and a variety of bird species. Outside protected zones, biodiversity is under pressure due to overgrazing, hunting, unsustainable land use, and land degradation, which reduce the habitat quality for native plants and animals. Medicinal plant species, important for local use, are declining due to unsustainable harvesting practices. Overall, biodiversity in Bamyan's protected areas is better preserved than in unprotected regions.
5.6 Технологи нэвтрүүлсэн газар ашиглагчдын тухай мэдээлэл
Суурьшмал эсвэл нүүдлийн:
- Суурьшмал
- Хагас-нүүдэлийн
Үйлдвэрлэлийн системийн зах зээлийн чиг баримжаа:
- амь зуух арга хэлбэрийн (өөрийгөө хангах)
- холимог (амьжиргаа ба худалдаанд)
Бусад эх үүсвэрээс олох орлого:
- Нийт орлогын 10 %-иас доош
Чинээлэг байдлын түвшин:
- ядуу
Хувь хүн эсвэл бүлэг:
- бүлэг / олон нийтийн
Механикжилтын түвшин:
- ердийн хөсөг
- эмэгтэй
- эрэгтэй
Газар ашиглагчийн нас:
- залуус
- дунд нас
Газар ашиглагчдын бусад шинж чанарыг тодорхойл:
The main characteristics of land users in Bamyan Province are predominantly rural, with around 90% of the population engaged in agriculture, agroforestry, and livestock farming. These communities rely heavily on the rangelands for grazing, fuelwood, and other natural resources. The province is home to agro-pastoralists, where both crop farming and animal husbandry are integral to their livelihoods.
5.7 Газар ашиглагчийн технологи нэвтрүүлсэн газрын дундаж талбайн хэмжээ
- < 0.5 га
- 0.5-1 га
- 1-2 га
- 2-5 га
- 5-15 га
- 15-50 га
- 50-100 га
- 100-500 га
- 500-1,000 га
- 1,000-10,000 га
- > 10,000 га
Энэ талбай том, жижиг, дунд алинд хамаарах вэ (орон нутгийн нөхцөлд харгалзуулна уу)?
- дунд-хэмжээний
In the context of Bamyan’s agricultural and rangeland management, more than 100 hectares of artificial reseeding activity is typically considered medium-scale.
5.8 Газар эзэмшил, газар ашиглах эрх, ус ашиглах эрх
Газар өмчлөл:
- нэгдлийн/ тосгон
Газар ашиглах эрх:
- нэгдлийн хэлбэрээр (зохион байгуулалттай)
Ус ашиглах эрх:
- нэгдлийн хэлбэрээр (зохион байгуулалттай)
- хувь хүн
Газар ашиглах эрх нь уламжлалт эрхзүйн тогтолцоонд суурилсан уу?
Тодорхойлно уу:
Customary systems (Jirgas and Shuras)
Land use rights in Bamyan are governed by traditional legal systems, blending customary laws, Islamic Sharia, and state regulations. Customary practices such as Jirgas and Shuras, often mediated by local elders, dominate in rural areas but frequently conflict with state laws over issues like grazing rights and communal resources. These overlapping systems lead to disputes, particularly between nomadic and settled communities, with ongoing efforts to create a unified legal framework.
5.9 Дэд бүтэц, үйлчилгээний хүртээмж
эрүүл мэнд:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
техник зөвлөгөө:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт (жишээ нь, ХАА-аас өөр):
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
зах зээл:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
эрчим хүчний хангамж:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
зам тээвэр:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
усан хангамж ба ариутгал:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
санхүүгийн үйлчилгээ:
- ядуу
- дунд зэргийн
- сайн
Access to services and infrastructure in Bamyan Province is limited due to its remote location and mountainous terrain. Basic services such as healthcare, education, and clean water are available but often insufficient, particularly in rural areas. Infrastructure like roads and electricity is underdeveloped.
6. Үр нөлөө ба дүгнэлт
6.1 Технологийн талбайд үзүүлсэн нөлөө
Нийгэм-эдийн засгийн үр нөлөө
тэжээл үйлдвэрлэл
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
560 Kg/hectare
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
1050 kg/hectare
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
The fodder production per hectare in Bamyan’s rangelands varies significantly based on land conditions and management practices. In rehabilitated rangelands, such as those supported by FAO projects, forage production enhanced through reseeding and rotational grazing strategies.
малын бүтээмж
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
6 litters milk/cow/day
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
12 litters milk/cow/day
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
The integration of indigenous and scientific fodder production techniques (reseeding of local fodder) and availability of nutritious fodder has boosted both health and livestock productivity sustainably.
үйлдвэрлэлийн газар
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
539 hectares
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
The fodder producing area has been increased from zero to hunderd hectares of rangeland.
Усны хүртээмж ба чанар
ундны усны хүрэлцээ
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
5 liters/minute (discharge of spring)
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
11 liters/minute (discharge of spring)
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding and improving vegetation cover on rangelands significantly enhanced the infiltration of rainfall and snowmelt, ultimately benefiting underground water reserves and increasing the availability of animal drinking points, irrigation water and drinking water sources such as spring.
мал услах усны хүрэлцээ
тариалангийн усалгааны усны хүртээмж
Орлого, зарлага
орлогын олон янз эх үүсвэр
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
Potato cultivation and Livestock
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
Potato cultivation, livestock and seed collection
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
RMA members now harvest fodder seeds once they reach maturity and sell them in the market, contributing to both local livelihoods (income) and the sustainability of rangeland management.
Нийгэм-соёлын үр нөлөө
олон нийтийн институц
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
Zero community institution
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
7 rangeland management associations (RMAs)
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
The community institutions in the area are primarily organized as Rangeland Management Associations (RMAs).
ГТМ/ газрын доройтлын мэдлэг
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
Zero capacity building workshop
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
Capacity of 10,000 RMA's member build.
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
The capacity of RMA members is enhanced through training, community-based workshops, and awareness-raising initiatives focused on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM).
маргааныг шийдвэрлэх
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
4 conflicts / village/year
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
0 conflicts/village/year
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Increasing the quantity and availability of water and fodder helps reduce conflicts by addressing resource scarcity, which is often a source of tension. When communities have enough access to these essential resources, competition decreases, and cooperation can grow.
Экологийн үр нөлөө
хөрсөн бүрхэвч
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding improves soil cover, protecting it from erosion, stabilizing the soil, enhancing water retention, and restoring nutrients. This supports ecosystem recovery and promotes healthier soils and sustainable land use.
хөрс алдагдах
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Soil loss varies depending on topography, land use, and management practices. Soil loss rates typically range between 2.2 to 38 tons per hectare per year (t/ha/year), depending on slope steepness and vegetation cover. Higher rates are observed in areas with steep terrain and minimal vegetation, while conservation practices can reduce these rates significantly.
Биологийн олон янз байдал: ургамал, амьтан
Ургамалын бүрхэвч
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding improved vegetation coverage by introducing new plant seeds to degraded areas, promoting their regrowth and restoring ecosystems.
газрын дээрхи / доорхи карбон
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
0.2-2 Ton/hectare
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
4-5 ton/hectare
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding local fodder seeds in rangelands enhances aboveground biomass carbon by increasing vegetation growth, which sequesters more carbon.
ургамлын төрөл, зүйл
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
5-15 species/species/square meter
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
15-25 species/species/square meter
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Plant diversity is relatively high, featuring a variety of native grasses, shrubs, and medicinal plants adapted to the region's arid and semi-arid conditions. The plant diversity can vary widely depending on factors like altitude, grazing pressure, and management practices.
ашигт төрөл зүйл
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
2-5 species/ technology area
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Bees and birds
Уур амьсгал болон гамшгийн эрсдлийг бууруулах
үер усны нөлөө
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
2-3 floods / year
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
0 floods/year
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding reduces flooding by establishing vegetation cover that stabilizes the soil, enhances water infiltration, and slows surface runoff, thus decreasing the volume and velocity of water that can lead to floods.
хөрсний гулсалт/ чулуун нуранги
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
50,000 m3/winter season
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
5000 m3/winter season
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding helps reduce landslides by promoting the growth of vegetation, the roots bind soil particles together, increasing slope stability and reducing soil erosion caused by water runoff and snow fall.
гангийн нөлөө
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
560 Kg/hectare (fodder yield)
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
1050 kg/hectare (fodder yield)
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding of different fodder species enhances soil moisture retention, reduce surface evaporation, and improve water infiltration.
6.2 Технологийн талбайн гадна үзүүлсэн үр нөлөө
Усны хүртээмж
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
5 liters/minute (discharge of spring)
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
11 liters/minute (discharge of spring)
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding and improving vegetation cover enhanced the infiltration of rainfall and snowmelt, ultimately benefiting ground water recharge and increasing water availability: animal drinking points, irrigation water and drinking water sources such as springs.
голын адагт үерлэх
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
2-3 floods/year
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
0 floods/year
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Vegetation cover stabilizes the soil, enhances water infiltration, and slows surface runoff, thus decreasing the volume and velocity of water that can lead downstream floodsing and damage.
голын адагт лаг шавар хуримтлагдах
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
2-3 floods/year
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
0 floods/year
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding helps reduce downstream siltation and river water pollution by stabilizing the soil, preventing erosion, and promoting the growth of vegetation that intercepts and filters runoff.
буферлэх / шүүлтүүрийн багтаамж
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding helped increase buffering and filtering capacity by reintroducing vegetation that acts as a natural barrier against pollutants and runoff. The plant roots stabilize the soil, reducing erosion, while the vegetation cover slows water movement, allowing it to infiltrate the ground.
хөрш зэргэлдээ газарт учирах хохирол
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
2-3 floods/year
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
0 floods/year
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding and better soil cover helped reduce flash flood damage to neighboring agricultural fields downstream.
хүлэмжийн хийн нөлөө
ГТМ хэрэгжихээс өмнөх тоо хэмжээ:
0.5-2 tons of sequestered CO₂/ hectare annually
ГТМ хэрэгжиснээс хойшхи тоо хэмжээ:
3-4 tons of sequestered CO₂/ hectare annually
Тайлбар/ тодорхой дурьдах:
Reseeding reduces greenhouse gases by enhancing carbon sequestration in plants and soil, while also minimizing emissions of nitrous oxide and methane from degraded areas.
Талбайн гадна илрэх үр нөлөөллийн үнэлгээг тайлбарлана уу (хэмжилтүүд):
The off-site impacts of reseeding local fodder seeds in degraded rangelands are measured through improvements in water infiltration, reduced soil erosion, expanded vegetation cover, enhanced biodiversity, and increased carbon sequestration. Social and economic benefits, such as higher incomes from fodder sales and reduced grazing pressure on communal resources, are assessed through community surveys.
6.3 Технологийн уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт, цаг агаарын гамшигт үзэгдэлд өртөх байдал ба эмзэг байдал (газар ашиглагчийн бодлоор)
Уур амьсгалын аажим өөрчлөлт
Уур амьсгалын аажим өөрчлөлт
Улирал | Өсөх эсвэл буурах | Технологи түүний нөлөөг хэрхэн бууруулж байна? | |
жилийн дундаж температур | Бууралт | сайн | |
жилийн дундаж хур тундас | Өсөлт | сайн |
Уур амьсгалаас хамаарах аюул (гамшиг)
Уур амьсгалын гамшиг
Технологи түүний нөлөөг хэрхэн бууруулж байна? | |
ган гачиг | дунд зэрэг |
Усзүйн гамшиг
Технологи түүний нөлөөг хэрхэн бууруулж байна? | |
шар усны үер | маш сайн |
хөрсний гулсалт | маш сайн |
цасан нуранги | маш сайн |
Reseeding mitigates gradual climate change by sequestering CO₂, stabilizing soil, and improving water retention, while reducing the impacts of climate-related extremes like floods, droughts, and erosion by restoring ecosystems and enhancing local climate resilience.
6.4 Өртөг ба ашгийн шинжилгээ
Бий болгох зардалтай харьцуулахад ямар ашиг өгсөн бэ (газар ашиглагчийн бодлоор)?
Богино хугацаанд эргэн төлөгдөх байдал:
бага зэрэг эерэг
Урт хугацаанд эргэн төлөгдөх байдал:
маш эерэг
Арчилгаа/урсгал зардалтай харьцуулахад ямар ашиг өгсөн бэ (газар ашиглагчийн бодлоор)?
Богино хугацаанд эргэн төлөгдөх байдал:
Урт хугацаанд эргэн төлөгдөх байдал:
маш эерэг
Reseeding Bamyan rangelands requires investment in seeds, labor, and maintenance, but provides long-term benefits like better vegetation, soil stability, and carbon sequestration. It improves grazing, reduces flood and erosion risks, and helps mitigate climate impacts. The ecological and economic gains outweigh the initial costs.
6.5 Технологи нэвтрүүлэлт
- 11-50%
Технологи нэвтрүүлсэн хүмүүсээс хэд нь өөрийн хүчээр технологийг хэрэгжүүлсэн бэ, өөрөөр хэлбэл гадны тусламж дэмжлэг авалгүйгээр?
- 0-10%
6.6 Дасан зохицох
Бий болсон өөрчлөлтөд зохицуулан технологийг өөрчилсөн үү?
6.7 Технологийн давуу тал/боломжууд
Газар ашиглагчдын тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд |
Enhances the availability of high-quality forage, leading to better livestock health and productivity. |
Restores degraded land which increasing grazing rangeland area. |
Alternative source of income through temporary employment. |
It's easy to adopt and many pastoral communities have already replicated. |
It requires locally available seeds, labor, and traditional knowledge, making it cost-effective and practical for communities to implement. |
Community members choose palatable, nutritious and drought resistant fodder species which enhance their livestock production. |
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд |
Reseeded areas help control soil erosion and improve soil fertility through vegetation cover. |
Improved biodiversity through the reintroduction of native species. |
Reseeding supports carbon sequestration and contributes to climate resilience and adaptation. |
The technology involved local communities which ensures better understanding, ownership, replication and sustainability of the process. |
Local or indigenous species used in reseeding are well-adapted to local conditions, increasing the likelihood of successful germination and growth. |
Through training and awareness raising, now community members are allowing fodder to grow until seeds are fully mature ensures effective seed production (collection) and natural dispersal, aiding in rangeland regeneration and biodiversity improvement. |
Alternative income through employment in local fodder seed collection and sales. |
6.8 Технологийн дутагдалтай/сул тал/аюул болон тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах арга зам
Газар ашиглагч нарын тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл | Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ? |
Reseeding requires an initial investment in establishing a rangeland management association, seeds and labor. | By establishing RMA and mobilizing community members to contribute and seek funding from governments, NGOs, or international organizations. |
Control grazing: Livestock grazing in reseeded areas can damage young plants, reducing effectiveness. | Require an agreement with community to control grazing in the area. Also, implement rotational grazing systems and fencing to protect reseeded areas until vegetation is established. |
Benefits from reseeding take time to return, potentially discouraging land users seeking quick results. | Identify alternative grazing area. Provide short-term solution of supplemental feed to address immediate needs. |
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл | Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ? |
Implementing reseeding may limit access to grazing lands temporarily, potentially causing disputes among land users, especially in areas with shared resources. | Agreement of all land users is required. |
Reseeding success is highly dependent on favorable weather conditions. Drought or erratic rainfall can lead to poor germination and growth. | Explore the potential to integrate rainwater harvesting structures in future reseeding activities |
7. Ном зүй ба холбоосууд
7.1 Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан арга/эх үүсвэр
- Хээрийн уулзалт, судалгаа
Seven field visits and surveys
- Газар ашиглагчтай хийсэн ярилцлага
A total of 32 land users were interviewed.
Мэдээллийг хэзээ (газар дээр нь) цуглуулсан бэ?
7.2 Ном, хэвлэлийн ишлэл
Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:
The Status of Forage Production in Afghanistan: Forage Options for Smallholder Livestock in Water-Scarce Environments of Afghanistan. Ates, S., Hassan, S., Soofizada, Q., Biradar, C., Esmati, H., & Louhaichi, M. (2018).
Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?
Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:
FAO brings life to degraded rangeland thanks to GEF funding. FAO, 2022
Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?
Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:
Community-based Sustainable Land and Forest Management in Afghanistan,
Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?
Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:
An introductory guide to sources of traditional fodder and forage and usage, Anthony Fitzherbert, 2014
Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?
7.3 Холбогдох мэдээллийн интернет холбоос
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Rangeland rehabilitation measures reduces pressure on land, boosts household income and induces peace of mind
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable practices: Reseeding: a practical and costeffective technique that enhances ecological sustainability while strengthening system resilience
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Reseeding improved soil and plant characteristics of degraded alfalfa (Medicago sativa) grassland in loess hilly plateau region, China
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Highland Rangelands of Afghanistan
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Dryland agriculture and rangeland restoration priorities in Afghanistan
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Combating land degradation and biodiversity loss by promoting sustainable rangeland management and biodiversity conservation in Afghanistan
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Community-Based Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Change Adaptation in Afghanistan
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Flora and Vegetation of Afghanistan
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Constraints to Forage Production and Rangeland Management in Afghanistan
Гарчиг/ тодорхойлолт:
Effect of Planting Atriplex seedlings in micro-catchments on attributes of natural vegetation in arid rangelands
7.4 Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
WOCAT is a highly regarded platform for sharing and documenting knowledge on sustainable land management (SLM). Its extensive database of practices and technologies serves as a valuable resource for practitioners worldwide. Users appreciate the detailed and well-organized questionnaires, which make it easier to document and analyze SLM practices comprehensively. However, some feedback suggests that simplifying the questionnaires could improve accessibility and save time during data entry. Additionally, enhancing the platform's search functionality and incorporating more visual tools, such as maps and graphs, could further improve the user experience and accessibility of the database. Thank you
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