Joint Forestry Management (JFM) [Alemanha]
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Entidade relatora: Germany
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Título de melhores práticas:
Joint Forestry Management (JFM)
Entidade relatora:
Direitos de propriedade
Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade:
Uso do solo predominante no local especificado
- Pastagem
- Floresta
- Terra improdutiva
Contribuição para medidas de Desertificação, Degradação da Terra e Seca (DDTS)
- Prevenção
- Adaptação
- Reabilitação
Contribuição para os objetivos estratégicos
- Para melhorar as condições de vida das populações afetadas
- Para melhorar as condições dos ecossistemas afetados
Ligações com os outros temas de melhores práticas
- Capacitação e conscientização
- Estrutura política, legislativa e institucional
- Participação, colaboração e trabalho em rede
Seção 1. Contexto das melhores práticas: condições de enquadramento (ambiente natural e humano)
Breve descrição da melhor prática
Joint Forest Management (JFM) is a participatory approach for the management of forest resources. In GBAO it has been tested and implemented on the forest land belonging to the State Forest Agency (Leskhoz). Through the conclusion of lease contracts (20 years) between the Forestry Agency and local forest tenants the user rights and duties for a specified forest plot are clearly defined and recorded in management plans and annual plans. The Forest Agency receives shares from the harvested products, which is used as a basis for the establishment of a financially sustainable State Forestry Agency. Along with the implementation of JFM, a strong focus is laid on capacity development on all involved levels, from the local forest tenants and the district foresters to the staff of the State Forest Agency. Additionally, the reform of the national forest legislation is supported.|
Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), Tadschikistan|
Se o local tiver limites bem definidos, especifique sua extensão em hectares:
Estimativa da população que vive no local:
Breve descrição do ambiente natural dentro do local especificado.
GBAO is nested within the Pamir mountains, reaching up to 7500m. While the eastern part of GBAO is dominated by a high plateau (4000m), the Western Pamirs are composed of deeply carved valleys, concentrating populated areas on narrow strips of land along the rivers. Due to these topographical features the region is not easily accessible.|
The soils in the alluvial valleys of the Pamirs are composed of a very thin humus layer. The soil layers are generally not deep, with a high occurrence of stones and sand. |
The prevailing semiarid to arid climate is dominated by the presence of different mountain ranges (see topography). The annual rainfall lies below 200mm for the entire region. The winters are cold, with temperatures falling to -40 degrees in the Eastern Pamirs, and the summers are warm, with temperatures above 30 degrees.|
Condições socioeconômicas prevalecentes das pessoas que vivem no local e/ou nas proximidades
Due to a lack of productive income opportunities within GBAO, the main income source are remittances, which are sent to their families by migrant workers in Russia. Besides this, small family farms are maintained for subsistance and small-scale sales of agricultural products. |
In GBAO land tenure is dominated by smallholders, and land use rights are still in transformation and insecure since the breakdown of the Soviet Union.|
The average income per year in Tajikistan is EUR 460. Within Tajikistan, GBAO is the economically poorest province.|
Com base em quais critérios e/ou indicadores (não relacionados com a Estratégia) a prática proposta e a tecnologia correspondente foram considerados como "melhores"?
Different schemes have been tested and adapted during several years, before focusing on the actually implemented JFM approach. As a first criterion, this management scheme adapts very well to the prevailing challenges in forest resource management in GBAO. Secondly, it opens up opportunities for improving the situation related to forestry and forest resource use simultaneously on an ecological, economical and social level. And thirdly, there is a high interest from other communities and provinces in adopting the JFM scheme.|
Seção 2. Problemas abordados (causas diretas e indiretas) e objetivos das melhores práticas
Principais problemas abordados pelas melhores práticas
Inapropriate management of the State forests due to a lack of financial and human resources.|Energy crisis after the breakdown of the SU. During the Soviet era coal and other fuel materials were provided for a very low price. |Degradation of natural resources and decreased resilience against natural desasters in GBAO.|Lack of income for the local livelihoods and dependence of the local economy on imports of forestry products.
Esboçar problemas específicos de degradação do solo abordados pelas melhores práticas
Uncontrolled cuttings of and livestock influence on glacier head and floodplain forests lead to: river bank erosion, increased sand storms and dune formation, disbalance of waterflow due to decreased buffer capacity, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation.|
Especificar os objetivos das melhores práticas
Reform of the forestry management system: Establishment of a transparent, participatory forestry management system, adapted to current socio-economic framework conditions, which strengthens the State Forestry Agency and gives ownership and motivation to local forest tenants.|Firewood supply and energy-efficient technologies: Legal and sustainable supply of firewood and introduction of adapted energy-efficient technologies for the local population.|Forest rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of natural resources and respectively increased resilience against potential shocks emanating from global climate change.|Economic development: Impulses to local economic growth.
Seção 3. Atividades
Breve descrição das principais atividades, por objetivo
Reform of the forestry management system:
1. Testing and implementation of Joint Forestry Management schemes including contract, management plan and annual plans for individual tenant plots
2. Support of the reform of the province State Forestry Agency towards a financially sustainable and transparent extension and control institution
3. Support of the reform of the national forestry legislation.|
Firewood supply and energy-efficient technologies:
1. Capacity development of the local population on forestry techniques and sustainable management of forests
2. Capacity development of Forest Agency staff on new rights and duties in the framework of Joint Forestry Management
3. Market-conform dissemination of energy-efficient technologies (heating and cooking stoves, thermal insulation and solar water heaters).
Economic development: 1. Support of a transparent market on timber and non-timber forest products
2. Support of the establishment of sales points for forest products
3. Support of processing activities for local value adding
Forest rehabilitation:
1. Protection, sustainable use and development of remaining forests through Joint Forestry Management and capacity development of the State Forestry Agency
2. Reforestation of degraded forest plots within the framework of Joint Forestry Management
3. Afforestation of new forest plots in the floodplains of GBAO within the framework of Joint Forestry Management
Seção 4. Instituições/atores envolvidos (colaboração, participação, papel das partes interessadas)
A tecnologia foi desenvolvida em parceria?
Liste os parceiros:
State Forestry Agency of GBAO (Tajikistan)
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
German Development Service (DED)
Center of International Migration (CIM)
Especificar a estrutura dentro da qual a tecnologia foi promovida
- Iniciativa local
- Iniciativa nacional - liderada pelo governo
- Iniciativa Internacional
A participação das partes interessadas locais, incluindo as OSCs, foi fomentada no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?
Lista das partes interessadas locais envolvidas:
Village Organizations (VO) in several villages in GBAO
Micro-loan Organization (MLO) Madina
State Forestry Agency
State Land Use Committee
Para os participantes listados acima, especifique seu papel no projeto, início, uso e manutenção da tecnologia, se houver.
Village Organizations are entry point for identifying willing tenants for the local management of forest resources. The MLO Madina is the key actor for the dissemination of energy-efficient technologies in GBAO, as they provide local people with micro-loans to afford the innovative technologies. The main partners for the introduction of JFM on province level are the State Forestry Agency and the State Land Use Committee.
A população que vive no local e/ou nas proximidades estava envolvida no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?
Por meio de quê?
- Consulta
- Abordagens participativas
Seção 5. Contribuição para o impacto
Descreva os impactos no local (os dois principais impactos por categoria)
Resilience of participating communities increased
Biodiversity in the JFM area has increased
Area covered by forest tree species increased
Expenses of tenants for firewood reduced, which frees financial means for other activities
Forest rehabilitated and biomass increased on JFM plots through livestock exclusion and sustainable cuttings
State Forestry Agency has accepted business plan for a reform towards financial sustainability and transparency
Descreva os dois principais impactos fora do local (isto é, não ocorrendo no local, mas nas áreas circunvizinhas)
huge interest of other communities to join JFM
Interest of the National Forestry Agency in adopting lessons learnt from GBAO for the national forestry reform
Impacto sobre a biodiversidade e a mudança climática
Explique as razões:
The forests in GBAO are comparatively very small and cannot contribute to large-scale effects on the global climate.
Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?
Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?
Seção 6. Adoção e reprodutibilidade
A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?
A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?
Roshtkala and Ishkashim districts of GBAO
Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?
Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?
Você pode identificar as três principais condições que levaram ao sucesso das melhores práticas/tecnologias apresentadas?
The high pressure of the problems lead to motivation of the State Forestry Agency and the local population to participate in changing the prevailing forestry management system. -> (b)
Three years of bottom-up testing of approaches and proceedures for JFM. -> (b)
Intensive coaching of the implementation process by GTZ. -> (b)
Na sua opinião, a melhor prática/tecnologia que você propôs pode ser replicada, embora com algum nível de adaptação, em outro lugar?
Em que nível?
- Local
- Sub-nacional
- Nacional
- Sub-regional
- Regional
Seção 7. Lições aprendidas
Relacionado a recursos humanos
1. Introduction of JFM is labour intensive and requires a motivated team of field extension workers (mobilizers)
2. Capacity development of forestry staff and local tenants must be a priority
3. The forest tenants must be carefully chosen and must be willing (and have the capacity) to work on their forest plot
Relacionado aos aspectos financeiros
1. The facilitation of market access for the sale of forest products is essential
2. Establishing transparent and non-currupt structures for the financial management of the leased forest must be a priority in order to maintain trust in the JFM system from the side of forest tenants and the State Forest Agency
3. As the financial benefits of JFM can only be felt after several years, it is crucial to maintain the motivation of the tenants as well as the Forestry Agency
Relacionado a aspectos técnicos
1. Technical investments and infrastructures require a sustainable system for their long-term maintenance and management (e.g. creation of associations)
2. The dissemination of energy-efficient heating and cooking stoves and technologies for local households should only be facilitated via market mechanisms
3. On some forest plots lacking water access start-up investments in irrigation technologies can be necessary
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