
Plan of preventive silviculture (PSP): implementation of firebreak network within a forest intervention area (ZAU) [إسبانيا]

Plan de selvicultura preventiva de incendios en los sistemas forestales de la Comunidad Valenciana (Spanish)

approaches_2590 - إسبانيا

الإكتمال: 92%

1. معلومات عامة

1.2 تفاصيل الاتصال بالأشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات والمؤسسات المعنية بتقييم وتوثيق النهج

الشخص (الأشخاص) الرئيسي لمصدر المعلومات

متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
اسم المشروع الذي سهّل توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Catastrophic shifts in drylands (EU-CASCADE)
اسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterraneo (CEAM) - إسبانيا
اسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) - إسبانيا

1.3 الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT

متى تم تجميع البيانات (ميدانيا)؟:


يوافق جامع المعلومات والشخص (لاشخاص) الرئيسي لمصدر المعلومات على الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT:


1.4 المراجع الخاصة باستبيان(استبيانات) تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

2. وصف نهج الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

2.1 وصف موجز للنهج

Through the declaration of Ayora to a forest intervention area (ZAU) and the implementation of the pilot project of the PSP, a preventive silviculture was promoted through the establishment of a firebreak network.

2.2 وصف تفصيلي للنهج

وصف تفصيلي للنهج:

Aims / objectives: Forest fire is the main degradation driver in Ayora. In the article 24 of the forest law 3/1993 the declaration of special areas to forest intervention areas, so-called “Zonas de Actuación Urgente (ZAU)” through the regional government of Valencia is defined. Objectives are the protection against natural hazards and the promotion of conservation/restoration within a area which is degraded, affected by a forest fire (and natural regeneration is not probable), adverse climatic conditions, pests, severe ecological change, or fauna or flora of special value. If the use of the resources is not compatible with the conservation objectives within a ZAU, the administration has the right to enforce restrictions. The Ayora region was declared to a ZAU in 1997 due to its high risk of fires. In the “Plan de Selvicultura Preventiva de Incendios en los Sistemas Forestales (PSP)” (“plan of preventive silviculture to prevent forest fires”) which became operative in 1996 and whose main objective is the reduction of the fire risk, the ZAU was practically addressed for the first time in the establishment of a firebreak network (áreas cortafuegos). The PSP constitutes an important part of the “plan de protección contra incendios forestales” (“plan of protection against forest fires”) and has the following main objectives: The analysis/mapping of historic forest fires in Valencia (1984-1994) to support decision-making in silvicultural issues, the classification of the forest by quality and fire risk to establish local/regional plans to prevent fires (through silvicultural actions), selection of areas (province level) for the establishment of pilot projects (to apply silvicultural actions), decision on periodic investment and level of employment.

Methods: Within the PSP, 4 pilot projects were initiated in Los Serranos (17‘470 ha), Utiel-Requena (20’966 ha), Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes (33’851 ha) and Sierra de Mariola (11’574 ha) to promote a preventive silviculture which aims in modifying the amount of fuel in the forest through the establishment of a firebreak network and to limit the burnt area. The pilot areas were selected (in collaboration with the forest administration of Valencia) by the following criteria: representativity for the whole province, high value for the population, high potential risk of fire. In T_SPA009en the pilot project of Ayora-Cofrentes (Cofrentes, Jalance, Jarafuel, Zarra, Ayora) is described in detail and this approach focuses on the Ayora site as well. The firebreak network was established between 1998 and 2002, carried out by the company VAERSA and executed on both public and private land. Since the old firebreaks (established before the project) had a strong visual and ecological impact, the PSP designed a new type called “área cortafuego”. The continuous maintenance of the firebreaks is required which is also included in the pilot project. The total area protected by the firebreak network amounts to 33’851 ha while the management measures were executed on 1944,81 ha. The costs of the execution were 1312 Euro per ha, the maintenance 82.03 Euro per ha (all 2 years) and 31.37 Euro per ha (all 4 years).

Stages of implementation: After the establishment of the PSP (1996) and the declaration of Ayora to a ZAU (1997) the implementation of the pilot project was realized in the following phases: 1) splitting up of the territory based on the quality and the potential risk (using maps and aerial pictures), 2) field work (to examine the first draft of the firebreak network elaborated in the office), 3) office work (digitizing), 4) final map, 5) estimation of costs, 6) combination of firebreak plan with the cadastral land register.

Role of stakeholders: The PSP, the ZAU and the pilot projects were set up by the regional government of Valencia, in collaboration with the forest services. The PSP is put into operation each year by the forest services to plan the maintenance of the firebreak network. The effect on the local population is the creation of jobs in forest management.

2.3 صور عن النهج

2.5 البلد/المنطقة/المواقع التي تم تطبيق النهج فيها




Spain, Valencia

مزيد من التفاصيل حول الموقع:

Los Serranos, Utiel-Requena, Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes, Sierra de Mariola


Within the plan of preventive silviculture, 4 different pilot projects were realized. One of them was established in Ayora with a total surface of 33‘851 ha. The total surface of all 4 pilot projects amounts to 83’861 ha.

Los Serranos: 39.821158°, -1.056726°
Utiel-Requena: 39.439729°, -1.054516°
Sierra de Mariola: 38.720744°, -0.574473°
Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes: 39.080541°, -1.180005°

2.6 تواريخ بدء وإنهاء تنفيذ النهج

أشر إلى سنة البدء:


2.7 نوع النهج

  • قائم على مشروع/برنامج

2.8 الغايات/الأهداف الرئيسية للنهج

The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (analysis/mapping of historic fires to support decision-making in silvicultural issues, classification of forest systems by quality and fire risk to prioritise actions and establish local/regional plans)

Research on historic fires to support decision-making in silvicultural practices, fire risk reduction, reducing the burnt area through splitting up the forest, improvement of fire prevention and extinction measures (e.g. improvement of access for fire-fighting vehicles and protection of fire fighters), establish local/regional plans to prevent fires (through silvicultural actions), promote conservation of the forest on a large scale

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: High amount of continuous fuel due to lack of management which increases the risk of vast and devastating fires, lack of fire prevention and extinction measures, ecological and visual impact of old firebreaks.

2.9 الظروف التي تمكن أو تعيق تنفيذ التقنية/التقنيات المطبقة بموجب النهج

توفر/الوصول إلى الموارد والخدمات المالية
  • معيق

There was a lack of money to implement silvicultural measures

Treatment through the SLM Approach: The pilot project of the PSP was fully financed by the government

الإطار المؤسساتي
  • معيق

Laws on forest management existed already before the implementation of the PSP but the idea of establishing a firebreak network was not available

Treatment through the SLM Approach: With the pilot project of the PSP the firebreak network was carefully assessed and implemented

3. المشاركة وأدوار الأطراف المعنية

3.1 أصحاب المصلحة المعنيون بالنهج وأدوارهم

  • مستخدمو الأراضي المحليون/المجتمعات المحلية

Usually men are involved in the forest sector

In the execution and the maintenance of the firebreak network unemployed local people were/are included. But in the development of the PSP this was not the case.

Working in the execution and the maintenance of the firebreak networks

  • متخصصون في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي / مستشارون زراعيون

Forest services, forest agents (working for the government of Valencia)

  • الحكومة المحلية

Probably the local governments helped in the implementation of the pilot projects, e.g. provision of maps.

  • الحكومة الوطنية (المخططون، صانعو القرار)

Regional government of Valencia (Generalitat Valenciana), forest services, Forest engineers (working for the government of Valencia)

  • Politicians in collaboration with SLM specialists
3.2 انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية في المراحل المختلفة للنهج
انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية حدد من شارك وصف الأنشطة
المبادرة/التحفيز غير موجود By government of Valencia
التخطيط غير موجود By government of Valencia
التنفيذ الدعم الخارجي local people working in the execution and maintenance of the firebreak network, led by forest agents and forest engineers of the government of Valencia
الرصد/التقييم غير موجود By government of Valencia
Research غير موجود By government of Valencia

3.3 مخطط التدفق (إذا كان متاحًا)


The PSP and the pilot projects were set up by the regional government of Valencia in collaboration with the forest services. Forest engineers and forest agents are employed at the forest services and helped to design the projects. VAERSA, a public company of the Generalitat Valenciana, executed the pilot projects and was supported by forest engineers, forest agents and the local governments. Local forest workers were contracted (by VAERSA) for execution and maintenance work and controlled by forest agents.


Nina Lauterburg

3.4 اتخاذ القرار بشأن اختيار تقنية/تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

هل تم اتخاذ قرارات بشأن اختيار التقنية(التقنيات)؟:
  • Politicians in collaboration with SLM specialists

The PSP, the ZAU and the pilot projects (firebreak network) were set up by the regional government of Valencia, in collaboration with the forest services (which also include SLM specialists)

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by Politicians in collaboration with SLM specialists

4. الدعم الفني وبناء القدرات وإدارة المعرفة

4.1 بناء القدرات/التدريب

هل تم تقديم التدريب لمستخدمي الأراضي / الأطراف المعنيين الآخرين؟:


حدد من تم تدريبه:
  • مستخدمو الأراضي
شكل التدريب:
  • في العمل
المواضيع المغطاة:

Training of local people in the use of machinery in forest management (execution and maintenance of firebreaks)

4.2 خدمة استشارية

هل يملك مستخدمو الأراضي وصولا إلى خدمة استشارية؟:


حدد ما إذا كانت الخدمة الاستشارية متوفرة:
  • في مراكز دائمة

Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; The maintenance of the pilot projects is included in the PSP and is planned and executed by the government of Valencia. Already three maintenance projects followed after the execution of the pilot projects (2000-2004, 2004-2008, 2008-2012). Future funding of activities is not clear.

4.3 تعزيز المؤسسات (التطوير التنظيمي)

هل تم إنشاء أو تعزيز مؤسسات من خلال هذا النهج؟:
  • لا

4.4 الرصد والتقييم

هل يشكل الرصد والتقييم جزءا من النهج؟:



technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff, government through observations; indicators: Observations of built-up of fuel to decide when and where maintenance is required

There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: None

There were few changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: The technology is the same since the execution of the project but maintenance (e.g. clearing of firebreaks) is applied. Some more firebreaks were established where it was still required and not covered by the pilot project.

4.5 البحوث

هل كانت البحوث جزءًا من النهج؟:


حدد المواضيع:
  • الاقتصاد / التسويق
  • علم الايكولوجيا
  • تكنولوجيا
أعط تفاصيل إضافية وأشر إلى من قام بالبحوث:

analysis/mapping of historic forest fires in Valencia (1984-1994) to support decision-making in silvicultural practices, classification of the forest by quality and fire risk, research on causes of forest fires

Research was carried out both on station and on-farm

5. التمويل والدعم المادي الخارجي

5.1 الميزانية السنوية لمكون الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي في النهج المذكور

إذا لم تكن الميزانية السنوية الدقيقة معروفة، قم بالإشارة إلى نطاقها:
  • 1,000000-100،000
التعليقات (على سبيل المثال المصادر الرئيسية للتمويل/الجهات المانحة الرئيسية):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: government (government of Valencia ): 100.0%

5.2 الدعم المالي/المادي المقدم لمستخدمي الأراضي

هل حصل مستخدمو الأراضي على دعم مالي/ مادي لتنفيذ التقنية/ التقنيات؟:


إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم، حدد نوع (أنواع) الدعم والشروط والمزودين:

state (government of Valencia)

5.3 إعانات لمدخلات محددة (بما في ذلك العمالة)

  • معدات
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها إلى أي مدى حدد الإعانات
الآلات ممول بالكامل machinery for forest management
  • بنى تحتية
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها إلى أي مدى حدد الإعانات
طرق ممول بالكامل
إذا كان العمل من قبل مستخدمي الأراضي مدخلاً جوهريًا، فهل كان:
  • مدفوع نقدا

execution and maintenance of firebreak network (forest management)

5.4 الائتمان

هل تم توفير ائتمان في إطار نهج أنشطة الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:


6. تحليل الأثر والتصريحات الختامية

6.1 آثار النهج

هل ساعد النهج مستخدمي الأراضي على تنفيذ وصيانة تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
  • لا
  • نعم، قليلا
  • نعم، باعتدال
  • نعم، إلى حد كبير

Improvement of fire extinction and prevention

هل ساهم النهج في تمكين الفئات المحرومة اجتماعيا واقتصاديا؟:
  • لا
  • نعم، قليلا
  • نعم، باعتدال
  • نعم، إلى حد كبير

More jobs provided through this approach of forest management

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • لا
  • نعم، قليلا
  • نعم، باعتدال
  • نعم، إلى حد كبير

Within the PSP they carried out 4 pilot projects, and after the projects more firebreaks were established

Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
  • لا
  • نعم، قليلا
  • نعم، باعتدال
  • نعم، إلى حد كبير

Reduction of the risk of fire and the loss of land through fires. Furthermore jobs were created by this project.

Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • لا
  • نعم، قليلا
  • نعم، باعتدال
  • نعم، إلى حد كبير

More jobs provided through this approach of forest management

6.2 المحفز الرئيسي لقيام مستخدمي الأراضي بتنفيذ الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

6.3 استدامة أنشطة النهج

هل يمكن لمستخدمي الأراضي المحافظة على استدامة ما تم تنفيذه من خلال النهج (بدون دعم خارجي)؟:
  • لا
إذا كان الجواب لا أو غير متأكد، حدد ذلك وعلق عليه:

The maintenance is expensive and has to be financed by the state. Furthermore, forest services need to provide technical assistance.

6.4 نقاط قوة/مزايا النهج

نقاط القوة/ المزايا/ الفرص من وجهة نظر جامع المعلومات أو غيره من الاشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات
Before the implementation of the pilot projects of the PSP there was a lack of money and no institutional base. The pilot project allowed to establish a firebreak network (fully financed by the government of Valencia) (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: The government should sustain its investment in forest management. )
The maintenance of the firebreak network is included in the PSP. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: The government should sustain its investment in forest management.)
The firebreak network facilitates the access for fire fighters (and vehicles) and guarantees a higher security for people, thus increasing the possibility to control/slow down a fire. By arranging the territory in different parcels (firebreaks of first, second and third order) the spread of large forest fires is less probable (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: The maintenance of firebreaks is crucial. Furthermore, there must be a good coordination and organisation within the fire fighter staff in case of an emergency)
There are also firebreaks which were not established within the pilot project but due to a request of forest agents. The project was important to upscale this technology and to get people’s attention for the problem of forest fires. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Public awareness raising. )
There are both social and economic benefits for
local people. The establishment and the maintenance of firebreaks provide jobs for rural people, which allows them to increase their livelihood conditions. People do not depend on unemployment payments and are therefore more accepted in society. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: The government should sustain its investment in forest management and include the local population)

6.5 نقاط الضعف/ العيوب في المنهج وطرق التغلب عليها

نقاط الضعف/ المساوىء/ المخاطر من وجهة نظر جامع المعلومات أو غيره من الاشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات كيف يمكن التغلب عليها؟
Firebreaks do mainly work in fire extinction and less in fire prevention Investigation of other management practices and approaches. An integrative way of forest management could be the clearing of fire-prone species and the planting of more fire-resistant species as suggested by CEAM.
Little involvement of the local population. The
projects were designed by the government without including local land users
Include local land users in the planning of forest management. Work in a transdisciplinary way.
Land users cannot continue the SLM approach/ technology on their own. The maintenance is expensive and has to be financed by the state. Once the government will not continue paying the maintenance of the firebreaks the technology will probably not be managed anymore. Furthermore, forest services need to provide technical assistance The government should sustain its investment in forest management. More trainings could be provided to local land users by the government of Valencia

7. المراجع والروابط

7.1 طرق جمع/مصادر المعلومات

  • زيارات ميدانية، مسوحات ميدانية
  • مقابلات مع المتخصصين/الخبراء في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

7.2 المراجع للمنشورات المتاحة

العنوان، المؤلف، السنة، النظام القياسي الدولي لترقيم الكتب ISBN:

Plan de selvicultura preventiva, laws, fire prevention plans, ...

متاح من أين؟كم التكلفة؟:

Conselleria de infraestructura, territorio y medio ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana www.cma.gva.es and http://www.112cv.com/prevencion/guatlla30/web-2520exportar/indice.aspx@nodo=206&idioma=c.htm

الروابط والوحدات المواضيعية

توسيع الكل طي الكل

الوحدات المواضيعية