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Your search results (2437)

Top down approach

Top down approach [Rwanda]

This is a top down approach to technology development and dissemination with limited involvement of intended beneficiaries.

  • Compiler: Desire Kagabo
Participatory approach

Participatory approach [Rwanda]

This approach is a contribution of different stakeholders and land users in the identification and resolution of a particular crop land problems, which implicate at the end different stage of intervention by all stakeholders to resolve the problem.

  • Compiler: Desire Kagabo
Trenches combined with living hedges or grass lines

Trenches combined with living hedges or grass lines [Rwanda]

Trenches combined with living hedges or grass lines are slow-forming terraces to control soil erosion by changing the length of the slope and progressively reducing the slope gradient; he slope steepness decreases progressively by hydric and tillage erosion.

  • Compiler: Desire Kagabo
Lining geomembrane plastics for water harvesting and storage

Lining geomembrane plastics for water harvesting and storage [Rwanda]

Lining geomembrane plastic for water harvesting and storage is a rainwater harvesting technique used by land users to collect rain water or runoff from a concave watershed to a common well-structured plastic-lined pond for agricultural, domestic and other use.

  • Compiler: Iwona Piechowiak
Radical Terraces

Radical Terraces [Rwanda]

Locally referred to as ‘radical terracing’, the method involves earth moving operations that create reverse-slope bench terraces which have properly shaped risers stabilized with grass or trees on embankment to avoid collapse.

  • Compiler: Desire Kagabo
Banana manure pits and mulching

Banana manure pits and mulching [Rwanda]

Banana planted in a regularly spaced manured pits and in combination with grass and banana mulch application to enhance soil fertility and moisture and improve crop production.

  • Compiler: Desire Kagabo
Aménagement des terrasses radicales

Aménagement des terrasses radicales [Rwanda]

Les terrasses radicales constituent l'une des formes de lutte contre l'érosion communément utilisée au Rwanda particulièrement sur les pentes raides surpeuplées et cultivees. La construction des terrasses radicales consiste d'abord à délimiter la zone à terrasser,puis à enlever la couche humifère pour la mettre de côté,ensuite creuser pour constituer des …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS