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Budget for Pasture Management

Budget for Pasture Management [Kyrgyzstan]

The budget for pasture management constitutes a necessary amount of funds for the implementation of pasture management activities planned for the year. These activities include the seasonal monitoring of pasture areas, the development of the grazing plan and monitoring of its implementation, activities to restore pasture infrastructure, measures to improve …

  • Compiler: Azamat Isakov
Joint pasture management

Joint pasture management [Kyrgyzstan]

The aim of this approach is the joint management of pastures t by considering opinions of pasture users with the view of prevention and mitigation of pasture degradation and an improvement in the living conditions of local communities (in the frame of CACILM).

  • Compiler: Azamat Isakov
Joint pasture use planning

Joint pasture use planning [Kyrgyzstan]

The joint pasture use planning is the involvement of all stakeholders in the process of a balanced distribution of livestock, according to pasture capacities and seasonality of their use (in the frame of CACILM).

  • Compiler: Azamat Isakov
Joint Wildlife Management in the mountain ecosystem of the Naryn region in Kyrgyzstan

Joint Wildlife Management in the mountain ecosystem of … [Kyrgyzstan]

Joint Wildlife Management based on economic empowerment and assigning hunting (wildlife) grounds to the Association of local hunters and providing her with user rights for game resources leads to a sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity and wildlife conservation (in the frame of CACILM).

  • Compiler: Nazgul Esengulova
Применение севооборота сельскохозяйственных культур в условиях фермерского хозяйства

Применение севооборота сельскохозяйственных культур в условиях фермерского хозяйства [Kyrgyzstan]

Организация севооборотов как путь эффективного использования земель с учетом экономических интересов землевладельцев и землепользователей, а также экологических и экономических факторов.

  • Compiler: Dzhumabaeva Salamatkhan
Growing cereals by using minimum tillage (CACILM)

Growing cereals by using minimum tillage (CACILM) [Kyrgyzstan]

A minimum tillage depth of 10-12 cm by a tractor with a ploughshare creates a friable soil layer, facilitates preservation of productive moisture until the agricultural crops’ sowing, as well as eliminates the extreme soil compaction owing to the operation of heavy machinery and tractors.

  • Compiler: Abdybek Asanaliev