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Your search results (2448)

Improved Well Distribution for Sustainable Pastoralism

Improved Well Distribution for Sustainable Pastoralism [Niger]

Pastoralism, as practiced in the case study area, is the traditional mode of extensive livestock husbandry, based on the movement of herds between the rich pastures in the northern pastoral zones (rainy season) and the southern areas (dry season) according to seasonal availability of water and grazing land / fodder …

  • Compiler: Soumaila Abdoulaye

Mulching [Niger]

Covering the soil with mulch protects it against wind and water erosion and provides nutrients which has a positive effect on yields and food security.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Sarclo-binage cloisonné

Sarclo-binage cloisonné [Niger]

Technique traditionnelle améliorée pour l'entretien des cultures qui consiste à sarcler tout en construisant des billons cloisonnés pour détruire les adventices et contrôler le ruissellement.

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Couloirs de passage

Couloirs de passage [Niger]

The ‘couloirs de passage’ are formally defined passageways which channel the movements of livestock herds in the agro-pastoral zones of Niger, by linking pastures, water points and coralling areas, be it within village areas (internal couloirs) or on open land (external couloirs).

  • Compiler: Lemma Ababu
Sand dune stabilisation

Sand dune stabilisation [Niger]

A combination of three measures to stabilise dunes: area closure, the use of palisades, and vegetative fixation through natural regeneration as well as planting.

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Irrigated Oasis gardens

Irrigated Oasis gardens [Niger]

Oasis gardens in Niger for crop, vegetable and fruit production are supplied with irrigation water from traditional wells.

  • Compiler: Soumaila Abdoulaye

Murets [Niger]

Les murets servent à casser la vitesse de ruissellement en favorisant l'infiltration et le dépôt de terres en amont des ouvrages sur versants dénudés à sols caillouteux.

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Zai or tassa planting pits

Zai or tassa planting pits [Niger]

Zai planting pits are designed to collect rainwater and to conserve nutrients in order to improve crop production and food security.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Planting pits and stone lines

Planting pits and stone lines [Niger]

Rehabilitation of degraded land through manured planting pits, in combination with contour stone lines. The planting pits are used for millet and sorghum production on gentle slopes.

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Nardi/Vallerani trenches

Nardi/Vallerani trenches [Niger]

Nardi/Vallerani trenches are microcatchments which are made using a special tractor-pulled plough to restore degraded and encrusted forests and rangelands

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill