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Your search results (2450)

Poplar trees for bio-drainage

Poplar trees for bio-drainage [Kyrgyzstan]

Poplars planted to lower the ground water table and reduce salinity where irrigation drainage systems have broken down; lucerne cultivated between the tree lines.

  • Compiler: Abdybek Asanaliev
The ridge sowing technology (CACILM)

The ridge sowing technology (CACILM) [Kyrgyzstan]

The ridge sowing technology utilizes a special seeder, which is operated with special machinery and at the same time cuts the irrigation furrows and sows crops’ seeds on ridges. This method is primarily improved irrigation water use efficiency, reduced water erosion and more importantly lowers the expenses on irrigation water …

  • Compiler: Abdybek Asanaliev
Адаптация к отсутствию поверхностной поливной воды и изменению климата. Капельное орошение помидоров на пустынных землях Кыргызской Республики

Адаптация к отсутствию поверхностной поливной воды и изменению … [Kyrgyzstan]

В селе Чат-Булак (Родник в Ущелье) жители на своих огородах выращивают помидоры (фото 1). Фермер Муратали Пакыров при содействии НПО “Социум” попал в программу Баткенской сельской консультационной службы (СКС), которая испытывала системы капельного орошения “Непал” (Индия). Система была собрана на приусадебном участке фермера (0,12 га) на площади 0,01 га (8х12 …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
The Upland Community Disaster Risk Reduction Project

The Upland Community Disaster Risk Reduction Project [Lao People's Democratic Republic]

The disaster risk reduction project in upland communities aims to increase understanding about disaster management, disaster risk reduction, and community resilience. The main activities include emergency response during floods/droughts, reduction of impacts from disease outbreaks, livestock revolving funds, and village rice banks.

  • Compiler: Pasalath Khounsy
Rice straw mulching in vegetable home gardens

Rice straw mulching in vegetable home gardens [Lao People's Democratic Republic]

The Technique of using decomposed rice straw in household gardening is an effective soil improvement practice carried out by the local people. The decomposed rice straw helps to improve soil moisture, provides organic matters to the soil, which a cost- effective soil amendment practice, and results finally in increased crop …

  • Compiler: Bounthanom Bouahom