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Your search results (2437)

Creating Municipal Risk Management Units (UGR) with a participative approach

Creating Municipal Risk Management Units (UGR) with a … [Bolivia, Plurinational State of]

This is the result of an interinstitutional cooperation carried out thanks to the commitment of many stakeholders at different decision-making levels in order to manage disaster risks. UGRs (Risk Management Units) are created to institutionalize risk and their creation is supported by participative action, which ensures their sustainability and resilience

  • Compiler: Oscar Paz
Comprehensive Agrarian Risk Management (GRAI, acronym in Spanish for Gestión del Riesgo Agrícola Integral)

Comprehensive Agrarian Risk Management (GRAI, acronym in Spanish … [Bolivia, Plurinational State of]

The purpose of the approach is to address disaster risks and climate extremes with Comprehensive Agrarian Risk Managment (GRAI, acronym in Spanish, for Gestión del Riesgo Agrícola Integral), tailored to the needs of small rural producers and including measures for prevention, mitigation, preparation and risk transference to create resilience to …

  • Compiler: Marco Loma
Enriquecimiento de sistemas agroforestales tradicionales de familias Guarayas

Enriquecimiento de sistemas agroforestales tradicionales de familias Guarayas [Bolivia, Plurinational State of]

Este enfoque coadyuva al fortalecimiento de manejo integral y sostentible de los bosques y la madre tierra, que es acorde al enfoque del mecanismo conjunto de mitigacion y adaptación, que promueve el manejo integral y sostentible, en este caso promoviendo los sistemas agroforestales, para diversificar su dieta alimentaría con productos …

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Dynamic agroforestry systems

Dynamic agroforestry systems [Bolivia, Plurinational State of]

Dynamic agroforestry systems are highly diversified farming systems which go through the different phases of the natural succession, from pioneer plant dominated stages up to primary trees dominated stages, were the different strata are used for different crops, and where pruning and selective weeding enhances the dynamic development of plant …

  • Compiler: Johanna Jacobi