Community-based maintenance and rehabilitation of agricultural terraces in mountain environments [Кипр]
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- Составитель: Christos Zoumides
- Редактор: –
- Рецензент: Fabian Ottiger
Κοινοτική συμμέτοχη για συντήρηση και αποκατάσταση ορεινών γεωργικών αναβαθμίδων (Greek)
approaches_2537 - Кипр
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1.2 Контактные данные специалистов и организаций, участвующих в описании и оценке Подхода
Специалист по УЗП:
Burggemann Adriana
The Cyprus Institute
Название проекта, содействовавшего документированию/оценке Подхода (если применимо)
Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care (EU-RECARE )Название организации (-ий), содействовавших документированию/оценке Подхода (если применимо)
The Cyprus Institute (The Cyprus Institute) - Кипр1.3 Условия, регламентирующие использование собранных ВОКАТ данных
Когда были собраны данные (на местах)?
Составитель и ответственный/-ые специалист(-ы) согласны с условиями, регламентирующими использование собранных ВОКАТ данных:
1.4 Ссылка (-и) на Анкету (-ы) по Технологиям УЗП

Agricultural terraces with dry-stone walls [Кипр]
Dry-stone terraces built to create agricultural land, minimise soil erosion and retain soil moisture on steep mountain slopes.
- Составитель: Christos Zoumides
2. Описание Подхода УЗП
2.1 Краткое описание Подхода
Maintenance and rehabilitation of traditional dry-stone terrace walls for agricultural use, through science-society cooperation, community engagement and motivation, and assistance to land users.
2.2 Подробное описание Подхода
Подробное описание Подхода:
Aims / objectives: The main objective of the approach is the restoration and rehabilitation of traditional dry-stone terraces in Mediterranean mountain environments. Large areas around mountain communities have been converted to agricultural terraces. The depopulation of these rural mountain communities and the high farming costs have led to the gradual reduction of farming activities. Consequently, many of the mountain terraces are no longer cultivated and dry-stone walls are not well maintained, causing a domino effect of collapsing terraces. Soil erosion by water has been identified as the main soil threat in degraded and poorly vegetated terraces.
The approach has been developed by the Cyprus Institute research team and aims at motivating the mountain communities, land users/owners, local institutions and other interested stakeholders to better organise themselves and collaborate and join forces in maintaining these terraces.
Methods: The approach is based on participatory principles. More precisely, the science-society cooperation approach is materialised through the organization of practical (hands-on) public events, where dry-stone experts guide the participants, land users/owners, local population, expats (families that have moved to the urban areas) and scientific stakeholders, in collectively maintaining collapsed and/or poorly maintained terraces. All parties engaged in the implementation of the approach on voluntary basis.
Stages of implementation: A pool of local and external stakeholders was prepared by the research team using snowball sampling. Key stakeholders identified include community leaders, land users/owners, dry-stone experts, local institutions, agricultural extension services and farmer unions.
Leaders of the three mountain communities agreed to co-organise with the research team one participatory terrace rehabilitation event in each community. Land users/owners, expats and other interested stakeholders (general public) were identified as the main target groups of these events. Each community identified dry-stone experts that were willing to work and lead the workshops on voluntary basis. Demonstration sites were selected by the research team, the community leaders and dry-stone experts, based on the extent of terrace degradation, accessibility/visibility of the site and feasibility criteria. Farmer unions and extension service officers were also engaged in the process. The events were advertised through social media, as well as with flyers and posters in central locations within the communities.
During the events, information was provided by researchers and dry-stone experts to raise the awareness of participants on the environmental and cultural importance of dry-stone terraces. In addition, the learning-by-doing process was guided by experts who explained to the participants the best practices in reconstructing the collapsed terraced walls.
Three public events were organized in the first year and a similar set of three events will be organized in the second year. Additional funds are being sought to continue these activities. The sustainability of communal terrace maintenance will also be discussed with the community leaders and active volunteers during the second year.
Role of stakeholders: The research team conceptualised the approach. The organisation tasks for the participatory rehabilitation events were shared among the research team and the local communities. Expats (families that have moved to the urban areas) associations and farmer unions informed their members to join the events. Dry-stone experts had the leading role during the events, as the reconstruction of collapsed terrace walls was based on their guidance. Extension service officers provided information on available subsidy schemes. During the events all stakeholders, including land users/owners and other interested people, worked together to maintain the terraces.
Other important information: The events attracted people beyond the stakeholders originally identified; the approach was adopted by other projects/communities in Cyprus.
2.3 Фотографии, иллюстрирующие Подход
2.5 Страна/ регион/ место, где применялся Подход
Административная единица (Район/Область):
Более точная привязка места:
Northeast Pitsilia
×2.6 Даты начала и окончания реализации Подхода
Год начала реализации:
Год окончания (Если Подход больше не применяется):
2.7 Тип Подхода
- Recent local initiative in the framework of the RECARE research project
2.8 Каковы цели/ задачи Подхода
The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (terrace maintenance, hands-on training, community conservation, participatory approach, stakeholder engagement, awareness-raising)
• To strengthen science-society cooperation in solving land degradation issues in terraced mountain environments.
• To build capacity for planning, organisation and implementation of participatory soil conservation activities, eventually leading to sustainable local institutions that maintain traditional know-how and specialised in terrace maintenance.
• To improve joint learning activities between farmers, terrace experts and interested stakeholders.
• To rehabilitate abandoned and collapsed terraces, reduce soil erosion and maintain the production capacity of soils in Troodos Mountains.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: • Collapsing of dry-stone walls, surface run-off and loss of soil (erosion) in sloping land that has been accumulated behind the terrace walls
• Depopulation of mountain rural communities and land abandonment
• Loss of indigenous knowledge
• Weak institutional organisation and limited incentives (low economic returns) for terrace maintenance
2.9 Условия содействующие применению Технологии/ Технологий в рамках Подхода или затрудняющие его
Социальные/ культурные/ религиозные нормы и ценности
- затрудняют
Land abandonment, rural depopulation, lack of motivation.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Organise frequent terrace maintenance events to stimulate interest, invite and engage expats to participate.
Наличие/ доступность финансовых ресурсов и услуг
- затрудняют
Low economic return from terrace agriculture.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Engage, motivate and train volunteers through public terrace maintenance events.
Институциональные условия
- затрудняют
There are no formal or informal institutions for terrace rehabilitation.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: The sustainability of communal terrace maintenance will be discussed with the community leaders and active volunteers during the second year.
Нормативно-правовая база (землевладение, права на земле- и водопользование)
- затрудняют
Terraced land is privately owned; no maintenance can be done without the approval of land owners. Demonstration sites are privately owned; the rehabilitation events on terraces were undertaken with the approval of land owners.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Community leaders request the approval of land owners.
Осведомленность в области УЗП, доступность технической поддержки
- затрудняют
Loss of indigenous knowledge
Treatment through the SLM Approach: The terrace events are led by terrace artisans (dry-stone experts) to practically demonstrate and pass the technical know-how to the next generation. Efforts were made to engage terrace experts from different communities.
Объем работ, доступность рабочей силы
- затрудняют
Terrace maintenance is a laborious activity.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: The pubic terrace maintenance events aim to build the capacity of a large group of people (volunteers) to engage in terrace maintenance.
3. Участие и распределение ролей заинтересованных сторон
3.1 Заинтересованные стороны, участвующие в реализации Подхода и их роли
- местные землепользователи/ местные сообщества
Land users including terrace artisans
Land users were involved as individuals. Representatives of farmers unions were engaged in the process
- ученые-исследователи
The Cyprus Institute (research institution)
Terrace experts, researchers and extension services
- частный сектор
The Cyprus Institute (research institution)
- местные власти
Local community councils
- государственные власти (отвечающие за планирование или принятие решений)
- международные организации
- People (volunteers) that attended the hands-on events
Participants of the event (mountain communities, interested stakeholders)
Если участвовало несколько заинтересованных сторон, назовите ведущую организацию:
The approach was primarily designed by The Cyprus Institute (research institution) [1]. The rehabilitation events are co-organised with the support of local community councils, land users and terrace experts [2].
3.2 Участие местных землепользователей/ местных сообществ на разных стадиях реализации Подхода
Участие местных землепользователей/ местных сообществ | Перечислите участников и опишите их вовлеченность | |
инициирование/ мотивация | интерактивное | Jointly developed by The Cyprus Institute (research institution) and local community leaders |
планирование | интерактивное | Jointly developed by a research institution, terrace artisans and local community leaders |
выполнение | интерактивное | Jointly implemented by all stakeholders involved |
мониторинг/ оценка | нет | Monitoring and evaluation of the approach and the restored terraces is undertaken by The Cyprus Institute scientists |
Research | нет |
3.3 Схема реализации (если имеется)
The research team identified key stakeholders using snowball sampling; these include community leaders, dry-stone experts, local institutions, agricultural extension services and farmer unions. Community leaders agreed to co-organise with the research team community-based terrace rehabilitation events; land users/owners, mountain communities and other interested stakeholders (general public) were identified as the main target groups of these participatory events. Dry-stone experts had the leading role during the events, as the reconstruction of collapsed terrace walls was based on their guidance. During the events all stakeholders, including land users/owners and other interested people, worked together to maintain the terraces. In addition, information was provided by researchers to raise the awareness of participants on the environmental and cultural importance of dry-stone terraces.
Christos Zoumides
3.4 Принятие решений по выбору Технологии/ Технологий УЗП
Было решение по выбору Технологии (-ий) принято:
- by SLM specialists (researchers) in collaboration
The construction and maintenance of dry-stone terrace walls is an indigenous technology which is applied by land users and terrace artisans (dry-stone wall expert builders) that have the required skills and technical know-how. The initiative was taken by SLM specialists who are concerned about the land degradation and abandonment in mountain terrace areas.
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users. The implementation stage of terrace maintenance is led by terrace experts, who have the required know-how. During the hands-on events, they explain the appropriate techniques; land-users and participants of the events help the experts in maintaining and re-constructing the collapsed dry-stone walls and therefore learn from direct experience.
4. Техническая поддержка, повышение компетенций и управление знаниями
4.1 Повышение компетенций/ обучение
Проводилось ли обучение землепользователей/ других заинтересованных лиц?
Укажите, кто проходил обучение:
- землепользователи
- Participants of the events
Если существенно, укажите гендерный и возрастной состав, статус, этническую принадлежность и т.д.
Both men and women of all ages.
Тип обучения:
- опытные участки
Рассматриваемые темы:
How dry-stone terraces are restored and maintained (technique) and their importance in reducing soil erosion in mountain slopes (awareness).
4.2 Консультационные услуги
Есть ли у землепользователей возможность получать консультации?
Укажите, где именно оказываются консультационные услуги:
- в постоянно функционирующих центрах
Описание/ комментарий:
Name of method used for advisory service: Demonstration of terrace maintenance by experts; participation of land users and the general public; Key elements: Selection and preparation of collapsed terraces to be restored (terrace experts, researchers, community leaders), Demonstration and hands-on terrace maintenance workshops with the participation of land users and the general public; good and bad practices explained.; One agricultural extension service officer participated in these events, discussed the method with land users and SLM experts and provided information on available subsidies.
Advisory service is inadequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; Extension services provide general directions on terrace maintenance and available subsidy schemes to interested land users; they are not sufficiently trained in dry-stone wall construction and they have insufficient human and financial resources.
4.3 Институциональная (организационная) поддержка
В ходе реализации Подхода были ли организованы новые институциональные структуры или поддержаны уже существующие?
- да, умеренно
Укажите уровень, на котором структуры были укреплены или вновь созданы:
- местные
Укажите тип поддержки:
- повышение компетенций/ обучение
One of the aims of the approach is to develop sustainable local institutions for terrace maintenance; this will be discussed with the community leaders and active volunteers during the second year.
4.4 Мониторинг и оценка
Являются ли мониторинг и оценка частью Подхода?
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: Erosion rate (Sediment Traps)
technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: Terrace wall displacement (3D terrace model)
no. of land users involved aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: No. of land users (attendance list)
Number of non-land users involved aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: Number of non-land users involved
There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Monitoring is at its early stage.
There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Dry-stone terracing is a well-established indigenous technology for the mountain communities; the technical know-how however is gradually disappearing due to rural depopulation and land abandonment.
4.5 Научные исследования
Были ли научные исследования частью Подхода?
Укажите темы исследований:
- технология
- Monitoring/modelling erosion, particip. research
Напишите подробнее и назовите тех, кто выполнял исследования:
By researchers: Monitoring and modelling soil erosion (PESERA model), monitoring the stability of dry-stone terrace walls (3D model) and participatory research.
Research was carried out on-farm
5. Финансирование и внешняя материальная поддержка
5.1 Годовой бюджет мероприятий по УЗП в рамках Подхода
Если точный годовой бюжет неизвестен, укажите примерный диапазон затрат:
- < 2000
Комментарий (например, основные источники финансирования/ ключевые доноры):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: private sector (Cost for snacks and drinks offered to the event’s participants): 50.0%; local government (district, county, municipality, village etc) (Cost for preparing the site for restoration, stones.): 50.0%
5.2 Финансирование и внешняя материальная поддержка, предоставляемая землепользователям
Предоставлялась ли землепользователям финансовая/ материальная поддержка для применения Технологии /Технологий?
5.3 Субсидии на отдельные затраты (включая оплату труда)
- нет
Если труд землепользователя был существенным вкладом, укажите, был ли этот вклад:
- добровольный
Lunch-snacks, drinks and caps are provided to participants – small gifts are given to experts for their contribution.
Community members prepared the demo sites and used their own tools, local communities supplied extra stones when needed free of charge – all participants were engaged on voluntary basis.
5.4 Кредитование
Предоставлялись ли в рамках Подхода кредиты на мероприятия УЗП?
6. Анализ влияния и заключительные положения
6.1 Влияние Подхода
Сумел ли Подход помочь землепользователям внедрить и поддерживать технологии УЗП?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Well maintained terraces improve drainage and minimise soil loss.
Сумел ли Подход расширить возможности социально и экономически уязвимых групп?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
No socially and economically disadvantaged groups were identified.
Сумел ли Подход разрешить правовые проблемы землевладения/ землепользования, препятствующие использованию технологий УЗП?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Property rights was not an issue for the implementation of the approach. The problem is unlikely to be overcome in the near future. Property rights are not expected to become an issue for the implementation of the approach; stakeholders have been collaborating without raising such concerns.
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
The approach has been adopted by another project in Cyprus (Local Development Pilot Project for the Wine-villages of Limassol – LDPP); many participants express their interest in organizing similar events in other communities in Cyprus.
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Although well maintained terraces can potentially improve the livelihoods of rural population, this was not the main focus of the approach.
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
- Нет
- Да, немного
- Да, умеренно
- Да, существенно
Poverty was not identified and not one of the targets of the approach.
6.2 Основные причины, побуждающие землепользователей внедрять УЗП
- снижение объёма работ
Participatory rehabilitation
- причастность к движению/ проекту/ группе/ сети
Motivation through the RECARE project
- улучшение эстетической привлекательности
Maintain collapsed and degraded dry-stone walls
- environmental consciousness, moral, health
Reduce soil erosion
- Cultural value
Maintain cultural landscapes
6.3 Долгосрочная устойчивость мероприятий в рамках Подхода
Могут ли землепользователи самостоятельно (без внешней поддержки) продолжать применение того, что было реализовано в рамках Подхода?
- да
Если да, опишите как:
Local communities can potentially organise better themselves and with the collaboration of land users/owners and SLM experts, they can organise such community-based conservation events on an annual basis. Thus the approach can eventually be sustained without scientific (external) support.
6.4 Сильные стороны/ преимущества Подхода
Сильные стороны/ преимущества/ возможности по мнению землепользователей |
Participation of people reduced the workload required to maintain terraces. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: More frequent events are welcomed.) |
Community based conservation activities have contributed to better institutional organisation. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Engage more local stakeholders in future events.) |
Сильные стороны/ преимущества/ возможности по мнению составителя или других ключевых специалистов |
Community conservation was insofar successful in maintaining selected demonstration sites. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Maintain the interest of stakeholders by organising similar events on an annual basis.) |
Capacity building activities increase the participation of stakeholders. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue the approach for further engagement.) |
6.5 Слабые стороны/ недостатки Подхода и пути их преодоления
Слабые стороны/ недостатки/ риски по мнению землепользователей | Возможные пути их преодоления/снижения? |
Mountain farming is less cost-effective than in the plains. | Motivate the younger generation to engage in part-time farming. |
The approach cannot be implemented on bigger scale without economic incentives. | Utilise available community/subsidy funds for small cash compensation to experts. |
Small holdings and land fragmentation are constraints for cost-effective agriculture. | Reconsideration of land consolidation schemes. |
Слабые стороны/ недостатки/ риски по мнению составителя или ответственных специалистов | Возможные пути их преодоления/снижения? |
Aging of the dry-stone experts. | Train young land users/owners on dry-stone terracing. |
The community leaders tend to be more conservative than the SLM experts. | Gradually convince them to think bigger. |
7. Справочные материалы и ссылки
7.1 Методы сбора/источники информации
- выезды на места, полевые обследования
- опросы землепользователей
Ссылки и модули
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Agricultural terraces with dry-stone walls [Кипр]
Dry-stone terraces built to create agricultural land, minimise soil erosion and retain soil moisture on steep mountain slopes.
- Составитель: Christos Zoumides
Нет модулей