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Seus resultados de pesquisa (2450)

Bush Thinning and Biomass Processing by Manual or Mechanised Means

Bush Thinning and Biomass Processing by Manual or … [Namibia]

In Namibia, excess bush is harvested to reduce competition with other plants, especially grasses. Bush can be thinned manually (e.g. with axes), semi-mechanised (e.g. chainsaws) or fully mechanised (e.g. customised equipment). After cutting, the bush is left to dry and then processed into chips or other products.

  • Compilador/a: Johannes Laufs
Combined herding for planned grazing

Combined herding for planned grazing [Namibia]

Daily combining of livestock from all households into a single herd to be driven to different designated portions of the communal grazing area. Grass can then recover by replenishing its reserves before being re-grazed some months later.

  • Compilador/a: Ibo Zimmermann
Conservation Tillage adapted to the Namibian environment and known as "Lima Nawa"

Conservation Tillage adapted to the Namibian environment and … [Namibia]

The CONTILL approach is specially tailored towards Namibia’s low and erratic rainfall, and sandy and degraded soils. It advocates the use of a ripper furrower/constant traffic approach to break up the compacted sub-soil hard pan (caused by compaction from using disc harrows) and to ensure in-field water harvesting and soil …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
Planned Grazing through Herding (PGH)

Planned Grazing through Herding (PGH) [Namibia]

The PGH best practice has been trialled on 3 conservancies. Each conservancy was divided up into grazing areas. These smaller areas were mapped, and the farmers of several areas developed a land plan and grazing plan for each area. Herders were appointed, and planned grazing started in five areas. A …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS

Bio-gas [Nepal]

Production of fuel from the animal waste.

  • Compilador/a: Sabita Aryal
A multiple-use water system

A multiple-use water system [Nepal]

A multiple-use water system gives a community access to water for domestic use and water for crop irrigation.

  • Compilador/a: Shreedip Sigdel