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Your search results (1437)

Drainage Biofilter

Drainage Biofilter [Czech Republic]

Biofilters or “bioreactors” connected to agricultural tile drains are relatively inexpensive and space-saving measures with considerable potential to improve the quality of drainage water.

  • Compiler: Antonín Zajíček
Grassing of Recharge Areas

Grassing of Recharge Areas [Czech Republic]

Grassing recharge zones of agricultural drainage systems significantly improves the quality of drainage water. It can be a useful, effective and relatively cheap measure for improvement of shallow groundwater quality.

  • Compiler: Antonín Zajíček
Constructed wetland with tile drainage

Constructed wetland with tile drainage [Czech Republic]

A constructed wetland connected to tile drains that slows drainage flow, removes nitrogen and pesticides from drainage waters, and improves biodiversity. Formed from a substrate of matured birch chips and gravel, and is planted with reeds (Phalaris arundinacea) and reed manna grass (Glyceria maxima).

  • Compiler: Petr Fučík
Implementation of a fog water capture system in a conservation area in the community of Shaushi.

Implementation of a fog water capture system in … [Ecuador]

The practice consists in the installation of a water capture system, coming from the fog of the Cerro Shaushi zone, that allows to cover the need of water for domestic consumption of the inhabitants of the upper zone of the Community of Shaushi.

  • Compiler: Raul Galeas

Albarrada [Ecuador]

Son construcciones que poseen muros de tierra bien definidos, sus formas son variadas: rectángulares, cuadradas, circulares, semicirculares, alargada. Se llenan mediante un proceso de lenta acumulación de agua de lluvia directa o proveniente de las escorrentías producidas por la topografía del terreno. También pueden llenarse con el agua de pequeños …

  • Compiler: Pablo Caza