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Your search results (105)

Focus Group Discussion

Focus Group Discussion [Lesotho]

This focus group discussion was composed of 15-20 participants: community elders, youth, (males and females as informed by local beliefs and norms), retired government officials.The aim of community focus group discussion was to find land users’perception and behaviour on land uses and SLM. It was organised by Ministry of Forestry, …

  • Compiler: Matoka Moshoeshoe
Brush Layering

Brush Layering [Lesotho]

The technology requires removal of invaders as resources for layering. The technology enhances accumulation of silt and moisture storage in dry-lands due to increased organic matter content in the soil from the brush.

  • Compiler: Matoka Moshoeshoe
In-field rain water harvesting

In-field rain water harvesting [Lesotho]

The infiltration pits are constructed on bare lands with the aim to enhance re-vegetation of plant species. The pits help to reduce soil erosion/land degradation as water is now able to infiltrate through the pits because they are constructed in succession. It also improves land productivity and cover as well …

  • Compiler: Matoka Moshoeshoe
Gully head structure

Gully head structure [Lesotho]

The aim of the gully head structure is to help stabilise the gully and prevent/control the gully from expanding further in length due to erosion. In Lesotho, this is constructed using stones.

  • Compiler: Matoka Moshoeshoe
Conservation agriculture to restore abandoned cropland

Conservation agriculture to restore abandoned cropland [Mongolia]

This technology aimed to restore abandoned cropland which was used for crop and fodder production during the 1970s-1980s. Since 2016, the farmer applied conservation agriculture and mixed cropping to reduce land degradation, revive cropping practices, increase land productivity for agriculture and enhance soil health.

  • Compiler: Otgontsetseg Davaanyam
Атаршсан газрыг сэргээж эргэлтэд оруулах хөрс хамгааллын газар тариалан

Атаршсан газрыг сэргээж эргэлтэд оруулах хөрс хамгааллын газар … [Mongolia]

Энэхүү технологи нь 1970-1980-аад оны үед өмнө нь газар тариалан, тэжээлийн үйлдвэрлэлд ашиглагдаж байгаад орхигдсон тариалангийн талбайг сэргээхэд чиглэсэн юм. Энэ газарт 2014 оноос газрын доройтлыг бууруулах, хөрсний үржил шимийг сайжруулах, газар тариалангийн үйл ажиллагааг сэргээх, тариалангийн газрын бүтээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэх зорилгоор хамгааллын газар тариалангийн нэг арга болох холимог тариаланг эрхэлж …

  • Compiler: Otgontsetseg Davaanyam
Collecte Eau Pluviale

Collecte Eau Pluviale [Morocco]

La CEP permet de mobiliser l'eau et la rendre disponible pour les villageaois dans une zone semi-aride pour les usages doemstiques et élevage.

  • Compiler: Mohamed Sabir

Terrasse [Morocco]

La terrasse correspond à une cassure de la pente du versant par la construction de murets, tallus ou de gradins. Elle permet de recueillir et infiltrer les eaux de pluie et par conséquent réduire le ruissellement et l'érosion des sols et améliorer le bilan hydrique du sol.

  • Compiler: Mohamed Sabir