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Your search results (1437)

Применение дренажных минерализированных вод  при   реабилитации  плодородия маргинализированных орошаемых земель аридных территорий

Применение дренажных минерализированных вод при реабилитации плодородия маргинализированных … [Tajikistan]

Промывка вторично сильно засолившихся орошаемых земель, дренажными водами ,с целью восстановления их плодородия , проводится в зимне–ранне-весенний период, в отсутствие пресной воды в оросительных каналах . При этом происходит более эффективное вторичное использованию сбросной дренажной воды . И сразу же после промывки, эти бывшие пустующие земли, можно использовать для выращивания …

  • Compiler: Gulniso Nekushoeva
Modified stoves to improve household energy efficiency and reduce impact on forests

Modified stoves to improve household energy efficiency and … [Tajikistan]

This energy-efficient stove was developed in close cooperation with the local blacksmith and pilot households. Its major features are a shorter burning chamber, lower height, air draft controller, enlarged burners and double circled pipes for heating water. The modified stove consumes much less firewood. It is possible to add heat …

  • Compiler: Daler Domullodzhanov
Drip irrigation for kitchen gardens in dry areas

Drip irrigation for kitchen gardens in dry areas [Tajikistan]

Promotion of low-pressure drip irrigation kits among vulnerable women-led households in dry agrolandscapes of Southern Tajikistan has helped to fight desertification, improve food security and enhance economic opportunities.

  • Compiler: Daler Domullodzhanov
Integrated stone wall and poplar tree perimeter fencing

Integrated stone wall and poplar tree perimeter fencing [Tajikistan]

Stones cleared from land within a narrow valley floor where flat land is at a premium, was used to construct a perimeter stone wall which was subsequently supplemented with a row of poplar tree to protect an agro-forestry area with small scale supplementary irrigation.

  • Compiler: Habib Kamolidinov