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Your search results (1442)

Row planting of annual crops

Row planting of annual crops [Uganda]

In row planting, crops are planted according to the recommended agronomic spacing to ease management and obtain maximum yields per unit area.

  • Compiler: Kamugisha Rick Nelson
Intercropping Soya and Maize

Intercropping Soya and Maize [Uganda]

Soybean (Glycine max) and maize (Zea Mays) and planted together in the same field to increase soil fertility, production and household income.

  • Compiler: Kamugisha Rick Nelson
Создание экологически-сбалансированных агроландшафтов для повышения плодородия орошаемых почв и получения качественной сельскохозяйственной продукции.

Создание экологически-сбалансированных агроландшафтов для повышения плодородия орошаемых почв … [Ukraine]

Оптимальное соотношение культур в севооборотах в разных природно-сельскохозяйственных регионах Украины (зерновых и зернобобовых культур – 40-82%, технических культур – 5-35%, овощных и баштанных культур – до 20%, кормовых – до 60%, многолетних трав – 17-44% ), сохранение отрасли животноводства и внесение навоза в количестве 3-7 т/га.

  • Compiler: Rayisa Vozhehova
Solar Mobile Dryer (SMD)

Solar Mobile Dryer (SMD) [United Arab Emirates]

The innovative Solar Mobile Dryer (SMD) developed by ICARDA addresses climate change challenges for date palm growers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries by improving fruit quality, reducing waste, saving energy, and enhancing profitability, thereby supporting sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.

  • Compiler: Joren Verbist
Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle

Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle [United Kingdom]

A mixture of silvopastoral agroforestry approaches, including extensive and rotational cattle grazing around trees, provide benefits for biodiversity as well as leaf fodder for cattle, edible fruits and nuts, and wood fuel.

  • Compiler: Alan Radbourne