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Your search results (2437)

Sub-Surface Dams (SSD)

Sub-Surface Dams (SSD) [Kenya]

These are constructions stretching across the sand filled dry riverbed, down towards the impermeable floor of the riverbed. They are totally submerged into the ground. For example by fully covering after construction by sand. This are done along dry rivers with huge sand deposits, which has high yield potential and …

  • Compiler: Guyo Roba
Soil and water conservation. This assists in regeneration of pasture and prevention of desertification due to poor land use practices.

Soil and water conservation. This assists in regeneration … [Kenya]

In this new technology the Maasai people set aside some acres of land, fence it and plant grass where the land is bear or allow natural standing grass to germinate then harvest it and store as hay for future use. This also helps in preventing soil erosion and surface run …

  • Compiler: SAIKO JOYCE
Il Ngwesi Group Ranch Grazing with Holistic Management Principles

Il Ngwesi Group Ranch Grazing with Holistic Management … [Kenya]

A group ranch belonging to the Masai (traditionally, nomad pastoralists) has applied "Holistic Management" grazing principles. The principles consist of separate, planned grazing in villages during the rains, then “bunching” and moving of all animals in herds during the dry season. Denuded land is recovered by a "Boma” technology: i.e. …

  • Compiler: Michael Herger
Rangeland Restoration by cutting invasive species and grass reseeding and managing grazing

Rangeland Restoration by cutting invasive species and grass … [Kenya]

This 'Rangeland Restoration' technology is part of a 'Holistic Rangeland Management' approach. It involves clearing of invasive vegetation (predominantly Acacia reficiens) and reseeding with grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) and allowing resting and reduced grazing pressure to rehabilitate degraded communal grazing land.

  • Compiler: Harry Wells
Borana Ranch Grazing with Holistic Management Principles

Borana Ranch Grazing with Holistic Management Principles [Kenya]

Borana is a private ranch which combines livestock production with conservation and tourism. "Holistic Management" is applied as a principle for livestock on semi-arid lands with limited water resources. Grazing comprises “bunching” and rotational movement of all animals in herds.

  • Compiler: Michael Herger
Lolldaiga Hills Ranch: Rotational Grazing and Boma-Based Land Reclamation

Lolldaiga Hills Ranch: Rotational Grazing and Boma-Based Land … [Kenya]

Lolldaiga Hills ranch is a private ranch and conservancy with livestock production and tourism. Rotational grazing is used to manage livestock on semi-arid lands with limited water resources. Bare land is recovered by a "Boma” technology – strategic corralling of animals overnight on degraded land.

  • Compiler: Michael Herger
Index Based Livestock Insurance

Index Based Livestock Insurance [Kenya]

Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) is a product that was designed to help protect pastoralists and their livestock against the effects of prolonged forage scarcity. IBLI triggers payment to pastoralists when the forage situation deteriorates to levels considered to be severe, as compared to historical conditions over time.

  • Compiler: Duncan Collins Khalai
Dedha grazing system as a natural resource management technology

Dedha grazing system as a natural resource management … [Kenya]

The Dedha grazing system is an ancient, traditional governance system for land and its resources practiced by Boran pastoralists. It carefully balances how pastoralists use rangeland resources. The basis of the technology is three grazing rangeland governance zones: wet season grazing, dry season grazing, and drought reserves. There is also …

  • Compiler: IBRAHIM JARSO