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Seus resultados de pesquisa (442)

DeSurvey Project (EU IP nº003950)

DeSurvey Project (EU IP nº003950)

POLUX offers a flexible way to meet both socio.economic and ecological sustainability in an integrated way. A list of operational goals to manage any sustainability strategy is provided. Including prives and commercial facilities, investment facilities and needs, competitive versus co-operative behaviour, tracking changes versus parsimonious responses to disturbances, mobility versus …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
Ecofarm - an integrated approach for agricultural development and adaption to climate change

Ecofarm - an integrated approach for agricultural development …

The purpose of the Ecofarm is to create an integrated farming system in order to improve the food security of farmers in the drylands. This is done through testing and refining a series of low-cost technologies in order to increase the total production on the farm. The testing is done …

  • Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS