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Seus resultados de pesquisa (2457)

Animal Draft Zero-Tillage

Animal Draft Zero-Tillage [Zambia]

Animal draft zero-till involves the use of an animal drawn mechanical planter to plant directly in untilled soil to minimize soil disturbance and leave a cover of crop residues to conserve the soil and water.

  • Compilador/a: Silenga Wamunyima
Strip Tillage Conservation Farming

Strip Tillage Conservation Farming [Zambia]

Strip Tillage Conservation Farming is an animal draft reduced tillage method that involves loosening a strip of soil with a strip tillage tool so as to reduce soil disturbance and improve soil and water conservation.

  • Compilador/a: Silenga Wamunyima
Conservation Tillage with Magoye Ripper

Conservation Tillage with Magoye Ripper [Zambia]

Conservation Tillage with the Magoye Ripper is an animal draft reduced tillage method that involves the use of the Magoye Ripper to loosen the soil by shattering with a tine instead of ploughing.

  • Compilador/a: Silenga Wamunyima
Integrated Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation Project

Integrated Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation Project [Zimbabwe]

The integrated wetlands biodiversity conservation project aims to restore wetlands and associated biodiversity. The approach strengthens the resilience of neighbouring marginalized groups to climate change through developing lifelong skills and providing livelihoods support.

  • Compilador/a: Kalulu Mumpande
DESIRE project

DESIRE project

See the mentioned links refered on description

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
AQUASTRESS EUROPEAN RESEARCH PROJECT: Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments".


In this Project, decision makers have been identified through a stakeholder analysis. They have been invited to participate in the project as members of the stakeholder bodies. Their involvement was primarily aimed to define the institutional framework for water stress mitigation, but they were also actively involved in the selection …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
Adaptation à la désertification et aux changements climatiques: les systèmes de production agricole de Sébikotane dans les Niayes(Sénégal)

Adaptation à la désertification et aux changements climatiques: …

Les sécheresses récurrentes des années 70 et 80 au Sénégal et en général au Sahel ont fini d’installer dans les esprits, l’idée que le climat a véritablement changé. Cette réalité va changer beaucoup de paramètres liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles sur lesquelles les populations fondaient leur existence surtout …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
Практика сезонного использования пастбищ

Практика сезонного использования пастбищ

В Центральной Азии обширные пространства некогда плодородных пастбищ превратились в песчаную пустыню из-за того, что перестала соблюдаться практика их сезонного и ротационного использования, что привело к перевыпасу, а также из-за усиливавшейся тенденции к выпасу скота лишь одного вида. Для повышения продуктивности пастбищных земель, улучшения их экологического состояния и сбалансированного использования …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
WATCH RESEARCH PROJECT: "Water and Global Change".

WATCH RESEARCH PROJECT: "Water and Global Change".

This Integrated Project Water and Global Change (WATCH), funded under the EU FP6, will bring together the hydrological, water resources and climate communities to analyse, quantify an predict the components of the current and future global water cycles and related water resources states; evaluate their uncertainties and clarify the overall …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS