Participatory hedgerow management [النيبال]
- تاريخ الإنشاء:
- تحديث:
- جامع المعلومات: Shreedip Sigdel
- المحرر: –
- المُراجع: Fabian Ottiger
Sahabhagitamulak ghasehar bewasthapan (Main Contributor: Gyanbandhu Sharma, LI-BIRD)
approaches_2530 - النيبال
عرض الأقسام
توسيع الكل طي الكل1. معلومات عامة
1.2 تفاصيل الاتصال بالأشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات والمؤسسات المعنية بتقييم وتوثيق النهج
متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
اسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research, and Development (LI-BIRD) - النيبالاسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) - النيبال1.3 الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT
متى تم تجميع البيانات (ميدانيا)؟:
يوافق جامع المعلومات والشخص (لاشخاص) الرئيسي لمصدر المعلومات على الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT:
1.4 المراجع الخاصة باستبيان(استبيانات) تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

Hedgerow technology [النيبال]
A technology that uses hedgerows to help establish terraces on sloping land; farmers learn improved methods to manage a cultivation practice that stabilizes the soil, enhances food production, and adds to on-farm cash income.
- جامع المعلومات: Shreedip Sigdel
2. وصف نهج الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
2.1 وصف موجز للنهج
Hedgerow technology can be introduced through the joint participation of farmers, scientists, and related stakeholders. The whole community works together at all stages, including designing, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and scaling up.
2.2 وصف تفصيلي للنهج
وصف تفصيلي للنهج:
Aims / objectives: Communities can establish better hedgerows by supplementing the traditional knowledge that they have employed for generations with scientific knowledge through a participatory process where both groups are involved in every step of planning, designing, and implementation. This approach recognizes the validity of the local knowledge that farmers have about their land and supplements it with scientific techniques to facilitate the implementation of methods which will yield better results sooner.
Methods: Hedgerow technology can be implemented by forming farmers' groups and using a participatory approach. This technology has the potential to be scaled up and applied on a broader scale. The steps for sharing labour and know-how to establish hedgerows can be summarized as follows:
• Capacity is strengthened through discussions with technical persons.
• Farmers, technical persons, and related stakeholders work together to come up with plans that make the best use of both the farmers’ indigenous knowledge on how to form hedgerows and their understanding of the landscape, and scientific knowledge, for designing and planning.
• The hedgerows are established by the farmers as per the consensual plan.
• Some farmers are designated to periodically inspect the hedgerows and to perform maintenance as needed.
• The technology is scaled up by farmers who disseminate the learning to other farmers through extension and knowledge sharing at different fora.
Stages of implementation: Farmers, technical persons, and related stakeholders were all involved at every stage. In addition, LI-BIRD, local community-based organizations, and other related stakeholders such as the district forest office and the district agriculture office were on hand to support the farmers' group by offering technical and financial resources. The farmers' groups had a vested interest in this approach and demonstrated their commitment by: generating funds from a savings and credit scheme and conducting income generating activities. They also worked to establish effective linkages and to coordinate with related stakeholders to obtain resources which would ensure that the group would be self-reliant in the long run. The involvement of a wide range of participants will ensure that the technology is not only effective but that it is also sustainable. Moreover, when neighbouring communities see how successful this approach can be, it is hoped that they also will adopt the technology.
2.3 صور عن النهج
2.5 البلد/المنطقة/المواقع التي تم تطبيق النهج فيها
مزيد من التفاصيل حول الموقع:
Gorkha, Tanahu District
2.7 نوع النهج
- قائم على مشروع/برنامج
2.8 الغايات/الأهداف الرئيسية للنهج
The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (Income generation)
The objective of this approach was to introduce the technology through participatory planning, designing, and implementation by integrating farmers’ knowledge and experiences in the process.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: This approach addressed a few of the major problems in the area. The outstanding problems were:
• poor technical knowledge,
• lack of group efforts,
• lack of cash for investment,
• poor access to service providers,
• inadequate use made of farmers' traditional knowledge,
• inadequate knowledge resources, and
• poverty and poor social cohesiveness.
2.9 الظروف التي تمكن أو تعيق تنفيذ التقنية/التقنيات المطبقة بموجب النهج
توفر/الوصول إلى الموارد والخدمات المالية
- معيق
Farmers had insufficient financial resources to implement the technology
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Farmers learned how to apply for resources from different related stakeholders and they also learned how to generate cash from their own group using savings and credit schemes.
الإطار المؤسساتي
- معيق
Farmers had no formal institutional mechanisms and also had no capacity to run their institutions
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Farmers learned how to form a formal group and also improved their capacity to run their institutions
الإطار القانوني (حيازة الأراضي، وحقوق استخدام الأراضي والمياه)
- معيق
The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights hindered a little the approach implementation
المعرفة حول الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي، والوصول إلى الدعم الفني
- معيق
Farmers had low technical knowledge
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Farmers shared their know-how and also learned from scientists, other farmers and related stakeholders
3. المشاركة وأدوار الأطراف المعنية
3.1 أصحاب المصلحة المعنيون بالنهج وأدوارهم
- مستخدمو الأراضي المحليون/المجتمعات المحلية
- متخصصون في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي / مستشارون زراعيون
- منظمة غير حكومية
- الحكومة المحلية
- الحكومة الوطنية (المخططون، صانعو القرار)
إذا كان هناك العديد من الأطراف المعنية، قم بالإشارة إلى الوكالة الرائدة:
Specialists and land users. During the design process, specialists organized on-farm visits and exposure visits. The plan was prepared jointly by the land users and the specialists who used each others' expertise.
3.2 انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية في المراحل المختلفة للنهج
انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية | حدد من شارك وصف الأنشطة | |
المبادرة/التحفيز | سلبي | At the beginning, the land users were mostly passive because they lacked information on sloping land management. |
التخطيط | تفاعلي | Land users were actively involved in the planning stage and they incorporated feedback from other stakeholders to finalize the action plan. During this phase they also prepared the land and the materials, and recruited the resource person needed to implement the technology |
التنفيذ | التعبئة الذاتية | Land users were involved in the implementation phase mobilizing their group members and shared the new technical knowledge that they had acquired. |
الرصد/التقييم | تفاعلي | Land users and other stakeholders remained actively involved throughout the different stages of monitoring and evaluation. |
Research | الدعم الخارجي | Land users were actively involved in research work to test and validate the approach. |
3.3 مخطط التدفق (إذا كان متاحًا)
3.4 اتخاذ القرار بشأن اختيار تقنية/تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
حدد من الذي قرر اختيار التقنية/التقنيات التي سيتم تنفيذها:
- مستخدمو الأراضي بشكل أساسي، بدعم من متخصصي الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
Both farmers and specialist were involved in on-farm visits to assess the condition of the land; farmers attended seminars to acquire new knowledge and they also used this opportunity to share their own knowledge. Farmers and specialists together selected the technology.
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by land users supported by SLM specialists
4. الدعم الفني وبناء القدرات وإدارة المعرفة
4.1 بناء القدرات/التدريب
هل تم تقديم التدريب لمستخدمي الأراضي / الأطراف المعنيين الآخرين؟:
حدد من تم تدريبه:
- مستخدمو الأراضي
- موظفون ميدانيون/ مستشارون
- Local Resource Person
شكل التدريب:
- من مزارع إلى مزارع
- مناطق العرض
المواضيع المغطاة:
This approach provided training on hedgerow technology and group mobilization to enhance the capacity of land users, field staff, and local resource persons. Site visits to the demonstration areas were also organized for the land users.
4.2 خدمة استشارية
هل يملك مستخدمو الأراضي وصولا إلى خدمة استشارية؟:
حدد ما إذا كانت الخدمة الاستشارية متوفرة:
- في مراكز دائمة
Name of method used for advisory service: Group Mobilization Method; Key elements: networking and coordination of farmers' groups with district level line agencies such as the district forest office, the district agriculture office, the district livestock office, and other relevant stakeholders for learning and sharing of information.
4.3 تعزيز المؤسسات (التطوير التنظيمي)
هل تم إنشاء أو تعزيز مؤسسات من خلال هذا النهج؟:
- نعم، قليلا
حدد المستوى (المستويات) التي تم فيها تعزيز أو إنشاء المؤسسات:
- محلي
حدد نوع الدعم:
- بناء القدرات/التدريب
اعط مزيدا من التفاصيل:
Trainings and sessions on capacity building were provided to the land users
4.4 الرصد والتقييم
هل يشكل الرصد والتقييم جزءا من النهج؟:
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: The land users and project staff made regular observations of sediment deposition rates after the intervention.
technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: The land users and project staff made regular observations on the formation of terraces and control of erosion.
socio-cultural aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: The land users and project staff regularly observed sociocultural impacts
economic / production aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: The land users and project staff regularly observed the extent to which the income of the land users changed.
area treated aspects were regular monitored by government, land users through measurements; indicators: The land users and government staff monitored the coverage of the technology.
no. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: Regular observations were made by the land users and project staff on how many land users were adopting the technology.
management of Approach aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: The land users and project staff regularly observed how well the group functioned together and how well they linked with stakeholders
There were few changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Monitoring brought few changes; farmers used the information gathered during monitoring of on-farm demonstration to help them select the species they preferred but the technology remained the same.
There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation
4.5 البحوث
هل كانت البحوث جزءًا من النهج؟:
حدد المواضيع:
- تكنولوجيا
أعط تفاصيل إضافية وأشر إلى من قام بالبحوث:
On-farm technical research was a part of the approach applied by land users, specialists, and relevant stakeholders who were involved in hedgerow technology trials.
Research was carried out on-farm
5. التمويل والدعم المادي الخارجي
5.1 الميزانية السنوية لمكون الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي في النهج المذكور
التعليقات (على سبيل المثال المصادر الرئيسية للتمويل/الجهات المانحة الرئيسية):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: national non-government: 20.0%; local government (district, county, municipality, village etc): 10.0%; local community / land user(s): 70.0%
5.2 الدعم المالي/المادي المقدم لمستخدمي الأراضي
هل حصل مستخدمو الأراضي على دعم مالي/ مادي لتنفيذ التقنية/ التقنيات؟:
إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم، حدد نوع (أنواع) الدعم والشروط والمزودين:
LI-BIRD provided some support.
5.3 إعانات لمدخلات محددة (بما في ذلك العمالة)
إذا كان العمل من قبل مستخدمي الأراضي مدخلاً جوهريًا، فهل كان:
- تطوعي
5.4 الائتمان
هل تم توفير ائتمان في إطار نهج أنشطة الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
6. تحليل الأثر والتصريحات الختامية
6.1 آثار النهج
هل ساعد النهج مستخدمي الأراضي على تنفيذ وصيانة تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
This approach helped to stabilize the fragile hill slopes.
هل ساهم النهج في تمكين الفئات المحرومة اجتماعيا واقتصاديا؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
The capacity of marginal ethnic groups increased; they learned how local institutions function and felt empowered to seek resources from their service providers.
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
This approach was adopted by adjoining villagers and scaled up gradually in Dhading, Chitwan, Nawalparasi, and Makwanpur Districts. According to preliminary information, at least 450 households have now adopted this approach for sustainable land management.
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
This approach helped to improve the livelihood status of the land users by helping to diversify their options for income generation and skills development.
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
After the implementation of this approach, land users could earn cash income and learned how to increase their capacity to implement income generating activities which would enhance their livelihoods.
6.2 المحفز الرئيسي لقيام مستخدمي الأراضي بتنفيذ الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
6.3 استدامة أنشطة النهج
هل يمكن لمستخدمي الأراضي المحافظة على استدامة ما تم تنفيذه من خلال النهج (بدون دعم خارجي)؟:
- غير مؤكد
إذا كان الجواب لا أو غير متأكد، حدد ذلك وعلق عليه:
Individual land users were enthusiastic to implement the approach and to take it further. Land users who are shifting cultivators, and who typically have no land ownership, are slower to embrace the approach.
6.4 نقاط قوة/مزايا النهج
نقاط القوة/ المزايا/ الفرص من وجهة نظر جامع المعلومات أو غيره من الاشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات |
Sustained capacity building (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue to build strong links and coordinate with government line agencies) |
Improved access to services providers helped to enhance their capacity to cope with adverse conditions (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue to build and maintain contact with government line agencies) |
Local institutions were strengthened (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Established formal institutions and help to sustain them) |
Land users actively participated and took ownership (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue capacity building and training. At present the government is initiating programmes with leasehold forest groups in Gorkha and Tanahu Districts that encourages the establishment hedgerows è Work to mainstream the approach within government programmes) |
Collaboration helped land users to sustain their efforts (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue to build a sense of community between land users) |
6.5 نقاط الضعف/ العيوب في المنهج وطرق التغلب عليها
نقاط الضعف/ المساوىء/ المخاطر من وجهة نظر جامع المعلومات أو غيره من الاشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات | كيف يمكن التغلب عليها؟ |
Difficult to develop common understanding | Organized regular learning and sharing to develop common understanding |
Farmers have only a limited understanding of the skills needed |
Continue to strengthen farmers' groups and continue to mobilize through sharing and learning |
The approach is resource intensive. | Promote savings and credit schemes with farmers' groups. Mobilize farmers' groups so that they can petition other groups and line agencies for resources. |
Time consuming | Work with land users to improve their time management and their ability to plan future activities and delegate responsibilities |
Few farmers participated during the initial stages | Conduct awareness raising activities and promote activities that give some tangible benefits in the short term. |
7. المراجع والروابط
7.1 طرق جمع/مصادر المعلومات
- زيارات ميدانية، مسوحات ميدانية
- مقابلات مع مستخدمي الأراضي
7.2 المراجع للمنشورات المتاحة
العنوان، المؤلف، السنة، النظام القياسي الدولي لترقيم الكتب ISBN:
Building on partnership approaches in participatory identification of integrated agricultural technological packages suitable for sloping land areas (unpublished), Regmi, BR; Aryal, KP; Shrestha, PK; Tamang, BB (2003)
متاح من أين؟كم التكلفة؟:
الروابط والوحدات المواضيعية
توسيع الكل طي الكلالروابط

Hedgerow technology [النيبال]
A technology that uses hedgerows to help establish terraces on sloping land; farmers learn improved methods to manage a cultivation practice that stabilizes the soil, enhances food production, and adds to on-farm cash income.
- جامع المعلومات: Shreedip Sigdel
الوحدات المواضيعية
لا يوجد وحدات مواضيعية