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Your search results (50)

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration(FMNR)

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration(FMNR) [Ghana]

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) comprises a set of practices used by farmers to encourage the growth of native trees on agricultural land by systematically allowing regeneration and managing trees and shrubs from tree stumps, roots and seeds.

  • Compiler: Joshua Adombire
Afforestation of arable land

Afforestation of arable land [Hungary]

Afforestation is planting trees on previously non-forested land. Trees hold the soil and reduce runoff, and thus prevent erosion of the most fertile layers. It is an effective way to rehabilitate degraded lands, being a nature-based solution which addresses flood and soil erosion impacts.

  • Compiler: Brigitta Szabó
Vegetative riparian buffers

Vegetative riparian buffers [Hungary]

Vegetative riparian buffers are strips of trees, bushes and grass alongside surface water bodies such as streams or ponds. Their main function is to provide a natural buffer strip to filter out nutrient and sediment transported from agricultural fields and prevent it reaching the water bodies - as well as …

  • Compiler: Brigitta Szabó
Broadleaf Plantations, Assisted Tree Regeneration and Fodder Nurseries for Sustainable Forest Management

Broadleaf Plantations, Assisted Tree Regeneration and Fodder Nurseries … [India]

Natural assisted regeneration of broadleaved species, a small oak plantation and a fodder nursery have been established in the Nakina community forest (intervention area: 10 ha), supporting fodder tree species such as Banj Oak and Falyaat, as well as various subtropical temperate fodder grass species. This has improved the livelihood …

  • Compiler: Jaclyn Bandy
Poplar trees for bio-drainage

Poplar trees for bio-drainage [Kyrgyzstan]

Poplars planted to lower the ground water table and reduce salinity where irrigation drainage systems have broken down; lucerne cultivated between the tree lines.

  • Compiler: Abdybek Asanaliev
Reboisement Villageois Individuel (RVI)

Reboisement Villageois Individuel (RVI) [Madagascar]

Le reboisement villageois individuel est une activité de reboisement issue de la concertation commune d'un groupement des habitants d'un village avec les autorités locales pour mener à bien ce projet d'aménagement des terres. Par la suite, des activités collectives (telles que l'identification des parcelles, la mise en place des pépinières …

  • Compiler: Harifidy RAKOTO RATSIMBA
Mise en défens

Mise en défens [Madagascar]

Il y a deux types de mise en défens: (1) La mise en défens passive consiste à sanctuariser une zone que le ou les propriétaires et la population alentour acceptent de ne plus cultiver ou exploiter en favorisant la régénération naturelle du milieu tout en le protégeant des passages de …

  • Compiler: Harifidy RAKOTO RATSIMBA
Callejones de piñón con forrajes intercalados

Callejones de piñón con forrajes intercalados [Mexico]

La tecnología consiste en un sistema agrosilvopastoril con árboles de Pinus cembroides (pino piñonero) alineados een bordos ─en un terreno con suelos calizos previamente subsoleado─ conformando melgas (callejones) para con cultivos anuales para grano y forraje, con pastoreo libre eventual por períodos muy breves.

Integrated Land and Water Management

Integrated Land and Water Management [Moldova, Republic of]

Integrated land and water management was promoted in order to improve agricultural production while reducing soil loss and nutrient discharge into water bodies. Technical assistance and financial support was provided for sustainable agricultural practices, including: nutrient management, conservation agriculture, integrated cropping management, agroforestry and wetland management.

  • Compiler: Valentin Ciubotaru