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Your search results (2436)

Meeting the differing needs of farmers in a given lowland area: local-level agreements and conventions

Meeting the differing needs of farmers in a … [Mali]

This practice makes it possible to bring actors with differing interests around the same table to discuss the ways in which the scheme’s facilities and lands will be accessed and exploited.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Delegating the management of facilities to users

Delegating the management of facilities to users [Mali]

Promote the sustainability and cost effectiveness of schemes by setting up management delegation systems that enable local authorities to entrust infrastructure owned by the territorial community to groups of local farmers.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Water-spreading weirs

Water-spreading weirs [Mali]

Water-spreading weirs slow the flow of water, spread it over a wider area, increase infiltration and reduce erosion.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill