Name and address of the institution developing the technology
Krishi Vigyan Kendra|Una, Himachal Pradesh|Regional research Station - University of Horticulture & Forestry |Jatch, Una, Himachal Pradesh|Krishi Vigyan Kendra|Tepla, Ambala, Haryana|National Dairy Research Institute|Karnal, Haryana|Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry|Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh|BAIF foundation |Pune
Was the technology developed in partnership?
Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted
- Local initiative
- Programme/project-based initiative
Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology?
List local stakeholders involved:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Una
|Regional Horticulture Research Statiom, Jatch
For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Una and Regional Horticulture Research Station, Jatch are imparting in field trainings to the farmers on production activities (Vegetables, Spices, Floriculture etc.). Emphasis is being given to introduce high value cash crops in the area at low cost technologies to get better economic returns.
Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology?
By means of what?
- Consultation
- Participatory approaches