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Your search results (1442)

Recharge well

Recharge well [Tunisia]

A recharge well comprises a drilled hole, up to 30-40 m deep that reaches the water table, and a surrounding filter used to allow the direct injection of floodwater into the aquifer.

  • Compiler: Mongi Ben Zaied
Traditional Cisterns

Traditional Cisterns [Türkiye]

Cisterns are water collection structures which form part of a cultural heritage dating back some 2000 years. While cisterns are commonly used to store drinking water, in the sloping fields of Tarsus they serve as a form of water insurance structure for orchards during dry periods.

  • Compiler: Erhan Akca
Fodder Crop Production

Fodder Crop Production [Türkiye]

Production of fodder crops every year both for feeding livestock and increasing soil fertility.

  • Compiler: Faruk Ocakoglu
Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation [Türkiye]

Drip irrigation is a method designed for minimum use of water and labour for the optimum irrigation of plants in arid and semi-arid regions.

  • Compiler: Faruk Ocakoglu
Woven Wood Fences

Woven Wood Fences [Türkiye]

Wooden fences are an effective and relatively cheap way of conserving soil from water erosion by decreasing overland flow. They also increase crop yield by encouraging better infiltration.

  • Compiler: Faruk Ocakoglu
Strip farming

Strip farming [Türkiye]

Strip farming is a kind of an agriculture method that cereals are sowed as strips which are 50 m witdh (strip-fallow-strip). Strips are perpendicular to wind direction in dropugth areas.

  • Compiler: Mehmet Zengin
Rotational Grazing

Rotational Grazing [Türkiye]

Allowing livestocks to graze in pasturelands in a periodic and regular manner.

  • Compiler: Mehmet Zengin