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Результаты поиска (442)

Gestión Democratica, Descentralizada, Participativa y Transparente de la Implementación de la Convención.|

Gestión Democratica, Descentralizada, Participativa y Transparente de la … [Brazil]

La implantación de la Convención en Brasil está a cargo del "Ministério do Meio Ambiente - MMA" que tiene como uno de sus órganos sistémicos a la "Comissão Nacional de Combate à Desertificação - CNCD" que és una instancia consultiva y deliberativa. La CNCD tiene su Secretaria Ejecutiva en el …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Implantação de 17 Módulos de Combate à Desertificação no Sertão Semiárido do Estado de Pernambuco

Implantação de 17 Módulos de Combate à Desertificação … [Brazil]

Este projeto foi operacionalizado através da implantação de módulos para as famílias afetadas. Cada módulo familiar será executado através das seguintes atividades: Cursos de Capacitação e Treinamento; Saneamento Básico; Produção; Captação e Armazenamento de água; Avaliação e Divulgação das ações.

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Projeto Aguadas

Projeto Aguadas [Brazil]

Implementação de Tecnologias Sociais para captação e armazenamento de água da chuva para produção familiar agroecológica no semiárido baiano.

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Sustainable organic agriculture – alternative for the permanently unemployed

Sustainable organic agriculture – alternative for the permanently … [Bulgaria]

Project was to demonstrate the possibilities for development of the biological agriculture,which contributes to the preservation of the soils, the biological diversity, the waters and reduces the climate changes. Basic treatment of the soil of 26 decares was performed within the framework of the Project, which were planted with medical …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Increase of the sustainably managed agricultural lands in Bulgaria via testing new technologies for biological production of vegetation cultures

Increase of the sustainably managed agricultural lands in … [Bulgaria]

Multifunctional wood kinds were created as well as reintroduced persistent aborigine kinds for reinstatement of the damaged territories. 574 hectares of agricultural lands are cultivated in a biological manner and 305 hectares are in process of transition to bio-production. The technologies are new, because they fully replace the traditional methods …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Training of experts, creation of capacity and enhancement of the awareness of the society with regard to the application of Bio/Phyto-technologies for remediation of soils and places contaminated with persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals.|

Training of experts, creation of capacity and enhancement … [Bulgaria]

Trained a total of 407 professionals to implement various forms of phyto-remediation of central and regional structures of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Environment and Water, and academics, doctoral students and business organizations. 8 one-day workshops were held in cities Zlatitsa, Plovdiv, Burgas, Kardjali, Haskovo, Pernik, Sofia, …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Restoration and sustainable management of forest eco-systems on the territory of Natural Viosha Park

Restoration and sustainable management of forest eco-systems on … [Bulgaria]

A total of 19.45 ha of forest areas affected by the mass dissemination of spruce woodworms (calamity) were restored on the territory of the National Vitosha Park within the framework of the Project. In parallel with the afforestations made, care (growing and filling up) was taken of the created new …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Introduction of waterless sanitation

Introduction of waterless sanitation [Bulgaria]

Knowledge building and providing assistance for building, usage and maintenance of waterless toilets with separation of usine and feces, and exclusion of any contact of the human and animal waste with ground or surface water bodies. The safely treated biological waste is safely reused in small scale family agriculture in …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Les Foyers Améliorés  

Les Foyers Améliorés [Burkina Faso]

Le foyer amélioré ou " four amélioré ", peut être défini comme étant une technologie de conception facile, d'utilisation aisée et à mesure de générer des économies d'énergie de façon significative, par rapport au foyer traditionnel, et dans les mêmes conditions d'utilisation. Les types de foyers varient suivants les paramètres …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS