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Your search results (548)

Improved access to remote summer pasture - through infrastructure development

Improved access to remote summer pasture - through … [Tajikistan]

In the mountainous conditions of Tajikistan the main source of fodder for livestock is accumulated in remote pastures, which are located high in the mountains and are classified as summer pastures. Improving access with building infrastructure (roads and bridges) to these remote pastures as a main source of fodder for …

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Cluster Level Pasture User Union

Cluster Level Pasture User Union [Tajikistan]

Pasture User Unions (PUUs) at cluster level is consolidating several communities to jointly plan and implement pasture and livestock management related interventions. This approach is supporting to cover big area of pasture lands, which is used by several communities and do not have physical boundaries to define. Therefore joint planning …

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Resilient Watershed Management Plan

Resilient Watershed Management Plan [Tajikistan]

The participatory watershed management plan (WMP) is an interdisciplinary approach at community level to raise awareness on the watershed management concept and improve understanding of the watershed approach in planning and management of natural resource.

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Pasture Calendar

Pasture Calendar [Tajikistan]

Pasture calendar services the PUU as part of the implementation of the plan with a specific timeframe and activities. It helps communities in designing intervention with regard to the need of agreed activities in the calendar.

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Pasture and Livestock Management Plan

Pasture and Livestock Management Plan [Tajikistan]

"Pasture and Livestock Management Plan" is a participatory approach which is guiding pasture users, members of Pasture User Unions and Pasture User Groups to develop their action plan on pasture and livestock management. The approach brings together stakeholders, who are involved at any stage in pasture management or can contribute …

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Pasture inclination used for developing grazing plan

Pasture inclination used for developing grazing plan [Tajikistan]

In this approach the inclination of pasture land and its effect on the spread of sun and shadow is used to identify different periods for grazing. This simple approach will raise awareness and provides biological aspects in pasture management. In this approach the vegetation cover of the pasture is linked …

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Rehabilitation of Pasture Land through fencing

Rehabilitation of Pasture Land through fencing [Tajikistan]

The approach demonstrates the effect and importance of rotational grazing by fencing certain areas of land in pasture areas as well as it demonstrates the rehabilitation process in comparison to the open space which is overgrazed. The approach involves mobilizing communities to observe the rehabilitation process by not grasing in …

  • Compiler: Askarsho Zevarshoev
Pasture User Union

Pasture User Union [Tajikistan]

Livestock holders at village level join a pasture user union to access different rights provided under the national law "About pastures" passed in 2013. Among others, the Paster User Unions (PUUs) are able to obtain onwership of a communal collective pasture land, have the right to collect fees to improve …

  • Compiler: Boris Orlowsky
The work of public bakery where local inhabitant are jointly baking bread, by using less firewood, which is not enough

The work of public bakery where local inhabitant … [Tajikistan]

Thanks to a joint baking of a bread in public bakery by local residents, there is no need now to use a large amount of firewood, which leads to a reduction in felling of mountain forests around the village and in the leshoz area

  • Compiler: Gulniso Nekushoeva