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Your search results (2448)

Cultivo en callejones de Madero Negro

Cultivo en callejones de Madero Negro [Nicaragua]

Establecimiento de hileras de árboles de Madero Negro en curvas a nivel a intervalos de 5 a 7 metros sembrando cultivos en los callejones entre las hileras.

  • Compiler: Mathias Gurtner
Check dams from stem cuttings

Check dams from stem cuttings [Nicaragua]

Gully rehabilitation by check dams made of stem cuttings from trees. These living barriers retard concentrated runoff and fill up the gullies gradually with sediment.

  • Compiler: Mathias Gurtner

Vermiculture [Nicaragua]

Continuous breeding of earthworms in boxes for production of high quality organic compost.

  • Compiler: Ramén Ernesto Caceres Ordonez
Terrazas individuales

Terrazas individuales [Nicaragua]

Pequeñas plataformas individuales, redondas o semi-circulares de aprox. 1 - 2 mts de diámetro trazadas a tresbolillo en cuyo centro se siembran normalmente árboles frutales.

  • Compiler: Mathias Gurtner
Community participation in large-scale land restoration for Africa’s Great Green Wall programme

Community participation in large-scale land restoration for Africa’s … [Niger]

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been using a participatory approach to implement large-scale restoration of degraded land in the Sahel. Communities have been central to the programme. In the framework of the Great Green Wall initiative, adapted and useful native tree species, shrubs, and …

  • Compiler: Vivian Onyango
‘Travail contre argent’  de la Cellule Crises Alimentaires/Cabinet du Premier Ministre

‘Travail contre argent’ de la Cellule Crises Alimentaires/Cabinet … [Niger]

L'approche 'Travail contre argent' de la Cellule Crises Alimentaires/Cabinet du Premier Ministre est une approche communautaire et participative de réalisation de mesures anti-érosives (technologies de CES/DRS - Conservation des Eaux et des Sols/Défense et Restauration des Sols - ou de gestion durable des terres) à travers des travaux HIMO (Haute …

  • Compiler: Soumaila Abdoulaye
Pastoralism in Niger: monitoring system for movements and spatial adaptation strategies of transhumant livestock keepers

Pastoralism in Niger: monitoring system for movements and … [Niger]

This approach, traditional in nature and supported by the National Mechanism for the Prevention and Management of Disasters and Food Crises (DNPGCCA), consists of a Geographical Information System, which integrates the water resources, the movement of populations, and the spatial distribution of grazing land, also in terms of the quantities …

  • Compiler: Soumaila Abdoulaye