Participatory SLM Action Planning [Бутан]
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- Составитель: Karma Dorji
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- Рецензент: Fabian Ottiger
approaches_2489 - Бутан
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1.2 Контактные данные специалистов и организаций, участвующих в описании и оценке Подхода
Специалист по УЗП:
Wangdi Tashi
Специалист по УЗП:
Dorji Tshering
Название организации (-ий), содействовавших документированию/оценке Подхода (если применимо)
National Soil Services Centre (National Soil Services Centre) - БутанНазвание организации (-ий), содействовавших документированию/оценке Подхода (если применимо)
MoA (MoA) - Бутан1.3 Условия, регламентирующие использование собранных ВОКАТ данных
Когда были собраны данные (на местах)?
Составитель и ответственный/-ые специалист(-ы) согласны с условиями, регламентирующими использование собранных ВОКАТ данных:
2. Описание Подхода УЗП
2.1 Краткое описание Подхода
A methodology to identify in a participatory manner at village level land-based problems, its causal factors and mitigation measures to reduce land degradation and enhance rural livelihoods
2.2 Подробное описание Подхода
Подробное описание Подхода:
Aims / objectives: Participatory SLM Action Planning (SLM AP) is a methodology that aims at prioritiz-ing possible SLM interventions to mitigate the most critical land degradation issues. Priorities are based on the identification of land-based livelihoods and livelihood resources, the key area-based problems and their causes. SLM AP is carried out in the SLMP geogs (block) at chiog (village) level, including all community households. It involves elements of PRA/PLA such as problem census, cropping calendars, history lines, natural resource mapping and builds on the in-depth knowledge and understanding of farming households of their land, their problems and opportunities. The process is highly visual to include the illiterate and very interactive by giving the communities the lead in prioritizing their problems and deciding on SLM interventions.
Methods: The SLM AP is an iterative process, starting with building and training SLM planning teams (GSPTs) at geog level, comprising of extension staff and locally recruited geog SLM planners (GSPs) and geog administration staff. The GSPTs start awareness and mobilization activities in the first year at geog council level. This is followed by a 3 day SLM AP in each and every chiog of the geog to compile a chiog SLM action plan. The village SLM APs are combined into a geog SLM AP and discussed, amended and endorsed in a public meeting by the geog council. The necessary budget is allocated by SLMP project and implementation of the planned activities takes place at chiog level.
Stages of implementation: Implementation is preceded by intensive training and capacity building of the communities in SLM activities. In the second year a new SLM AP round is made, lasting only one day, with review of the previous SLM AP at chiog level. Potential new activities are identified, based on field experiences, to complete the new SLM AP for year 2. In the final year 3, a last SLM AP round is made in all chiogs to compile chiog and ultimately a geog SLM AP.
Role of stakeholders: SLM AP is an inclusive process and gender sensitive, with focus on vulnerable households. The approach includes participatory Natural Resource mapping at chiog level and participatory Monitoring & Evaluation to track implementation progress and impact and to get feedback of the communities.
Other important information: Environmental and social screening procedures are applied to exclude any negative impact on the land or on social groups. SLM AP was piloted in 3 geogs in 3 Dzongkhags since 2006 and has been rolled out to more than 130 chiogs in 9 geogs.
2.3 Фотографии, иллюстрирующие Подход
2.5 Страна/ регион/ место, где применялся Подход
Административная единица (Район/Область):
Chhukha, Trashigang and Zhemgang Dzongkhags
Более точная привязка места:
9 separate geogs
2.6 Даты начала и окончания реализации Подхода
Год начала реализации:
Год окончания (Если Подход больше не применяется):
2.7 Тип Подхода
- в рамках проекта/ программы
2.8 Каковы цели/ задачи Подхода
The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (livelihoods, cash income, food security, capacity building, awareness raising)
- To build community capacity to assess land degradation and identify and prioritize mitigation measures
- Enhancement of rural livelihoods
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: - Lack of awareness of land degradation processes, combined with limited technical knowledge to tackle its causes.
- Planning procedures are top-down and do not incorporate land-based issues adequately and fail to build local ownership and sustainability.
2.9 Условия содействующие применению Технологии/ Технологий в рамках Подхода или затрудняющие его
Наличие/ доступность финансовых ресурсов и услуг
- затрудняют
Large amount of cash to handle at municipality level
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Training, monitoring and limitation of cash amounts
Институциональные условия
- затрудняют
Delays in financial releases to decentralised level because of lengthy/complicated administrative chain
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Training of key financial staff to shorten procedure and minimize frequency of budget releases
Нормативно-правовая база (землевладение, права на земле- и водопользование)
- содействуют
The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights helped a little the approach implementation: Individual land titles of households favour greatly the planning and implementation of SLM activities
- затрудняют
Lack of efforts in implementing SLM technologies on land without ownership and living as tenants
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Awareness on the importance of proper management to prevent decline in productivity and their own livelihoods through loss of soil fertility and or loss of land physically due to landslides and mass movements.
Осведомленность в области УЗП, доступность технической поддержки
- затрудняют
Awaraness of communities and technical confidence of teams
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Training and capacity buidling
Объем работ, доступность рабочей силы
- затрудняют
Large volume of work, especially in growing season
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Make of use of lean winter season for labour-intensive SLM interventions
- затрудняют
Small land holding sizes to spare a portion for SLM technologies
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Awareness on the advantages of SLM
3. Участие и распределение ролей заинтересованных сторон
3.1 Заинтересованные стороны, участвующие в реализации Подхода и их роли
- местные землепользователи/ местные сообщества
communities of all chiogs
In all villages the most vulnerable community members were identified (wealth / well-being ranking), ranked and specific effort made to include them in most interventions, where possible.
- эксперты по УЗП/ сельскому хозяйству
- учителя/ преподаватели/ школьники / студенты
- местные власти
GSPT and Dzongkhag staff (Local government)
- государственные власти (отвечающие за планирование или принятие решений)
- международные организации
GEF, World Bank
- monk body
3.2 Участие местных землепользователей/ местных сообществ на разных стадиях реализации Подхода
Участие местных землепользователей/ местных сообществ | Перечислите участников и опишите их вовлеченность | |
инициирование/ мотивация | интерактивное | National level stakeholders in consultation with district and municipality staff developed the methodology through an iterative consultation process |
планирование | интерактивное | Decentralised training and planning of SLM interventions at chiog level (130+ chiogs) in 9 geogs in 3 Dzongkhags |
выполнение | интерактивное | Range of SLM and livelihood activities at chiog level (130+ villages) during 6 year project period |
мониторинг/ оценка | интерактивное | Regular participatory M&E at chiog and geog level |
Research | пассивное | Few focused SLM related research topics commissioned to governmental research institutions |
3.3 Схема реализации (если имеется)
Overview of network of Stakeholders at chiog (village), geog and district level
Hans van Noord (Schoutenkamp 43 Heteren The Netherlands)
3.4 Принятие решений по выбору Технологии/ Технологий УЗП
Укажите, кто принимал решение по выбору применяемой Технологии/ Технологий:
- в основном землепользователи при поддержке специалистов по УЗП
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users. The SLM planning was done in a very participatory manner with the land users as they best know the problems in their land i.e. where, how, when, etc. Planning done using participatory planning tools and field visits. Based on the problems at the site (site specific problems) then SLM Specialists make problem specific recommendations of SLM technologies. The main Monitoring and Evaluation was done after every six months when comprehensive information was collected with structured questionnaires along with site visits and meeting with the communities. M&E was also done as frequently as possible even while visiting the site for other purposes during the year without compulsory group meetings.
4. Техническая поддержка, повышение компетенций и управление знаниями
4.1 Повышение компетенций/ обучение
Проводилось ли обучение землепользователей/ других заинтересованных лиц?
Укажите, кто проходил обучение:
- землепользователи
- местный персонал/консультанты
- Project management staff
Тип обучения:
- в ходе работы
- обмен опытом между фермерами
- опытные участки
- общие собрания
- курсы
Рассматриваемые темы:
Extensive training programmes for project management staff and field coordinators and the decentralised extension staff (forestry, livestock and agriculture) at geog level together with the geog administration staff and finally to all chiog communities (130+). Initial training was on SLM action planning and Natural Resource mapping; later on a range of technical intervention such as hedgerow establishment, check dam construction, bioengineering, afforestation, community forestry, fodder development, bamboo plantation, bench terracing etc.
4.2 Консультационные услуги
Есть ли у землепользователей возможность получать консультации?
Укажите, где именно оказываются консультационные услуги:
- на полях землепользователей
Описание/ комментарий:
Name of method used for advisory service: SLM planning knowledge transfer; Key elements: participatory planning, capacity and skills building of RNR extension staff; Whole range of extension advisory services by all extension teams related to SLM, cash generation and group formation
Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; Capacity built, awareness raised, institutions supported. Adequate human and institutional capacities and awareness have been created during the GEF/World Bank SLM Project period and the effort is still being continued. The actual implementation of the SLM technologies in the field is constrained by inadequate fund support and small land holdings.
4.3 Институциональная (организационная) поддержка
В ходе реализации Подхода были ли организованы новые институциональные структуры или поддержаны уже существующие?
- да, немного
Укажите уровень, на котором структуры были укреплены или вновь созданы:
- местные
Укажите тип поддержки:
- повышение компетенций/ обучение
- оборудование
- curriculum development support, seeds, seedlings
Moderate support to monk body, schools, Non-Formal Education and geog administrations
4.4 Мониторинг и оценка
Являются ли мониторинг и оценка частью Подхода?
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: Regular measurements and observations of acreage of improved vulnerable land through SLM interventions; annual soil erosion plot measurements
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements and observations of acreage of improved vulnerable land through SLM interventions; annual soil erosion plot measurements
technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: Regular measurements and observations of acreage and properties of specific areas of improved vulnerable land
technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements and observations of acreage and properties of specific areas of improved vulnerable land
socio-cultural aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: Regular observations through participatory M&E meetings
economic / production aspects were regular monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: Regular observations and measurements by field extension staff (crop cut, animal production, volume of bamboo marketed; CBA study to establish economic viability
economic / production aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: Regular observations and measurements by field extension staff (crop cut, animal production, volume of bamboo marketed; CBA study to establish economic viability
area treated aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements of area treated: range of project indicators for vulnerable land improved
no. of land users involved aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff, government through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements of households and farmers (male/female) participating
management of Approach aspects were regular monitored by None through observations; indicators: WB, MTAC, Regular reviews with key stakeholders (Annual Review Workshops)
There were several changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Two-tier approach: combination of inclusion of all household combined with limited areal focus; vulnerable households focus; financial disbursement system; ch more cash-generating activities; more group/community focus; labour-saving machinery
There were few changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: change of type and variety of seeds and seedlings
4.5 Научные исследования
Были ли научные исследования частью Подхода?
Укажите темы исследований:
- социология
- экономика / маркетинг
- экология
Напишите подробнее и назовите тех, кто выполнял исследования:
Little involvement, apart from some focused research on group formation at chiog level and studies on CBA, SLM-poverty linkage, rangeland management, rural-urban transition etc.
Research was carried out both on station and on-farm
5. Финансирование и внешняя материальная поддержка
5.1 Годовой бюджет мероприятий по УЗП в рамках Подхода
Если точный годовой бюжет неизвестен, укажите примерный диапазон затрат:
- > 1 000 000
Комментарий (например, основные источники финансирования/ ключевые доноры):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: international (GEF-World Bank): 70.0%; government (RGoB): 20.0%; local community / land user(s): 10.0%
5.2 Финансирование и внешняя материальная поддержка, предоставляемая землепользователям
Предоставлялась ли землепользователям финансовая/ материальная поддержка для применения Технологии /Технологий?
Если да, укажите тип(-ы) поддержки, кто ее предоставил и условия предоставления:
Incentives for specific SLM interventions per area and through short-term input support (seeds and seedlings)
5.3 Субсидии на отдельные затраты (включая оплату труда)
- оборудование
Укажите, какие ресурсы были субсидированы | В какой степени | Опишите субсидии подробнее |
инвентарь/ инструменты | профинансированы частично | |
- сельскохозяйственные
Укажите, какие ресурсы были субсидированы | В какой степени | Опишите субсидии подробнее |
семена | профинансированы частично | |
Seedlings | профинансированы частично | |
- строительные материалы
Укажите, какие ресурсы были субсидированы | В какой степени | Опишите субсидии подробнее |
for fencing and dams | профинансированы частично | |
- инфраструктура
Укажите, какие ресурсы были субсидированы | В какой степени | Опишите субсидии подробнее |
FYM sheds, irrigation channel renovation | профинансированы частично | |
Mostly voluntary and some paid in cash (for labour-intensive SLM interventions) and limited other material support such as tools and seeds and seedlings
Not financed: roads, fertilizers, schools
5.4 Кредитование
Предоставлялись ли в рамках Подхода кредиты на мероприятия УЗП?
6. Анализ влияния и заключительные положения
6.1 Влияние Подхода
Сумел ли Подход помочь землепользователям внедрить и поддерживать технологии УЗП?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Considerable area of vulnerable land brought under SLM, reduction of loss of land, improved yields, improved income, improved animal production, improved fodder base
Сумел ли Подход расширить возможности социально и экономически уязвимых групп?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Moderate improvement of vulnerable households (poorest and single-headed households) through targeted interventions and pro-active inclusion. The labour sharing approach in implementing SLM activities greatly benefited the resource (human and capital) constrained household.
Сумел ли Подход разрешить правовые проблемы землевладения/ землепользования, препятствующие использованию технологий УЗП?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
The problem is unlikely to be overcome in the near future. Individual land titles of households favour greatly the planning and implementation of SLM activities
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Other government and donor-funded projects have adopted elements of the participatory SLM action planning methodology (DANIDA, REAP)
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
cash income, food self-sufficiency, community sense/bonding, reduced exposure to natural hazards related to land degradation/flooding
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Improvement of food self-sufficiency and cash generation opportunities
6.2 Основные причины, побуждающие землепользователей внедрять УЗП
- рост продуктивности
- снижение объёма работ
- материальное стимулирование/ субсидии
- престиж, общественное давление/ солидарность
- причастность к движению/ проекту/ группе/ сети
- экологическая сознательность
- well-being and livelihoods improvement
6.3 Долгосрочная устойчивость мероприятий в рамках Подхода
Могут ли землепользователи самостоятельно (без внешней поддержки) продолжать применение того, что было реализовано в рамках Подхода?
- нет уверенности
Если нет или нет уверенности, объясните почему:
Rural communities will need continued support by government staff through advice, finance and other support.
6.4 Сильные стороны/ преимущества Подхода
Сильные стороны/ преимущества/ возможности по мнению составителя или других ключевых специалистов |
Decentralised, village level bottom-up planning and implementation ensures capacity building, ownership and empowerment of rural land users Participatory character gives a voice to farmers with in-depth knowledge of land-based issues and its causes and history Inclusiveness of approach, reaching to all households Helps to build community sense (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continued annual AP Continued annual AP; add with NR mapping and ITK studies and participatory M&E Continued annual AP; targeted focus on most vulnerable households Additional group formation and community group support ) |
6.5 Слабые стороны/ недостатки Подхода и пути их преодоления
Слабые стороны/ недостатки/ риски по мнению составителя или ответственных специалистов | Возможные пути их преодоления/снижения? |
Time-consuming and resource demanding Requires large workload of both extension staff and farmers Costly as the approach also covers actual implementation of all of planned SLM activities and reaches more than 130 villages for 3 year period |
Combine and align with Five Year Plan planning procedures; mainstreaming into governmental decentralised planning procedures Mainstreaming into regular planning and budgeting Spread over calendar year; labour-intensive SLM activities in lean winter season. |
7. Справочные материалы и ссылки
7.1 Методы сбора/источники информации
- выезды на места, полевые обследования
- опросы землепользователей
7.2 Ссылки на опубликованные материалы
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Working the Land - Documenting the Key Lessons of Sustainable Land Management on Steep to Very Steep Slopes in Bhutan 2011
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) on Soil & Soil Fertility Management 2011
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Participatory Approaches in Sustainable Land Management – Planning, Implementation & Monitoring as Continuous Learning Processes 2011
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
National Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2010, 2014
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
BHUCAT, Best Practices and Guidelines from Bhutan for SLM on Steep to very Steep Slope
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Documentary of the achievements made in SLM through SLM Project
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Bhutan Land Cover Assessment 2010-Technical Report, NSSC, 2011
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Soil Erosion – Measurement and analysis of soil erosion plot data, NSSC, 2010, 2011
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Integrated Biodiversity Survey of the Lower Wangchhu Watershed, Bhutan 2010
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Rangeland Management in Bhutan 2009
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
NSSC, DoA, MoAF, RGoB, A consultancy report
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Study on Poverty Sustainable Land Management Linkages in Bhutan-A consultancy Report-2009 2009
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
NSSC, DoA, MoAF, RGoB, A consultancy report
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Sustainable Land Management Participatory Action Planning Manual & Tool Kit 2009
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
NSSC, DoA, MoAF, RGoB, A consultancy report
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Sustainable Land Management Interventions: Cost Benefit Analysis Report 2009
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
NSSC, DoA, MoAF, RGoB, A consultancy report
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Rural Livelihoods and Peri-Urban Analysis 2008
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
NSSC, DoA, MoAF, RGoB, A consultancy report
Название, автор, год публикации, ISBN:
Review of Mainstreaming of sustainable Land Management in Government Policies and Plans in Bhutan 2008
Где опубликовано? Стоимость?
NSSC, DoA, MoAF, RGoB, A consultancy report
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