Planned Grazing through Herding (PGH) [Намибия]

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Название передовой практики:

Planned Grazing through Herding (PGH)



Отчитывающаяся организация:


Права собственности

Укажите, защищена ли правами собственности (полностью или частично) технология, информация о которой предоставлена в типовой форме:



Преобладающий тип землепользования в конкретном месте

  • Пастбищные угодья
  • Непродуктивные земли

Вклад в меры по борьбе с опустыниванием, деградацией земель и засухами (ОДЗЗ)

  • Восстановление

Вклад в достижение стратегических целей

  • Улучшение условий жизни населения, подверженного воздействию
  • Улучшение состояния затрагиваемых экосистем
  • Достижение глобальных выгод за счет эффективной реализации Конвенции

Взаимосвязь с передовой практикой по другим темам

  • Наращивание потенциала и повышение осведомленности
  • Мониторинг и оценка/исследования ОДЗЗ и УЗП
  • Управление знаниями и поддержка принятия решений
  • Финансирование и мобилизация ресурсов
  • Широкое участие, сотрудничество и сетевая деятельность


Раздел 1. Контекст передовой практики: рамочные условия (природная среда и среда обитания человека)

Краткое описание Технологии

The PGH best practice has been trialled on 3 conservancies. Each conservancy was divided up into grazing areas. These smaller areas were mapped, and the farmers of several areas developed a land plan and grazing plan for each area. Herders were appointed, and planned grazing started in five areas. A precondition for becoming a part of this program is for all livestock owners to combine their herds into one herd that is herded daily - allowing for planned grazing.The PGH approach is supported by the drilling of boreholes and provision of water tanks in remoter areas with potentially good grazing.
PGH is not something new to the communal farmers. To a large extent, it is adapting the old way of farming with cattle, before people became settled and stopped herding. The combination of the traditional and the scientific in a socially acceptable way has been the key to progress so far resulting in traditional leaders engaging with the program and taking credit for successes.
We are trialling planned grazing through three mechanisms:
  1. A water tanker and trailer driving water to grazing areas without water;
  2. Herding from existing homesteads or from new boreholes where homesteads have been established close together, facilitating easier combining of animals;
  3. The use of daily grazing camps using game capture nets as fencing, which are moved daily. |


PGH is currently being practised in the North-Western part of Namibia, in the remote Kunene Region. It is a vast, very arid and mountainous region with low population density. The area is home to the Ovahimba people, who maintain a largely traditional way of life based on livestock rearing|

Если участок имеет четкие границы, укажите его площадь в гектарах:


Примерная численность населения, живущего в данном месте:


Краткое описание природной окружающей среды в месте применения

Kunene is a mountainous region made up of the northern Namib Desert (100 - 600m) and the interior highlands (1,000 - 2,00Om), divided by a rugged escarpment.|
Soils are generally highly infertile, and the region is dominated by rocky outcrops, chromic cambisols and lithic leptosols.|
The climate is semi-arid to very arid (50mm to 350mm rain per year) - a severely drought prone area. Temperatures can reach 40 degrees in summertime but with an average annual of around 22 degrees.

Преобладающие социально-экономические условия населения, проживающего в месте применения и/или в окрестностях

The region is dominated by communal land with people sharing access to common property resources in open areas. The land is typically used by communities under usufruct tenureship with the land being vested in the state
Salaries/wages are the main sources of income in Kunene (44.5%) followed by subsistence farming (19.5%. Pensions and remittances and smallscale businesses are the main other sources.
Average per capita income in the region is around NAD6000

На основании какого критерия и/или показателя (не относящихся к Стратегии) предложенная практика и соответствующая технология считается передовой?

The PGH approach is a best practice example of integrating traditional knowledge with scientific approaches to sustainable land management. Early results show that:
 1. Grasses have started growing in places where they previously did not and annual plant density has increased considerably. Moribund grass has also been removed or trampled and ground cover has improved.
  2. Livestock losses due to predators, theft, and calf mortalities are virtually zero now that herders accompany stock.
  3. Crop damage is reduced because livestock do not enter fields once elephants have broken the perimeter fences.
  4. Animal performance is as good, if not better, than adjacent un-herded animals.

Раздел 2. Затронутые проблемы (прямые и косвенные причины) и цели передовой практики

Основные проблемы, которые позволяет решить передовая практика

The main problem addressed by the best practice is the land degradation caused by the herding of livestock around a single water point. Other problems addressed include the loss of perennial grasses, livestock mortalities and pressure on the resource based|

Укажите конкретные проблемы деградации земель, которые решаются благодаря применению передовой практики

loss of perennial grasses, reduced compaction of the soil due to persistent trampling, lack of vegetative cover, crop damages|

Укажите цели передовой практики

To contribute to an improved quality of life for communities in target areas by improving rangeland productivity and biodiversity and thereby improving livelihood security using local cultural and community bodies as holistic decision-making structures.

Раздел 3. Деятельность

Краткое описание и основные деятельность по каждой цели

Each target area is divided up into grazing areas. These smaller areas are mapped, and the farmers of several areas develop a land plan and grazing plan for each area.|Herders are appointed, and planned grazing then begins.Boreholes may be drilled and installed for added flexibility and increased access to new grazing areas. All livestock owners combine their herds into one herd that is herded daily - allowing for planned grazing.
Visits were facilitated to successful Holistic Management farmers in South Africa and later Zimbabwe (The Africa Centre for Holistic Management) with a cross section of residents, leaders and government officials. |The visits resulted in powerful learning experiences. After each visit the principles of sound management and what needed to be in place were discussed. On returning home, these principles were discussed at the local level and a way forward mapped out.

Краткое описание и технические характеристики технологии

There is little need for technology with the PGH approach. The strategic drilling of boreholes and positioning of water tanks are the main technology involved.

Раздел 4. Задействованные учреждения/субъекты (сотрудничество, участие, роль субъектов деятельности)

Название и адрес организации, разработавшей данную технологию

Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC)|3rd Floor
Office Block
Maerua Park

Была ли технология разработана в партнерстве?


Перечислите партнеров:

Africa Centre for Holistic Management

Укажите рамки, в пределах которых осуществлялась поддержка технологии

  • Международная инициатива
  • Инициатива в рамках программы/проекта

Способствовало ли разработке технологии участие местных субъектов деятельности, включая организации гражданского общества?


Перечислите местные заинтересованные стороны, участвующие в процессе:

The approach has been pioneered through the framework of communal conservancies. Exposure visits were arranged for interested members from these conservancies which were since fully involved in the design and implementation of PGH.

Укажите роль субъектов деятельности, перечисленных выше, в проектировании, внедрении, использовании и поддержке технологии, в соответствующем случае

No technology applicable

Принимало ли участие в разработке технологии население, проживающее в месте применения технологии и/или в окрестностях?


Каким образом было организовано участие?
  • Консультации
  • Методы, обеспечившие активное участие
  • Другое (пожалуйста, уточните)
Поясните :

Exposure trips


Раздел 5. Вклад в воздействие

Опишите результаты воздействия технологии на территории применения (два основных результата воздействия в каждой категории)

Increased availability of perennial grasses
Improved livestock condition
Increased herd sizes possible under PGH give greater security to communities against drought
Improved livestock condition leads to greater meat and milk yields
Increase forage availability
Less pressure on overused water sources

Укажите два основных результата воздействия за пределами территории применения (то есть на прилегающей территории)


Воздействие на биоразнообразие и изменение климата

Объясните причины:

The approach increases the resilience of communities to climate change as increased herd sizes act as a buffer against drought and increased climatic variability. The increased productivity of perennial grasses will equally boost the resilience of ecosystems to cope with climate change impacts
Levels of forage, wildlife, and livestock production can all be increased through PGH. The increased herd sizes open up opportunities for the use of concentrated animal impact to increase crop yields, restore degraded pieces of land and to create firebreaks|

Был ли выполнен анализ "затраты-выгоды"?

Был ли выполнен анализ "затраты-выгоды"?


Раздел 6. Принятие и тиражируемость

Была ли технология внедрена на других участках/ в других местах?

Была ли технология внедрена на других участках/ в других местах? :



Otjozondjupa and Omaheke regions

Можете ли вы определить три основных условия, которые способствовали успеху представленной передовой практики/технологии?

The use of an approach based largely on traditional knowledge
Exposure trips are a powerful tool for communities to learn about and adopt best practice approaches which can be applied in their environment
The approach is socially acceptable. Often approaches to sustainable land management promote destocking, which is not acceptable to communal farmers as their wealth lies in their livestock numbers. However PGH allows these farmers to increase their herds, while simultaneously improving the health of their environment|


Считаете ли вы, что предложенная вами передовая практика/технология может быть воспроизведена в другой местности, но с некоторой адаптацией?


На каком уровне?
  • Местный
  • Субнациональный

Раздел 7. Приобретенный практический опыт

Имеющий отношение к человеческим ресурсам

Herders need to be kept motivated, internal community conflicts that impact on combining herds need to be managed. PGH has been well received by government, regional council and farmers, and good cooperation and support from stakeholders and support organisations has been noted PGH is seen as socially and culturally compatible with past practices|
