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Your search results (2437)

In-field rain water harvesting

In-field rain water harvesting [Lesotho]

The infiltration pits are constructed on bare lands with the aim to enhance re-vegetation of plant species. The pits help to reduce soil erosion/land degradation as water is now able to infiltrate through the pits because they are constructed in succession. It also improves land productivity and cover as well …

  • Compiler: Matoka Moshoeshoe
Gully head structure

Gully head structure [Lesotho]

The aim of the gully head structure is to help stabilise the gully and prevent/control the gully from expanding further in length due to erosion. In Lesotho, this is constructed using stones.

  • Compiler: Matoka Moshoeshoe
Integrated Watershed/Catchment Management

Integrated Watershed/Catchment Management [Lesotho]

It involves participation of all stakeholders found within the area. It encompases training of different levels of stakeholders and community participation. It necessitates biological activities such as grass planting etc and physical activities such as construction of stone terraces, silt-traps etc|

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
تحسين وتطوير بناء التربة وحماية الاراضي الزراعية والمنشاءات والطرق من زحف الرمال وحمليتها من الانجراف المائي  وحصاد المياه
(التشجير - ثبيت الرمال بالمخلفات النباتية - والاحزمة الوقائية - وحصاد المياه - تسييج وحماية المراعي وتطبيق  الدورة الرعوية .

تحسين وتطوير بناء التربة وحماية الاراضي الزراعية والمنشاءات … [Libya]

اتباع السياسات الزراعية الهادفة الى الاخد بنهج التنمية المستدامة عند تنفيذ المشروعات مع مراعاة الاثر البيئ عند تخطيط وإقامة المشروعات التشجير وإعادة التشجير وثبيت الرمال وحصاد المياه و تعزيز الوعي البيئ لذى السكان لادراك مخاطر ظاهرة التصحر و امكانية تطبيق القوانين والتشريعات وحصاد المياه

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Wetland in the Stabė River

Wetland in the Stabė River [Lithuania]

The installation of this wetland contributes to reducing the ecological debt to nature by restoring natural complexes, reaching a balance between environmental and economic interests, and promoting sustainable farming conditions in one of the most important and valuable natural areas of central Lithuania.

  • Compiler: Jovita Mėžinė
Shallow rotary tillage with microbial digestion

Shallow rotary tillage with microbial digestion [Luxembourg]

Shallow rotary tillage with microbial digestion is a technique that is used to destroy cover crops and to manage stubble. The plant material is broken down to small pieces and incorporated into the surface layer of the soil. During the process bacteria and microbes are added to break down the …

  • Compiler: Alan Radbourne