Vetiver grass Hedgerows Pineapple hedgerows Agroforestry [Fiji]

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Reporting Entity: Fiji

Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: No

Completeness: 94%

General Information

General Information

Title of best practice:

Vetiver grass Hedgerows
Pineapple hedgerows



Reporting Entity:


Property Rights

Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights:



Prevailing land use in the specified location

  • Cropland
  • Grazing land
  • Woodland
  • Uproductive land
  • Human settlement

Contribution to Desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) measures

  • Prevention
  • Mitigation
  • Adaptation
  • Rehabilitation

Contribution to the strategic objectives

  • To improve the living conditions of affected populations
  • To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems
  • To generate global benefits through effective implementation of the Convention

Linkages with the other best practice themes

  • Capacity-building and awareness-raising
  • DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research
  • Knowledge management and decision support
  • Policy, legislative and institutional framework
  • Funding and resource mobilization
  • Participation, collaboration and networking


Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Short description of the best practice

Vetiver grass and pineapple hedgerows planted across the slope.  Agroforestry nitrogen fixing trees (calliandra, erythrina, sesbenia)as hedges on slopes|


Lomati, Eastern div|

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares:


Estimated population living in the location:


Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location.

Strong dry season- 1000-2000mm annual rainfall (26 degree celcius)
High rainfall areas >2500mm (25degree celcius)
Very weak dry season-moderate rainfall 2000mm
coastal tropical maritime climate
Moderate dry season >2000mm rainfall (19 degree celcius)
moderate to extremely steep
Nigrescent soils
Humic latosols
strongly leached latosols
Red yellow podzolic and ferruginous latosols

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby

Minimum FJD2500 per annum
Native owned land
sale of crops, vegetables and yaqona (piper  methysticum)|

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as 'best'?

Vetiver grass hedgerows as best with mimimum soil erosion of less than 1ha per year compared to pineapple hedgerows

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

Main problems addressed by the best practice

Minimise soil and water loss/erosion and improve soil fertility
Poverty alleviation
Promote healthy lifestyle from locally grown products
Promote participatory land use planning
Increased awareness on SLM and availability of information
Mainstreaming of SLM in sectoral plans

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice

Minimise soil and water loss/erosion and improve soil fertility

Specify the objectives of the best practice

To minimise land degradation and improve rural livelihoods

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective

To promote sustainable land and water utilization and management practices at community and village levels.
To encourage land owners and lessees/users to act positively in the management of our land and soil resources.
To mainstream land degradation and SLM into sectoral developmet plans
To provide quality and timely advisory and technical services on land degradation.

Short description and technical specifications of the technology

Agroforestry- integration of nitrogen fixing trees and fruit trees into farming systems to improve soil fertility
Contour cultivation-Reduce soil and water loss from sloping lands
Hedgerows cultivation (vetiver grass strips and pineapple rows)- Reduce soil and water loss from sloping lands
Geographic information system- To improve inforamtion dissemination and planning decision on SLM
Vetiver grass and pineapple hedgerows spacing based on slope
Agroforestry and fruit trees are randomly planted on farms

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology

Department of Agriculture|Ministry of Primary Industries

Was the technology developed in partnership?


List the partners:

IBSRAM-Internation Board for SOil Research and Management
PRAP-Pacific Regional Agriculture Programme
SCEP-Soil Crop aand Evaluation Project
Foretsry Department, Fiji
Fiji Sugar Research Institute|

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted

  • National initiative – government-led
  • International initiative
  • Programme/project-based initiative
  • Other (please specify)

Regional intitiative

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology?


List local stakeholders involved:

Rural communities and landowners

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any.

International oraganisation and Fiji Sugar Research Institute -Conducted reserch to assist in the design of the technology
Department of Agriculture- Plan, design, introduction and maintenance of the etchnology
Rural communities and landowners-Participate in the promotion of the technology
Native Land Trust Board and Lands Department Fiji- Provision of good land husbandry practices

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology?


By means of what?
  • Participatory approaches


Section 5. Contribution to impact

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category)

Funding - increase and interest in adoption
Paticipation, collaboration and networking - wider implementation support|
SLM TECHNOLOGIES - reduce erosion
CAPACITY BUILDING - appreciation and willingnes to adopt
Knowledge management - better planning and management

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts

Damage to the reefs and coastal marine areas leading to loss of fishing grounds
Frequent flooding during minor rainfall events due to the siltation of rivers, creeks, drains and other watercourses |

Impact on biodiversity and climate change

Explain the reasons:

Increased clearing of uplands for farming leading to the reduction of natural forest cover and loss of habitats of threatened or extinct species. Loss of land cover leads to rises in temperature and drought which affect the livelihoods of communities. Soil erosion leads to loss of soil fertility and forest regeneration almost stops while grasses and weeds takeover leading to desertification.   

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out?

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out?


Section 6. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations?

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations?



Awareness, trainings and demonstration farms are being set up in almost all the provinces in Fiji and the effort to go down to the district level continues|Regional organisations (SPC/GTZ) have promoted this technology for sloping land cultivation in other Pacific islads in the region

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided?

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided?


Specify which type of incentives:
  • Policy or regulatory incentives (for example, related to market requirements and regulations, import/export, foreign investment, research & development support, etc)
  • Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc)

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology?

Increasing awareness increased the knowledge and understanding of SLM and thus the appreciation by rural communities of the need for tackling land degradation
Improved soil and water conservation led to increase in crop production and the sales brought in much needed income into the rural families.
Participatory approaches to land use planning was better appreciated by communal land owning units where everyone was consulted.
Increasing awareness increased the knowledge and understanding of SLM and thus the appreciation by rural communities of the need for tackling land degradation
Participatory approaches to land use planning was better appreciated by communal land owning units where everyone was consulted.
Improved soil and water conservation led to increase in crop production and the sales brought in much needed income into the rural families.


In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere?


At which level?
  • Local
  • Sub-national
  • National
  • Subregional
  • Regional
  • International

Section 7. Lessons learned

Related to human resources

Better results were achieved where communities allowed to organise the activities in their existing social structures but regular extension visits for advisory support was needed

Related to financial aspects

In-kind support to the implementation of activities best ensures the utilization of resources in the rightful place

Related to technical aspects

Technology needs to incorporate income generation as its benefits the land user and compenstes for his additional man/hours spent otherwise its adoption rate is negligible.

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