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Your search results (2436)

Level ditches in cropland

Level ditches in cropland [Slovakia]

Conservation measures for eroded cropland. The technology contains level ditches of various lengths, which are digged along a contour.

  • Compiler: Zuzana Studvova
Wooden check dams

Wooden check dams [Slovakia]

Small wooden check dams built in erosion rills, grooves or gorges to reduce flood risk.

  • Compiler: Zuzana Studvova
Converting cropland to grazing land

Converting cropland to grazing land [Slovenia]

Technology is based on changing cropland to grazing land due to shallow soils with high share of rocks. This is the cause for lower yields or loss of yield during drought periods.

  • Compiler: Matjaz Glavan

Mulch-till [Slovenia]

Mulch-till is a method of farming that does not utilise a plough, and thus the soil is not turned over. Furthermore, at least 30% of the cultivated area remains covered with organic residues left over from the previous crop. There are multiple benefits to the soil and carbon dioxide emissions …

  • Compiler: Gregor Kramberger
Retention ponds

Retention ponds [Slovenia]

Retention ponds (e.g. flood storage reservoirs, shallow impoundments) are water bodies, storing water to attenuate surface runoff during rainfall events. They provide storage as well as improving water quality. Retention ponds may also be used for irrigation of farmland.

  • Compiler: Gregor Kramberger
Conservation tillage with incorporated mulched plant residues (mulch-till)

Conservation tillage with incorporated mulched plant residues (mulch-till) [Slovenia]

Conservation tillage with incorporated mulched plant residues (mulch-till) of harvested crop or a green manure that are part of the rotation). Crop residues are partially incorporated/mixed in topsoil layer (down to 10 cm) using a disc harrow, chisel plough, sweeps, field cultivators, that leave more than 30% of the soil …

  • Compiler: Matjaz Glavan
Organic agriculture

Organic agriculture [Slovenia]

It is based on 5 years crop rotation, full absence of artificial plant protection products and mineral nitrogen and the circulation of nitrogen via organic manure, crops and residues.

  • Compiler: Matjaz Glavan