Ecograze [澳大利亚]
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- 编制者: Andrew Ash
- 编辑者: –
- 审查者: Fabian Ottiger, Alexandra Gavilano
technologies_1332 - 澳大利亚
全部展开 全部收起1. 一般信息
1.2 参与该技术评估和文件编制的资源人员和机构的联系方式
Book project: where the land is greener - Case Studies and Analysis of Soil and Water Conservation Initiatives Worldwide (where the land is greener)有助于对技术进行记录/评估的机构名称(如相关)
CSIRO (CSIRO) - 澳大利亚1.3 关于使用通过WOCAT记录的数据的条件
1.4 所述技术的可持续性声明
1.5 参考关于SLM方法(使用WOCAT记录的SLM方法)的调查问卷

Development and promotion of Ecograze [澳大利亚]
Research-based development and promotion of Ecograze principles and practices through on-farm testing and demonstration.
- 编制者: Andrew Ash
2. SLM技术的说明
2.1 技术简介
An ecologically sound and practical grazing management system, based on rotation and wet season resting.
2.2 技术的详细说明
Open eucalypt woodlands cover approximately 15 million hectares in the semi-arid plains of north-east Australia, and support about a million head of cattle. Keeping these grazing lands productive and healthy demands good management, and getting the right balance between stock numbers and the forage resource is a considerable challenge.
Land in good condition has a healthy coverage of so-called ‘3P grasses’: native perennial, productive and palatable grasses, important to cattle and to the health of the landscape. Less palatable plants include annual grasses, native and exotic forbs and shrubs. The heterogeneity of the pasture resource results in uneven utilisation, and thus overgrazing in parts.
In order to prevent pastures in good condition from degrading, or to restore/improve deteriorated pastures, utilisation needs to be adjusted according to climate and the state of the ‘3P grasses’. In practice, the only means of manipulating pasture composition over large areas are grazing, resting from grazing, and burning.
The flexible Ecograze system includes wet season resting, and is based on the establishment of three paddocks with two herds within a rotational system. The key is that all paddocks get some wet season rest two years out of three. Wet season rests are divided into two phases: (1) The early wet season rest starts after the first rains in November/December and continues for 6-8 weeks, it is particularly good for perennial grass recovery; (2) the late wet season rest lasts until March/April and aids both seed set and vegetative recovery.
Average paddocks of around 3,000 ha in size are sub-divided into three relatively equal sizes, though some flexibility is required to balance variation in the productive capacity of different land types within the paddock. The paddocks are fenced and extra water points through polythene piping and additional water troughs, and where required, pumps are established. The return on investment can be realised within a few years.
The main management challenges are: (1) the timing and length of the early wet season rest, which depends on how effectively the early rains promote vegetative growth of perennial grasses, and (2) the movement of animals during the wet season. The number of stock movements are fixed - but the timing is flexible and should be responsive to the situation: the challenge is to learn to assess the pasture condition, read the situation, and schedule the timing and length of the rest period accordingly. The main criterion is the recovery state of perennial grasses.
2.3 技术照片
2.5 已应用该技术的、本评估所涵盖的国家/地区/地点
North-eastern Queensland
- 均匀地分布在一个区域
- 10-100 平方千米
Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 10 m2.
study terminated after 8 years (2000-2001).
The paddocks of an average size of around 30 km2 are subdivided into three paddocks of an average size of 10 km2. The technology is therefore documented on one of the subdivided paddocks. The 10 km2 is the area per subdivided paddock, each farm (localities) has 10 km2 (respectively 3*10km2) area, where the technology is applied.
×2.6 实施日期
- 不到10年前(最近)
2.7 技术介绍
- 在实验/研究期间
Meat and Livestock Australia initiated the project to improve the understanding of the effects of grazing, spelling, fire and climate on the condition and productivity of open eucalyptus woodlands in north-eastern Queensland.
3. SLM技术的分类
3.1 该技术的主要目的
- 减少、预防、恢复土地退化
3.2 应用该技术的当前土地利用类型

- 经营牧场
- Cattle
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Over the last 20 years there has been a decline in the condition of grazing lands in north-east Australia. The evidence is a decline of palatable, perennial, productive grasses (‘3P grasses’), reduced ground cover and an increase in sediment and nutrient movement into streams. As a consequence of economic pressures and over-optimistic expectations of good rains, stocking rates have often been too high.
Major land use problems (land users’ perception): same as above (combined)
Ranching: Yes
3.4 供水
- 雨养
3.5 该技术所属的SLM组
- 轮作制度(轮作、休耕、轮垦)
- 畜牧业和牧场管理
3.6 包含该技术的可持续土地管理措施

- M2:改变管理/强度级别
Main measures: vegetative measures, management measures
Type of vegetative measures: scattered / dispersed
3.7 该技术强调的主要土地退化类型

- Wt:表土流失/地表侵蚀
- Wg:冲沟侵蚀/沟蚀
- Wo:场外劣化效应

- Pc:压实
- Pk:熟化和结壳

- Bc:植被覆盖的减少
- Bs:质量和物种组成/多样性的下降
Main type of degradation addressed: Wt: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Wg: gully erosion / gullying, Wo: offsite degradation effects, Pc: compaction, Pk: sealing and crusting, Bc: reduction of vegetation cover, Bs: quality and species composition /diversity decline
3.8 防止、减少或恢复土地退化
- 减少土地退化
4. 技术规范、实施活动、投入和成本
4.1 该技术的技术图纸
The drawing refers to the ‘two herd/three paddock Ecograze system’. Paddock A is rested in the early wet season, while Paddocks B and C are grazed. Paddock B is then rested for the late wet season while Paddocks A and C are razed. Paddock C is then rested for the dry season and the next early wet season while Paddocks A and B are grazed. Paddock A is then rested for the late wet season and the rotational cycle continues in this fashion for the three years of the full rotation. Early wet season spelling should commence after the first significant rains in November/December and should continue for 6-8 weeks, depending on how effectively the early rains promote vegetative growth of perennial grasses. Late wet season rest typically last until March/April, depending on length of growing season.
Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate; Technical knowledge required for land users: moderate
Main technical functions: improvement of ground cover, increase in organic matter, increase / maintain water stored in soil, improvement of soil structure
Secondary technical functions: control of concentrated runoff: retain / trap, increase in soil fertility
Scattered / dispersed
Vegetative material: G : grass
Grass species: 3P grasses (native perennial, productive and palatable grasses)
Change of land use practices / intensity level: rotational system, timing and length of resting period, timing of animal movement
Control / change of species composition: grazing, (wet season) resting from grazing and burning
Mats Gurtner
4.2 有关投入和成本计算的一般信息
- 每个技术区域
1 ha
- 美元
4.3 技术建立活动
活动 | 时间(季度) | |
1. | Paddocks first need to be surveyed to understand the various plant communities and soils | |
2. | Paddocks first need to be surveyed to understand the various plant communities and soils. | |
3. | Based on the survey and location of water points, and the most practical location for fences, a paddock design is developed: paddocks are subdivided into relatively equal sizes. | |
4. | Fencing the paddocks Material: metal barbed wire or plain wire for electric fences, steel fence posts, wooden or steel end assemblies (poles) to strain the fence, energisers (for electric fences). | |
5. | Provision of extra water points through polythene piping and additional water troughs - and where required, pumps. |
4.4 技术建立所需要的费用和投入
对投入进行具体说明 | 单位 | 数量 | 单位成本 | 每项投入的总成本 | 土地使用者承担的成本% | |
劳动力 | Labour | ha | 1.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 100.0 |
设备 | Tools | ha | 1.0 | |||
施工材料 | others (specify): metal, wire, wood | ha | 1.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 80.0 |
技术建立所需总成本 | 10.0 | |||||
技术建立总成本,美元 | 10.0 |
Duration of establishment phase: 48 month(s)
4.5 维护/经常性活动
活动 | 时间/频率 | |
1. | Monitoring pastures and soils | |
2. | Mustering (gathering) and shifting (moving) livestock | |
3. | Monitoring pastures and soils. | |
4. | Repair fences (wire, poles, etc) |
4.6 维护/经常性活动所需要的费用和投入(每年)
对投入进行具体说明 | 单位 | 数量 | 单位成本 | 每项投入的总成本 | 土地使用者承担的成本% | |
劳动力 | Labour | ha | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 100.0 |
设备 | Tools | ha | 1.0 | |||
技术维护所需总成本 | 1.0 | |||||
技术维护总成本,美元 | 1.0 |
Current average paddock size is 3,000 ha - commonly 6 km x 5 km. To sub-divide the paddock into three requires two internal fences, each of 5.0 km. Costs of fencing and associated gates are about US$1,200 per km. Labour for fencing is also approximately US$1,200 per km (Note: while this looks expensive, because of the large paddock size, on a per hectare basis this is equivalent to US$ 4.0 per hectare).
5. 自然和人文环境
5.1 气候
- < 250毫米
- 251-500毫米
- 501-750毫米
- 751-1,000毫米
- 1,001-1,500毫米
- 1,501-2,000毫米
- 2,001-3,000毫米
- 3,001-4,000毫米
- > 4,000毫米
- 半干旱
5.2 地形
- 水平(0-2%)
- 缓降(3-5%)
- 平缓(6-10%)
- 滚坡(11-15%)
- 崎岖(16-30%)
- 陡峭(31-60%)
- 非常陡峭(>60%)
- 高原/平原
- 山脊
- 山坡
- 山地斜坡
- 麓坡
- 谷底
- 0-100 m a.s.l.
- 101-500 m a.s.l.
- 501-1,000 m a.s.l.
- 1,001-1,500 m a.s.l.
- 1,501-2,000 m a.s.l.
- 2,001-2,500 m a.s.l.
- 2,501-3,000 m a.s.l.
- 3,001-4,000 m a.s.l.
- > 4,000 m a.s.l.
Landforms: Also hill slopes (ranked 2) and ridges (ranked 3)
Slopes on average: Aslo moderate (ranked 2) and flat (ranked 3)
5.3 土壤
- 非常浅(0-20厘米)
- 浅(21-50厘米)
- 中等深度(51-80厘米)
- 深(81-120厘米)
- 非常深(> 120厘米)
- 中粒(壤土、粉土)
- 细粒/重质(粘土)
- 中(1-3%)
- 低(<1%)
Soil depth on average: Also Shallow (ranked 2) and deep (ranked 3)
Soil fertility: Low
Soil drainage/infiltration: Good (ranked 1) and poor (ranked 2)
5.6 应用该技术的土地使用者的特征
- 商业/市场
- 收入的10-50%
Off-farm income specification: usually constitutes off-farm financial investments (eg shares in companies, investment properties, etc)
5.7 应用该技术的土地使用者使用的平均土地面积
- < 0.5 公顷
- 0.5-1 公顷
- 1-2 公顷
- 2-5公顷
- 5-15公顷
- 15-50公顷
- 50-100公顷
- 100-500公顷
- 500-1,000公顷
- 1,000-10,000公顷
- > 10,000公顷
5.8 土地所有权、土地使用权和水使用权
- individual
- 租赁
- 个人
6. 影响和结论性说明
6.1 该技术的现场影响
6.2 该技术的场外影响已经显现
6.4 成本效益分析
6.5 技术采用
- 0-10%
60% of land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support
5 land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support
5% of land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support
15000 land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support
There is a little trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Comments on adoption trend: There are indications that around 700 (of a total of 15,000) farmers across northern Australia have already adopted some aspects. Surveys indicate spontaneous adoption beyond the region as well. In time a large number of farmers are expected to adopt it.
6.7 该技术的优点/长处/机会
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的长处/优势/机会 |
Increased perennial grass cover, improved pasture productivity, increased animal carrying capacity and associated increased profit How can they be sustained / enhanced? Wide and long-term adoption of Ecograze system. |
Improved soil cover reduces erosion and sediment flow into streams and dams How can they be sustained / enhanced? Manage pasture condition through Ecograze to maintain ‘3P grasses’. |
Greater stability of forage supply leading to less problems and less stress in farm management How can they be sustained / enhanced? Wide and long-term adoption of Ecograze system. |
Soil carbon reserves maintained/improved How can they be sustained / enhanced? Wide and long-term adoption of Ecograze system. |
Plant biodiversity protected How can they be sustained / enhanced? Wide and long-term adoption of Ecograze system. |
6.8 技术的弱点/缺点/风险及其克服方法
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 | 如何克服它们? |
Adoption of technology needs long-term approach to accommodate for slow rate of change by ranchers | Continue to demonstrate the advantages of the technology. |
Implementing rotational grazing incurs (moderate) investment costs in the form of fencing and new water points | Investigate government subsidies and educate about long-term economic benefits. |
7. 参考和链接
7.1 信息的方法/来源
7.2 参考可用出版物
Ash A, Corfield J and Taoufik T (undated) The ECOGRAZE Project: developing guidelines to better manage grazing country. CSIRO, Meat and Livestock Commission and Queensland Government
Tothill JC and Gillies C (1992) The pasture lands of northern Australia: their condition, productivity and sustainability Occasional Publication No.5, Tropical Grassland Society of Australia, Brisbane
Tothill J and Partridge I (1998) Monitoring grazing lands in northern Australia - edited by Occasional Publication No.9, Tropical Grassland Society of Australia, Brisbane
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Development and promotion of Ecograze [澳大利亚]
Research-based development and promotion of Ecograze principles and practices through on-farm testing and demonstration.
- 编制者: Andrew Ash